For an introduction to the Python node, see the Python node help page.
This section aims to help advanced users configure the Python node, including how to configure the Python2Implementation property and advice on Getting node properties.
Related topics:
- Handling Python node inputs and outputs
- Logging and handling Python errors
- Python node process flow
- Python node recommendations
Python2Implementation property
The following image highlights the different pieces of functionality within the code of the Python2Implementation property:
(1) imports section. Add code here if you require further imports for additional libraries.
(2) Node process flow, see Initialize.
(3) Logging to the node log, see Logging and handling Python errors.
(4) Getting node properties from Run Time Property Names, see Using the Run Time Property Names.
(5) Getting node properties via textual substitution, see Textual substitution of properties.
(6) Handling node inputs, see Handling node input.
(7) Handling node output, see Setting output metadata.
(8) Node process flow, see Finalize.
(9) Node process flow, see Pump.
(10) Handling node input, see Reading records.
(11) Handling node output, see Writing records.