Evaluates to the logical-and of the parameters. If any parameter is null, evaluates to false.
Used in the following format, where bool-expr1
and bool-expr2
must be Booleans:
{bool-expr1} and {bool-expr2}
The return value type is a Boolean.
true and (1 = 1.0) # value: true
(5 < 3) and true and true # value: false
Converts the parameter to a boolean. Errors if not convertible. All boolean, integer, long integer, and double values are convertible. All non-zero numeric values evaluate to true. String values are convertible if formatted correctly. No other types are convertible. The following string values are accepted (case insensitive): true, t, yes, y, 1, false, f, no, n, 0. If the parameter is null, evaluates to null.
Used in the following format, where input
may be any value that is convertible to boolean:
The return value type is a Boolean.
bool(long(3)) # value: true
long(3).bool() # value: true
bool(0.0) # value: false
bool(long(0)) # value: false
long(0).bool() # value: true
bool(true) # value: true
bool(2.71828) # value: true
bool("1") # value: true
bool("5") # ERROR
bool("false") # value: false
bool("N") # value: false
bool(date(2004, 3, 11)) # ERROR
date(2004, 3, 11).bool()# ERROR
bool(time(8, 52, 4)) # ERROR
time(8, 52, 4).bool() # ERROR
Evaluates to the logical-not of the parameter. If the parameter is null, evaluates to null.
Used in the following format, where bool-expr
must be boolean:
The return value type is a Boolean.
not(true) # value: false
not(2<5) # value: false
not(false) # value: true
not(2>5) # value: true
not(1) # ERROR
Evaluates to the logical-or of the parameters. If any parameter is null, evaluates to false.
Used in the following format, where
and bool-expr2
must be Booleans:
{bool-expr1} or {bool-expr2}
The return value type is a Boolean.
true or (1 <= 1.0) # value: true
(5 < 3) or true or false # value: true
(5 < 3) or (5 <= 3) or false # value: false