Output Static - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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Writes raw data manually entered by the user to a plain text output file.

This node takes the contents of the StaticData text property, and writes out a file in a user specified directory, with that content as a plain text file. The directory is an absolute pathname and a valid directory name. The node must have permission to create the directory if necessary, and have permission to save files in the directory.

The node will output the full pathname of the saved file in the output field that can be configured by the optional property FilenameFieldName, which defaults to "_Filename".



Specify the text that will be written, as is, with no interpretation, out to the file that will be created.

A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the file that stores the output data e.g. C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Output_Static.txt.

The filename can be an absolute path or relative path to the file. If blank, the node will automatically generate a filename whose file path is relative. If the file path is relative, the property Directory will be used as the base.

If the destination directory does not exist, the behavior is governed by the MissingDirectoryBehavior property.

The generated filename will have the extension ".tmp". The node does not check for correctness of the user-provided filename, or whether the file extension matches the Mime type of the output data.

Choose the (from Field) variant of this property to look up the value from an input field with the name specified.

Example absolute path pathnames:

  • Windows: C:\\temp\\Data360Analyze.png
  • Windows: C:/temp/Data360Analyze.png
  • Linux: /tmp/Data360Analyze.png

Example relative path filenames:

  • Windows: Data360Analyze.png
  • Linux: com/Data360Analyze/Data360Analyze.png
Note: If you are using the server edition, the output file will be created on the Data360 Analyze server. If you wish to open the file, and you don't have access to the file system on the server, you will need to download the file onto your local machine. See Download data files for more details.


Optionally specify the directory where the generated file will reside. The directory must be an absolute pathname. If the directory does not exist, the node may create it, depending on the value of the property MissingDirectoryBehavior.

If not specified, the default directory will be under the server configured temp directory, {{%ls.brain.node.tempdir%}}/<user_name>/<graph_name>/<run_name>/Output Raw

Examples of an absolute directory:

  • Windows: C:\\temp
  • Windows: C:/temp/Data360Analyze
  • Linux: /tmp


Optionally specify the output field name which contains full path and file name of each file written to disk.

The type of the field will default to Unicode. This will provide support in the off-chance that someone has put non-ASCII characters into the Directory property.

The default value is "_Filename".


Optionally specify how the node should handle situations in which the directory for the output file does not exist. Choose from:

  • Error - The node will throw an error and stop processing.
  • Log - The node logs that the situation occurs but allows the node to continue processing. Neither output file nor output record is produced.
  • Ignore - The erroneous situation will be ignored, and the node keeps on processing. Neither output file nor output record is produced.
  • Create - The node will create the missing directories if possible, and erroring if unable to create them.

The default value is Error.


Optionally specify how the node should handle situations in which the output file existed. Choose from:

  • Error - The node will throw an error and stop processing.
  • Append - The node will append the contents to the existing file.
  • Overwrite - The node will overwrite the existing file with new contents.

Note that the node does not validate the correctness of contents to be appended or overwritten to a file. For example, an image file may be replaced by a XML file, or binary data like Microsoft spreadsheet may be appended to an image in a file.

The default value is Error.

Inputs and outputs

Inputs: None

Outputs: FileDetails