Blocked MultiModule ASN1 File - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
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Data360 Analyze Server Help
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Like the MultiModule ASN1 File node, imports data from a file that contains data specified by multiple ASN.1 modules in separate files. This node, however specifically handles ASN.1 data that is blocked.

The files must be provided in the first input pin. If multiple data files are to be read, these must be provided in the second input pin.

The DROX must be supplied in the OutputSpec property, as the ASN.1 Converter does not produce a DROX.

The InputSpec can then simply have a field referencing the generatedType asn1.MultiModuleAsn1Records. This type will read in the supplied ASN.1 specifications in the first input pin and the field will then bind to the type produced by the ASN.1 Converter parsing the ASN.1 modules.

The InputSpec property contains an example of the most common use case where the data file simply contains a set of repeated records where each record is in the format specified by the ASN.1 modules.

Another common example is for the ASN.1 data to be blocked of (e.g.) 2kb.In this case, a similar InputSpec could be constructed as shown below:


<include library="asn1"/>

<include library="integer"/>

<include library="base"/>

<include library="binary"/>

<include library="blocked"/>

<include library="string"/>

<library name="Asn1Reader" version="">

<namespace name="asn1Reader">

<field name="block" type=".blocked.BlockedRecords{.asn1Reader.RecordBlock}">

<arg name="blockSize" value="2048"/>


<repeatRange min="1" max="unbounded">

<field name="record" type="asn1.Asn1Records">

<typeArg name="encoding" value="{{^EncodingRules=BER^}}"/>

<typeArg name="Asn1Filename" value="{{^Asn1SpecificationFilename=NULL^}}"/>

<typeArg name="Asn1Spec" value="{{^Asn1Specification=NULL^}}"/>

<typeArg name="topLevelTypeName" value="{{^TopLevelType^}}"/>

<typeArg name="defaultMaxIntegerSize" value="{{^DefaultMaxIntegerSize=-1^}}"/>

<typeArg name="octetStringsAsHexStrings" value="{{^OctetStringToHexString^}}"/>





<primaryField type="asn1Reader.File"/>


It is easy to see from this example, and the default value of the InputSpec property how more complex wrapping could be handled by simply modifying the DRIX to change the way in which the asn1.Asn1Records type is referenced.

Many ASN.1 specifications contain data represented as OCTET STRING types, where the actual encoding of these underlying types is specified in comments in the ASN.1 specification. Such comments are not machine readable, and therefore the ASN.1 converter is unable to automagically determine what the real encoding of these types should be. Therefore, all of these types are simply decoded as OCTET STRINGs. If special handling of these fields is required, the ASN.1 Converter node should instead be used to produce an initial DRIX file, which can subsequently be modified by the user to specify the correct low-level encodings of these types.

For cases where a single ASN.1 module is to be used the ASN1 Reader node should be used. In order to use this node, either paste an ASN.1 specification into the ASN1 Specification property, or specifying the name of a file containing the ASN.1 specification in the ASN1 Specification Filename field.

This version of the converter can only handle data encoding using the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER) - and by extension CER & DER.Not all of the keywords & constructs available in the ASN.1 language are supported in this version of the converter.



Specify the size of the blocks (in bytes) into which the ASN.1 data is broken up.

A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the ASN.1 Encoding Rules to use. Chose from:

  • BER
  • CER
  • DER

The default value is BER.


Specify the type within the ASN.1 specification which is the top level type. This type defines how to read the data file.

A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the name of the field in the first input pin containing the specification filenames to convert.


Click the folder icon and browse to the filename of the ASN.1 module containing the top level type.

A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the structure of the file that is to be read.

This must conform to the LDR Input Specification xsd, and is validated against the xsd.

If a DRIX file has been constructed for this data format, and stored outside the node on disk, this DRIX field will simply contain a primaryField, which references a type from a library included in an includes tag.

For example:

<drix> <include name="MySpec" minimumVersion="1"/> <primaryField name="field" type="FileType"/> </drix>

Would look for the MySpec library, with a version>=1, in the specified library.

Once found, the specification is loaded, and the FileType type in the library will be used as the primary field.

This means that the type declaration FileType must contain sufficient information to parse the input file.


Optionally click the folder icon and browse to the file that you want to import.

Use this property when you are only importing a single file.

If you use this property, do not also use the FilenameFieldExpr property.

Note: If you are using the server edition and wish to use a file on your local machine, you must first upload it to the Data360 Analyze server. See Upload data files for more details.


Optionally specify the name of the input field containing the absolute filenames to import.

Use when importing multiple files.

The data files will all be read with the same input and output specifications.

The output metadata for each of the output files must be the same (no extra fields in arrays etc).

If you use this property, do not also use the Filename property.


Optionally specify the structure of the output.

This must conform to the LDR Output Specification xsd, and is validated against the xsd.

In general, this DROX field will simply contain details of the outputs of this node, and the fields to include in these outputs.

An simple example output would be:

<drox> <output name="Output1" mapping="Mapping1"/> <mapping name="Mapping1"> <includes> <fields> <pattern pattern="file.record.#.*"/> </fields> </includes>

<excludes> <fields> <pattern pattern= "file.record.field1.*"/> </fields> </excludes> </mapping> </drox>

In this example, we are saying that we want to output all of the emittable fields lying under constructed types under the file.record field, except for all of the emittable fields under the file.record.field1 field.

When using multiple input files, it is generally recommended that the auto-generated fileId be included in each of the outputs.

A number of different properties affect how the outputs defined in the output specification are mapped to the node output pins.

In general, the name specified in the output specification must match a node output pin name for it to be written to that pin.

If, however, there is no output pin called with the same name as a DROX output, then there are a number of options:

1. If MetadataPinName is set, then the associated Metadata output pin will be used and contain the names of all outputs that are not written to a pin. a. If, in addition to this, WriteUnpinnedOutputs is set to True, then the unpinned outputs will be written to file, and referenced in the output specified by the MetadataPinName b. If, however, WriteUnpinnedOutputs is set to False, then the output is not written to file, but the output name is written to the Metadata Pin 2. If MetadataPinName is not set, then no Metadata output pin is used, and all unpinned outputs will be ignored, with no indications in the output that it has been ignored.


Optionally specify how to handle outputs which do not have associated output pins.

If a MetadataPinName is set, and WriteUnpinnedOutputs is set to True, then these outputs will be written to file and the filename referenced in the metadata output.

If a MetadataPinName is set, and WriteUnpinnedOutputs is set to False, then these outputs will be ignored, however the fact that they are ignored is noted in the metadata output.

If a MetadataPinName is not set, WriteUnpinnedOutputs has no effect.

The default value is True.


Optionally set the byte order used to read the data file. This is then the default byte order for all types in the LDR. For types where byteOrder is important, this can generally be overridden via the bigEndian property on the corresponding type. Choose from:

  • NATIVE (based on the native byte order of the machine on which the Data360 Analyze server is running)

The default value is BIG_ENDIAN.


Optionally specify the absolute path of the directories containing any referenced DRIX files. Each path entry must be on a new line.

All search paths must exist at a location on the file system where the Data360 Analyze server is located.

Example: {{nil.brain.home}}/lib/ldr/commonTypes



Optionally specifies the name of the output pin to be used for Metadata output.

Metadata contains a list of all of the different files, and file types that were read, and a list of the outputs and files that were created, and outputs that were ignored.

If this property is not set, then no Metadata output is created.


Optionally specify entries that are to be added to the classpath used by the node. Any external jars required by the node should be placed in this property. Each entry must be placed on a newline.


Optionally specify the data size to use for the decoded values for all INTEGER & ENUM types which do not have any value or size constraints. Choose from:

  • -1 - no Maximum
  • 4 - 4 Byte Maximum
  • 8 - 8 Byte Maximum

Since there is no fixed restriction on the default sizing of ASN.1 INTEGER encoding, this could be of an arbitrary length. Therefore, by default, this property should be set to -1 and BigInteger types are used to read in the data.

However, this can lead to poor performance. Therefore, if it is known in advance that all INTEGER fields will never be greater than 4 or 8 bytes, then this property can be set accordingly. Changes to this property affect the output metadata.

In the case of 4, data will be output with an "int" type. In the case of 8, data will be output with a "long" type. In the case of -1, the property BigToString must also be set to True, and the data will be output with a "String" type.

In cases using "4 Bytes" or "8 Bytes", when more than 4 or 8 bytes of encoded data are present, but the value of the data can be encoded in 4 bytes or 8 bytes respectively, there is no problem. An example of this would be a 10 byte encoding of the value 0, as 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01. This can be packed into an int, or long type with no overflow.

However, in cases where the value is too large to be encoded, then the dependant on the setting of the overflowErrorLevel property, the following will happen:

overflowErrorLevel Behaviour

IGNORE Overflow never checked. Data is simply packed into the specified number of bytes, with possibility of unreported overflow

WARNING Logs a WARNING message in the log, data is treated as BAD and will be output as null.

RECOVERABLE_ERROR Logs a RECOVERABLE_ERROR message in the log, data is treated as BAD and will be output as null.

FATAL_ERROR FATAL_ERROR thrown when overflow is encountered.


Optionally specify whether OCTET STRING types will be output as Hex Strings. If set to False, these are handled as byte arrays, and the output metadata is dependant on the property ByteArrayToBase64 in the Data Reader node using the DRIX. If set to True, then these are simple decoded using a .binary.Int8ArrayToHexString type, and output as a String value. e.g. the value 0x010203 would be output as the String "010203".


Optionally specify whether java.lang.BigInteger and java.lang.BigDecimal fields should be converted to Strings and output as such. The internal BRD formats numeric types (double, long) cannot handle numeric values greater than 8 bytes long. If these types are not converted to String, then they must be output as byte array data.

The default value is True.


Optionally specify whether or not all java Strings should be output as Unicode in the output records

The default value is False.


Optionally specify whether or not byte arrays can be output as Base64 encoded strings. When this is set to False, byte arrays cannot be output by this node.

The default value is False.


Optionally specify the name of the output to which error and warning details are sent.


Optionally specify the number of errors that can be encountered on each file, before the file is considered corrupt/not matching the specification, and processing on this file stops.

The function of the node after reaching the error threshold is dependant on the FailedOnErroredFile property.

When this property is set to -1, there is no maximum threshold, and the node can continue encountering recoverable errors until the file is read.

The threshold settings are used to determine what is classified as a recoverable error to contribute to the count, and what can be ignored.


Optionally specify the threshold for which errors contribute to the recoverable error count.

For all errors which have an ErrorLevel greater than or equal to the error threshold, the running count of recoverable errors encountered is incremented.

The default value is recoverableError.


Optionally specify the threshold for which errors are logged.

For all errors which have an ErrorLevel greater than or equal to the log threshold, a new entry will be added to the error log.

The default value is warning.


Optionally specify the error level to use when there is a *possibility* of Sign and Overflow errors occurring. Choose from:

  • ignore
  • info
  • warning
  • recoverable error
  • fatal error

When set to ignore, no sign and overflow checking is performed, therefore no sign and overflow errors will be logged.

When set to all other error levels, sign and overflow checking is performed. If there is a *possibility* of a sign or overflow error (due to for example a short argument being passed to a property expecting a byte), then the message will be logged with the specified level.

If an actual error occurs (for example where an unsigned short value of 65535 is passed to a property expecting an unsigned byte), then the SignAndOverflowErrorLevel property is used to determine how the error should be logged.

If not set, the default for this property is based on the value of the ls.brain.node.(node).mathOverflowBehavior property.

Where the following ls.brain.node.(node).mathOverflowBehavior -> signAndOverflowErrorReporting mapping is performed:

ignore -> ignore

log -> warning

error -> warning


Optionally specify the error level to use when a sign or overflow error occurs in the data. Choose from:

  • ignore
  • info
  • warning
  • recoverableError
  • fatalError

When set to ignore, no sign and overflow errors will be logged in the case of actual sign and overflow conversions. Note that the SignAndOverflowReporting property determines whether or not sign and overflow checks are performed, and how to log the *possibility* of sign and overflow errors.

Therefore, even if this property is set to fatalError, no sign and overflow errors will be logged if the SignAndOverflowReporting property is set to ignore. Further, even if this property is set to ignore, if the SignAndOverflowReporting property is set to fatalError, and there is the *possibility* of a sign or overflow error, this *possibility* will force a fatal error.

When this, and the SignAndOverflowReporting property are both set to something other than ignore, then if an actual error occurs (for example where an unsigned short value of 65535 is passed to a property expecting an unsigned byte), then this property is used to determine how the error should be logged.

If not set, the default for this property is based on the value of the ls.brain.node.(node).mathOverflowBehavior property.

Where the following ls.brain.node.(node).mathOverflowBehavior -> signAndOverflowErrorReporting mapping is performed:

ignore -> ignore

log -> warning

error -> fatalError


Optionally specify the error level with which deprecation errors will be raised.

The default value is warning.


Optionally specify the operation of the node after encountering a file which is corrupt/not matching specification.

This can happen in two cases:

1. The number of recoverable errors encountered in the file reaches the threshold set in the RecoverableErrorThreshold property.

2. A non-recoverable error is encountered in the file (file cannot be correctly scanned).

This property is ignored when we are using this node in single file mode, and the node will error after reaching the recoverable error threshold, or after encountering a non-recoverable error.

We consider single file mode any time we specify the data file through the Filename field.

If we have an input file list, and use the FilenameFieldExpr - this is considered the multi-file case, even if we have only one file specified in the input.

In the case of multiple files:

When this property is set to True, the node will error.

When this property is set to False, the file is skipped, a note written in the error output pin (if this exists), and reading progresses to the next file.


Optionally specify whether or not the LDR is to be used in debug mode.

If this is set to True, then an associated ParseOutputSpecification must be provided to inform what we are debugging.

Using the LDR in debug mode can greatly impact performance, and lead to extremely large debug parse log files being written to disk if not used correctly.

The parse trace provides an account of all of the fields that the LDR is attempting to parse, where it is successful, and where parsing fails.

The default value is False.


Optionally specify what to provide debug parse information for.

Allows for specific field investigation, investigation between specific byte locations, and can be restricted to a maximum number of records output.

Using the LDR in debug mode can greatly impact performance, and lead to extremely large debug parse log files being written to disk if not used correctly.

This parse trace specification is ignored if CreateParseTrace is not set to True.

The parse trace specification has the following structure:


Top level container of all configuration.

Must contain one (and only one) of the elements <filename> and <output>.

May contain one element <filePosition> - must occur after the <filename> or <output> element

May contain one element <maxOutput> - must occur after the <filename> or <output> element

May contain any number of <fieldRestriction> elements - must occur after the <filename> or <output> element.


Specifies a fully qualified filename to which the debug output is to be written.

Either this, or the <output> element must exist, but not both.

e.g. <filename>/home/tmp/debugOutput.brd</filename>


Specifies the name of a node output pin to which the debug output is to be written

Either this, or the <filename> element must exist, but not both.

e.g. <output>debug<output>


Specifies for which bytes of the file debug output is to be produced.

If not present, then debug information will be produced for all bytes in the file Attributes:

byteStart - Specifies the first byte in the file for which debug information is to be produced (optional, defaults to first byte in file)

byteEnd - Specifies the last bye in the file for which debug information is to be produced (optional, defaults to last byte in file)

e.g. <filePositions byteStart="1000" byteEnd="1100"/>


Specifies the maximum number of output records produced.

e.g. <maxOutput>1000</maxOutput>


Specifies for which fields debug output is to be produces.

If not present, debug output will be produced for all fields Attributes:

fieldName - The name of the field which is to be output (required)


How the fieldName attribute is to be matched against the field names in the DRIX (required).

Allowable options : "exact" - field name in DRIX must match exactly to the fieldName attribute) "contains" - field name in DRIX must contain the string in the fieldName attribute) "regex" - field name in DRIX must match the regular expression in the fieldName attribute


For each field that matches a fieldRestriction, specifies for how many nested levels of subFields under this field debug output will be produced (optional).

If not provided, all subFields under a matching field will produce debug output.

When multiple fieldRestrictions are present, output will be produced when any of the fieldRestrictions are satisfied.

Inputs and outputs

Inputs: multiple optional.

Outputs: multiple optional.