Output Delimited (Deprecated) - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
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Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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This deprecated node outputs data to a delimited text file using designated delimiters for fields and records.

This node has been deprecated and will not be supported in a future release. As an alternative, the Output CSV/Delimited node can be used to provide similar functionality.

To configure this node:

  1. In the File property, click the folder icon and browse to the file to which you want to export the data, then click Choose. To create a new file, click the folder icon and navigate to the folder where you want to output the file, then enter a name for the file in the Filename field and click Choose.
  2. Specify how the field names should be formatted in the output by selecting one of the following options from the FieldNames property:
    • None - The output does not include a header line.
    • Name - Outputs a header row of field names.
    • Name:Type - Outputs a header row that includes the field name and the data type.

    The default value is Name.

  3. In the FieldDelimiter property, specify the field delimiters. The field delimiter is the character sequence that is used to separate the fields in the file, for example:
    • \t Separates the fields by tabs (default).
    • , Separates the fields by commas.
    • | Separates the fields by pipes.
    • \\ Separates the fields by a single backslash.
  4. In the RecordDelimiter property, specify the record delimiters. The record delimiter is the character sequence that is used to separate consecutive records in the output file, for example:
    • \r\n Places each row of data into separate (multiple) rows.
    • \n Places each row of data onto a new line (default).
    • \t Separates the records by tabs.
    • \\ Separates the records by a single backslash.



Click the folder icon and browse to the file to which you want to export the data, then click Choose.

To create a new file, click the folder icon and navigate to the folder where you want to output the file, then enter a name for the file in the Filename field and click Choose.

A value is required for this property.

Note: If you are using the server edition, the output file will be created on the Data360 Analyze server. If you wish to open the file, and you don't have access to the file system on the server, you will need to download the file onto your local machine. See Download data files for more details.


Optionally specify how the field names should be formatted in the output. Choose from:
  • None - The output does not include a header line.
  • Name - Outputs a header row of field names.
  • Name:Type - Outputs a header row that includes the field name and the data type.
The default value is Name.


Optionally specify the field delimiters. The field delimiter is the character sequence that is used to separate the fields in the file.

The default value is \t, which separates the fields by tabs.


Optionally specify the record delimiters. The record delimiter is the character sequence that is used to separate consecutive records in the output file.

The default value is \n, which places each row of data onto a new line.


Optionally specify the escape character which will be used to precede literal EscapeCharacters or QuoteCharacters appearing within data fields. If no EscapeCharacter is specified, a doubled QuoteCharacter will be used to escape a literal QuoteCharacter in the data (as is done in CSV format). Unlike the delimiters, this character should not be preceded with a backslash.


Optionally specify the quote character which will be used to surround fields in the data otherwise containing RecordDelimiters, FieldDelimiters, or QuoteCharacters. Unlike the delimiters, this character should not be preceded with a backslash.

The default value is the double quote character (").


Optionally specify whether, when the quote character appears in the field, the character is doubled. If set to false, the EscapeCharacter must be defined, and it will be used instead.

The default value is True.


Optionally specify when quoting should occur. Choose from:

  • All - All fields will be quoted.
  • Minimal - Only fields that contain the delimiter or begin with the quote character will be quoted.
  • NonNumeric - All non-numeric fields will be quoted.
  • None - Use the escape character given instead of quoting (the EscapeCharacter property must be defined).

The default value is Minimal.


Optionally specify the value to be output when the field is NULL.

The default value is blank.

Inputs and outputs

Inputs: in1.

Outputs: None.