Data360 Get for Salesforce (Deprecated) - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

Product type
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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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This deprecated node queries SALESFORCE.COM objects via SOQL over the SALESFORCE.COM REST API.

This node has been deprecated and will not be supported in a future release. As an alternative, the Query for Salesforce node can be used to provide similar functionality.

The node takes in SOQL queries which can be provided as a Literal (default) value. Alternatively the queries can come from a single field on the input pin, and the node processes them one by one, as they are input.

A maximum of 2 input pins permitted.

If the Query property is set to Field then the SOQL query must exist in the first input pin.

If the Query property is set to literal and only one input pin exists then the session data may be included; however if there are 2 input pins specified then the session data must exist on the second pin.

Session data

The Data360 Get For Salesforce node, Data360 Metadata For Salesforce node and Data360 Update For Salesforce nodes output session data on the sessionData pin as provided by the SALESFORCE.COM REST API. This sessionData pin can then be connected to another instance of the Data360 For Salesforce nodes to enable the node to re-use the previously created session (to optimize performance).

If a query does not succeed, the node will fail and generate an error message. The node can fail if it cannot log into the SALESFORCE.COM server, if the SfdcVersion property is invalid or if the query is invalid.

Trusted Host operation: When the Data360 server is on a machine with an IP address that SALESFORCE.COM trusts, then the password alone can enable the user to login. However, if the server is not on a machine with a trusted IP address, then the SALESFORCE.COM Security Token should also be provided in order to log in. This token is used for all calls from this node.

This node produces two outputs: Records and sessionData.

The Records pin contains all returned records. The field names differ depending upon the query used. If a node makes multiple calls with different returned metadata, the output has the union of all field names.

The sessionData pin will contain data about the session such as the ID and URL.The ProxyUrl property can be used to provide the URL of a proxy server with any corresponding authentication details in the ProxyUsername and ProxyPassword properties. The node does not support System proxy detection, therefore if a proxy server is used to access Salesforce the ProxyUrl property must be specified.



Specify the SOQL query.

Choose the (from Field) variant of this property to look up the value from an input field with the name specified.

A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the URL of the Salesforce server hosting the Salesforce instance (e.g. The URL must be correctly formatted, or the node will fail.

The default URL is


Specify the name of the user under which to make all this node's calls.

A value is required for this property.


Specify the password to login to the SFDC server.

A value is required for this property.


When the Data360 Analyze server is on a machine with an IP address that SALESFORCE.COM trusts, then the password alone can enable the user to login.

However, if the server is not on a machine with a trusted IP address, then the SALESFORCE.COM Security Token should also be provided in order to log in. This token is used for all calls from this node.

By default, a token is not used.


Optionally specify the SALESFORCE.COM API version that is used for all calls from this node. The string provided is placed directly into the request URL as shown below:


Notice that the "v" that precedes the version number is not included in this property as it is prepended to the value in this property by the node.

The default value is 46.0.


Optionally specify the maximum period (in seconds) to wait before the connection times out. By default, a connection timeout period of 60 seconds is applied.


Optionally specify which input fields will "pass through" the node unchanged from the input to the output, assuming that the input exists. The input fields specified will appear on those output records which were produced as a result of the input fields. Choose from:

  • All - Passes through all the input data fields to the output.
  • None - Passes none of the input data fields to the output; as such, only the fields created by the node appear on the output.
  • Used - Passes through all the fields that the node used to create the output. Used fields include any input field referenced by a property, be it explicitly (i.e. via a "field1" reference) or via a field pattern (i.e. "1:foo*").
  • Unused - Passes through all the fields that the node did not use to create the output.

The default value is Used.

If a naming conflict exists between a pass-through field and an explicitly named output field, an error will occur.


Specify the URL specifying the proxy server to use for the HTTP requests. The URL should contain the protocol (http or https), the host, and the port. All other parts of the URL will be ignored.

The URL should be in a format similar to the following:

  • HTTP proxy:
  • HTTPS proxy:

The node supports automatic detection of system proxy settings. If the proxy URL is specified, the system proxy is not used.


Optionally specify the proxy username, where the proxy requires authentication.

This property should be left blank if ProxyUrl is not set.


Optionally specify the proxy password, where the proxy requires authentication.

This property should be left blank if ProxyUsername is not set.

Inputs and outputs

Inputs: 2 optional.

Outputs: Records, sessionData.