This deprecated node creates a new output field that contains a list of values for a group of records, effectively providing the inverse of Expand From List functionality.
The ItemField property, if provided, SHOULD NOT be enclosed in quotes.
If the item is not a simple field value, the ItemExpr property may be used in place of the ItemField property.
The Delimiter property should be enclosed in double-quotes if it is a constant string literal ("," ":" ";" " " etc.).
The ListField property should not be enclosed in quotes.
ItemField - contact
ListField - contact-list
Delimiter - "*"
ListInitialValue - "*"
GroupBy - 'account'
OutputExprs - emit account
PredicateExpr - 'contact' != ""
account:int contact:string
11111111 Jim
11111111 Bob
11111111 Lou
22222222 Mary
22222222 Ann
22222222 Jill
account:int contact-list:string
11111111 *Jim*Bob*Lou*
22222222 *Mary*Ann*Jill*
By default, an extra delimiter is used for list prefix and suffix to simplify searching. For instance, you may search for "*Lou*" in a list to ensure that you don't match "*Louise*".
Specify the name of the field to use as the list item.
Optionally specify the character that delimits items in the list.
The default value is "*".
Specify the expression controlling how to aggregate.
A value is required for this property.
Optionally specify the text to use as each list item.
Optionally specify the name of the new field to contain the list.
Optionally specify the value to initialize output to. It is usually the same as the delimiter, if you want all results bracketed by the delimiter on both ends of the list.
Optionally specify the expressions used to configure the output.
Optionally specify an expression which is evaluated to true/false for every record. If the PredicateExpr evaluates to true, that record's data will be included.
The default value is True, indicating that data from all records will be used.
Optionally specify whether this node will verify that the inputs are sorted according to the value of the GroupBy expression.
The default value is True.
Optionally specify whether this node will verify that the inputs are grouped according to the value of the GroupBy expression. This is more permissive then the requirement that the inputs are sorted, and may save a preceding sort, but at the slight cost of higher node memory utilization, since there is a slight memory utilization that is required to remember all values seen.
Please note that turning this property on does not turn off the VerifyInputSorted property; that needs to be disabled separately.
The default value is False.
Inputs and outputs
Inputs: in1.
Outputs: out1, multiple optional.