Import and export data flows and library nodes - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze Server Help
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Data flows and library nodes that you export from Data360 Analyze are saved as LNA files. You can Import LNA files to any Data360 Analyze installation to share the contained data flows and library nodes with other users.

Import documents

  1. From the Directory, select Import > Data Flows or Nodes.
  2. When prompted, select the LNA file that you want to Import.
  3. In the Choose Folder dialog, select the folder to which you want to Import the contents of your LNA, then click Choose.

    The data flows and library nodes stored in the LNA file will be Imported. If the Import is successful, the Imported data flows and any associated library nodes will be listed in your chosen folder in the Directory.

    If there are any errors in the document that is being Imported, an Import Issues dialog will notify you, giving you the option to continue or cancel the Import. A common reason for seeing the Import Issues dialog is if the data flows or library nodes cannot locate all of their dependencies.

    If the Import fails, an Import Failed dialog will inform you that the process has not completed successfully. An Import will most commonly fail if the version of Data360 Analyze used to export the file is more recent than the version you are running, or if you attempt to Import an unsupported file type.

    If there are any Import conflicts, i.e. you are Importing a document to a folder where there is already a document with the same name or ID, you can choose to overwrite the original document or select a different target folder for the Import, see Import conflicts.

    If you choose to overwrite a document with a document with the same ID, the Imported document will inherit any permissions previously set on the original document.

See also: Importing legacy documents

Export documents

Data flows and library nodes can be exported from the Directory in order to share them with others.

Note: When exporting a data flow with dependencies, this will include any run property sets that have been defined on the data flow. However, the export will not include any referenced run property sets (where one run property set inherits from another run property set). If exported and Imported into the same system, where the referenced run property set exists, then this reference will still work. However, when Importing into other systems where the referenced run property set does not exist, the parent run property set will need to be recreated and the data flow will need to be updated to use it.
  1. Select the items that you want to export and choose Export from the menu in the Details panel.

    You can select multiple items by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting items. Note that it is not currently possible to export a folder.

    Holding down the Shift key will select a range of items.

  2. The Export Documents dialog will appear, prompting you to choose whether to include dependencies in your export.

    Dependencies are the library nodes which are used inside your chosen data flows and library nodes, and will be required by whoever Imports your documents in order to open them in another Data360 Analyze installation. You should choose to include these dependencies, unless you know that they will be available on any Data360 Analyze installation into which your export file will be Imported.

    Your documents will be exported to a single LNAfile, which can then be Imported into another Data360 Analyze installation.

Import conflicts

An Import conflict will occur if you attempt to Import a document into a folder that already contains a document with either the same name, or the same ID. All documents in Data360 Analyze have names for easy reference, however behind-the-scenes, all items are defined by a unique ID. This means that even if you have renamed a data flow in Data360 Analyze, if you attempt to re-Import the same data flow into the same folder, the matching IDs will cause a conflict. This applies to both LNA and BRG file Imports.

If a conflict occurs during an Import, an Import Conflicts dialog will inform you and you can choose to overwrite the existing document, or Import the latest document to a new location.

In most cases, the recommended action is to Import the conflicting document to a different location to give you the opportunity to review both documents before deciding which to keep. After selecting Import to New Location, the Choose Folder dialog will appear allowing you to select an alternative target folder for the document that is being Imported. If you are sure that the document that is being Imported is the latest version, then you can choose to overwrite the existing document.

If you choose to overwrite a document with a document with the same ID, the Imported document will inherit any permissions previously set on the original document.

If the document that is being Imported contains errors and there is also an Import conflict, an Import Errors and Conflicts dialog will notify you.

Again, the recommended action is to Import the document to a new location to allow you to review the document and address any errors.