New in 3.14.0 - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
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The availability of the following new features, enhancements and corrected issues is dependent on the installed edition of the product and licensed features.

Data Repository feature

The new "Data Repository" feature allows you to manage and permission access to data on file systems through the Data360 Analyze Directory. You can upload and download data files in the Directory, ready for use in your data flows and nodes.

The data that you access could be stored in the Data360 Analyze local file system, or on a shared drive. Data files are stored in data collections in the Directory. Data collections provide a view into a location on a mounted file system, and they are the location within Data360 Analyze where you can upload, download and store data files.

For the server edition of the product, using the Data Repository in combination with permissions and execution sandboxing enables you to use Data360 Analyze as a "Shared Service", where you have a single installation that is accessible to multiple business teams. You can assign permissions to resources such as data files, data flows and nodes to ensure that each team can only access the assets that belong to them.

For Desktop deployments, access to the file system has changed with the introduction of the Data Repository feature. Previously, Data360 Analyze allowed access to the entire file system. The Data Repository feature limits access to the drive that Data360 Analyze is installed on. It is accessed through the data collection named after the drive. To access other drives it is necessary to create data connections and data collections that map to them.

Changes to node properties with the new Data Repository feature:

  • Data folder and data file property types have been added to support the ability to select files and folders within data collections. Note that these property values evaluate to a resource path, which cannot currently be resolved to a file system location in user-written Jython-based nodes (for example, Transform and Lookup) or Java nodes.
  • A property ls.lae.legacyFilenameReferenceSupport has been introduced to allow for the old filename property types to continue to work for existing installations and upgrades and allow you to select file system locations under the old share directory controlled by the ls.lae.shareRootDir property. The legacyFilenameReferenceSupport property will be on by default on desktop and upgrade, but switched off by default on a fresh server installation.

Execution sandboxing updates

When using the isolated docker execution containers, nodes can only access data that is available from within data collections that the running user has access to, and their temporary execution data location. For access to additional file system locations, including mapped drives, system administrators should configure data connections, mount points and data collections accordingly.

On Windows, if data connections are setup to locations that are not on the C:\ drive, the repositoryTargetMappings.json mappings file must be configured to allow access to the underlying data connection location from the execution containers. Previously, mapping was done using this user defined mount mappings property: ls.brain.server.docker.mounts. While that property can still be used, the targets specified in the property will be mapped into all containers.

Node audit logs

Audit log files are now created for all nodes that read or write to the file system, except nodes that have been deprecated. These audit log files are saved at: <siteDirectory>/logs/nodes/<date - CCYY-MM-DD format>/<username>/<dataFlow>/<runId>/

The node log will be referenced in the lae-audit.log in the nodeProcessed audit code. The logs are segregated by date to allow for easier archiving. The audit logs produced by nodes can be switched off by adding this line to the cust.prop file: ls.brain.node.auditNodeFileAccess=false

Database Profiler node

The Database Profiler node now supports profiling of Azure Synapse databases.

Upload Tableau node

Added a new asJob property to the Upload Tableau node. Setting this property to "True" allows the file upload to be performed asynchronously. The node will output the jobID that can be used in a subsequent node to check the upload status.

SharePoint 365 nodes

A new way of filtering has been added in the Download for SharePoint 365, List for SharePoint 365 and Delete for SharePoint 365 nodes. This allows for file or folder retrieval based on values entered in the new properties FileName and FileNameMatchingCriteria.

The file or folder that is being searched for must start with the value that is entered. All SharePoint 365 Nodes nodes now have three new output fields which allow for a connection between SharePoint 365 nodes using field properties from these output pins:

  • _SitePath
  • _DocumentLibrary
  • _Folder

The following properties are deprecated:

  • The Pattern property on the Download for SharePoint 365, List for SharePoint 365 and Delete for SharePoint 365 nodes. The FileName and FileNameMatchingCriteria properties provide similar functionality.
  • The ResourcePath property on the Download for SharePoint 365 node, and the ServerPath property on the Upload for SharePoint 365 node. The FolderPath property provides similar functionality.

  • On the Upload for SharePoint 365 node, the Input group has been replaced with two new groups, the Source group that contains LocalPath and Pattern properties and the Target group that contains FolderPath (a new property replacing ServerPath), ServerPath (deprecated and hidden), SharePointUrl, SitePath and Document Library.

Publish to DQ+ node

The previously experimental Publish to DQ+ node is now fully supported.

New Proxy and Retry connection properties have been added to the node.

ADLS nodes

The ADLS nodes have been updated to support Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. As part of this change, these nodes will no longer support Gen 1 storage accounts. The following announcement by Microsoft instructs users of Gen 1 to migrate to Gen 2:

Deprecated nodes

These superseded nodes have now been deprecated:

  • Data360 Get for Salesforce (Superseded)
  • Agg Ex (Superseded)
  • Data Converter (Superseded)
  • Filter (Superseded)
  • Net Present Value (Superseded)
  • Remove Duplicates (Superseded)
  • Sort (Superseded)
  • Split (Superseded)
  • Transform (Superseded)
  • Deep X-Ref (Superseded)
  • Join (Superseded)
  • Join Inner (Superseded)
  • Join Left (Superseded)
  • Join Left Inner (Superseded)
  • Join Right (Superseded)
  • Join Right Inner (Superseded)
  • Lookup (Superseded)
  • X-Ref (Superseded)
  • Hash Split (Superseded)
  • Data360 Metadata for Salesforce (Superseded)
  • Get Metadata (Superseded)
  • Pivot - Data To Names (Superseded)
  • Band by Deviation (Superseded)
  • Band by Strata (Superseded)
  • Data Analyzer (Superseded)
  • Duplicate Detection (Superseded)
  • Histogram (Superseded)
  • K-Means Advisor (Superseded)
  • Percent Rank (Superseded)
  • Quick Stats (Superseded)
  • Standard Deviation (Superseded)
  • Threshold Test (Superseded)
  • Time Series Forecast (Superseded)

Usability enhancements

  • Shortcut to insert bend points - To streamline the process of inserting a bend point in a data flow, you can insert a bend point on a highlighted connection by pressing and holding the Alt key while clicking anywhere on the connection line. This adds a bend point at the clicked position.
  • Define node input and output pin limits - When creating a library node, you can define limits on both input and output pins, to ensure that users of these nodes specify only valid nodes in their data flows.
  • Navigate to view error details - Clicking on a node status with an error navigates to the corresponding error detail in the Errors panel.
  • License expiry warning - If your license is due to expire, admin users will see a badge in the header bar stating that the license will expire in 30 days. The message will contain a link to the license page with the full license details and an option to apply a new license.

Error messaging improvements

You can configure the text for all unexpected error messages returned by REST APIs to be redacted for security purposes. The error codes for the errors will still be reported, but the error messages themselves will be replaced by a message indicating to check the application logs.

To enable redaction of all error messages, add this line in the <site-dir>/cust.prop file:"allText"

Restart the web application for the change to take effect. Note that by enabling this, some configuration features may be affected and require the ability to consult the application logs to diagnose issues, for example authentication configuration.

Performance improvements

Improved the performance of the user interface when using the application over an extended period of time.

Third party library updates

A number of third party libraries have been updated to take advantage of any security and feature updates, including:

  • Amazon JDK
  • Openssl 1.1.1w
  • Postgresql DB 16.2
  • H2 database 2.2.220
  • Tomcat 9.0.83
  • Added support of these operating systems: Windows Server 2022 (including Windows Server Core variant) and RedHat Enterprise 9.X 64-bit.

Breaking changes

  • The Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver shipped with the installation has been upgraded to 12.6.1. Note that the default for the 12.X drivers is to have TLS enabled. To disable TLS set the DBOptions property on the JDBC related nodes to encrypt=false. If using a self-signed certificate for SQL Server, DBOptions will need to be set to trustServerCertificate=true.

  • The MariaDB driver has been upgraded from 2.7.X to 3.3.X. There are a number of changes to the JDBC URL parameters. The 2.7.X version is still shipped with the product as it is still supported by the MariaDB project and it can be made the default version used by the Data360 Analyze installation. However, the 2.7.X version will be End Of Life in 2025, and at that point will no longer be supported by Data360 Analyze.
  • Upgraded to FTA 14.6.1. This change is not backward compatible. For Data Profiler and Database Profiler nodes, the Logical Type detection specification has changed. The "qualifier" attribute is renamed as "semanticType".

Other changes

  • The Output Tableau (Deprecated) node has been removed from the product. The newer Output Tableau and Upload Tableau nodes provide similar functionality.
  • Added a keep alive page at /html/keepalive.html which renders the text "alive" and can be used to ensure that the web application is running.
  • JDBC nodes now use Column Labels (or Titles) for the metadata. Previously they used Column Names. This is to align with the JDBC specification, which states that column labels should be used rather than column names. Note that this change was made in 3.11.0 but was not documented in the release notes at the time.

Corrected issues

Issue summary

Issue number
Fixed an issue that caused a permission denied error after selecting Search Sub-Folders when editing library paths for a data flow if you did not have access to the subfolder. LAE-30874
Fixed an issue that caused the upgrade to fail if the system was previously upgraded from 3.8.5 or earlier to 3.10.X. LAE-30692
Fixed an issue where the javaException information was missing from the node error log dialog. LAE-30460
Fixed an issue that caused the pop-out data viewer to error when you placed a node on a data flow and ran it then tried opening the pop-out data viewer before saving the data flow. LAE-31784
Fixed an issue with the node context menu where the Download Logs option was not available in read-only mode. LAE-31783
Fixed an issue where the adhoc runs clean up process sometimes stopped responding and prevented system backups from taking place. LAE-31386
Fixed an issue where cached inherited library node properties were not updated in a data flow when the properties were updated in the library node. LAE-31536
Fixed an issue where the connections between nodes were not showing in the user interface. LAE-31508
Fixed an issue that caused the run state associated with a data flow to be lost if it ran while the data flow was in an edited state then saved as a new data flow. LAE-31537
Fixed an issue with the SharePoint 365 nodes, where paged results were not all being retrieved. LAE-31539
Fixed a number of memory leaks in the application user interface. LAE-31503
The application now displays a user friendly message when you are unable to export because you do not have access to all dependencies. LAE-31535
Fixed an issue where the Node Log dialog showed spaces in the BRD path in the wrong format. LAE-31873
Fixed an issue where changes to the home directory of imported LDAP users were not being persisted. LAE-31725
Fixed an issue where property definitions for properties in a group were hidden but not deleted when the group was deleted. LAE-31384
Fixed an execution sandboxing issue where the execution containers could be brought down by the container cleanup task immediately after they were created. This was especially a problem when a schedule which brought up the container would start at the same time as the container cleanup task. LAE-31010
Fixed an issue where data flows that had been unlocked but not executed after unlocking could not be opened after upgrading to 3.12.0 or 3.12.1. LAE-30966
Fixed an issue that caused the scheduled run cleanup process to stop responding if a scheduled run was locked. LAE-30880
Fixed an issue where setting invalid IDP Metadata in the SAML SSO authentication settings returned an uninformative error message. LAE-31909
Fixed an issue that prevented you from enabling or disabling a schedule that was edited or run by another user. LAE-32007
Fixed an issue where the Excel File node could not import files with unsupported characters in the headers. LAE-32012

Fixed an issue publishing hyper files where for certain hyper files, the Upload Tableau node was not able to publish the data source due to some characters being suppressed when the file contents were being posted to the server.

Added support for SAML IDP metadata which uses KeyDescriptor tags with no "use" attribute. LAE-33286
Fixed an issue where zoom to fit was not including all composite level nodes in the calculation. LAE-32965
Fixed an issue where the right panel would move while editing a data flow. LAE-33074
Fixed an issue that prevented Data360 Analyze from importing data flows with errors using the Data360 Analyze CLI even though the "ignore errors" option was specified. LAE-33057
Fixed an issue that prevented the SAML sign out function from working correctly, where SAML SSO users remained signed in after selecting Sign Out. LAE-32767
The Execute Data Flow node now outputs the full path to the run state in the RunState field, not just the run state name. LAE-32513
Fixed an issue that prevented you from unlocking documents that were locked by another user. LAE-32585
Fixed an issue that prevented some schedules from running when the system was under very high load and lots of schedules were set to start at the same time. LAE-32492
Fixed an issue with SAML authentication where the redirect to the authentication page could be blocked if the redirect page contained inline scripts or form submission redirects. LAE-32768
Fixed an issue that prevented SAML debug logging from working correctly. LAE-33288
Fixed an issue that prevented you from opening data sets that were exported using the Export to CSV option because there was a colon in the file name. LAE-33120
Fixed an issue that prevented connection point pins from aligning horizontally. LAE-32567
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the canvas to be rendered incorrectly if one of the nodes was missing positional information. LAE-33078
Fixed an issue that prevented a data flow from being run when it was locked for edit by another user. LAE-33015
Fixed an issue where in an execution sandboxing deployment, data flows failed to execute because the default timeout settings when creating the container were set too low. LAE-32973
Fixed an issue that could cause the scheduled backup process to fail with an OutOfMemory error for Data360 Analyze instances with a very large number of historical runs. LAE-32469
Fixed an issue where nothing was displayed in the Node Log dialog if an error occurred when retrieving logs that no longer exist. LAE-32445
Fixed an issue were caches were not guaranteed to be in the correct state on restart and could have caused incorrect results and errors. Caches used for compilation and resolution will no longer be preserved when Data360 Analyze restarts. This will likely mean that the first time a data flow is opened or modified will be a bit slower after restart. LAE-33187
Fixed an issue that caused some data flows with very large node definitions or properties to stop working correctly. LAE-32268
Fixed an issue that could cause out of memory errors on restore. LAE-29031
Fixed an issue that prevented the secure store password from being set when upgrading. LAE-32931
Fixed an issue where the license file could not be accessed when setting up a multi-user configuration. LAE-32493
Updated to the new version of the General SQL Parser to fix parsing issues in the DeepSQL node. LAE-31880
Fixed an issue that could cause the installation process to fail. LAE-32524
Fixed an issue to ensure that the site/lib directories are bound into the sandboxed execution containers so that when run in a sandboxed environment the nodes can still access JDBC drivers and python modules which have been setup on the Data360 Analyze instance by an administrator. LAE-33486
Fixed an issue that prevented you from retrieving or uploading content into a SharePoint subsite. LAE-33464
Due to changes in the latest Oracle JDBC driver some queries would fail with the error "ORA-17004: Invalid column type: 268435455" when running them from JDBC Query and JDBC Execute nodes. This issue has been fixed. LAE-32850