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Data360 Analyze Release Notes

Product type
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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
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The availability of the following new features, enhancements and corrected issues is dependent on the installed edition of the product and licensed features.

  • Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers are now returned with every response from the Data360 Analyze web application. The CSP headers have been tuned to tighten security and improve the security posture of the application.
  • All HTTP requests to the Data360 Analyze web application with HTTP methods other than GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE will be denied with a 403 error.
  • For tracking purposes, the Database Metadata and Database Profiler nodes now append Precisely information in the connection parameters.

    When connecting to Snowflake, the JDBC URL now contains: application=PreciselyAnalyze

  • Added an additional Minimal option to the Azure Data Lake Storage List node MetadataMode property. When chosen, custom user defined metadata and the creation date are not reported by the node, however extreme performance improvements can be expected when choosing this option.

Corrected issues

Issue summary

Issue number

Fixed an issue where zoom to fit was not including all composite level nodes in the calculation.


Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the canvas to be rendered incorrectly if one of the nodes was missing positional information.


Fixed an issue that prevented a data flow from being run when it was locked for edit by another user.

Fixed an issue that prevented you from retrieving or uploading content into a SharePoint subsite. LAE-33483

Added support for SAML IDP metadata which uses KeyDescriptor tags with no "use" attribute.


Fixed an issue that prevented SAML debug logging from working correctly.


Fixed an issue where the right panel would move while editing a data flow.


Fixed an issue that prevented you from opening data sets that were exported using the Export to CSV option because there was a colon in the file name.

Fixed an issue that prevented the HTTP node from posting requests with non-ASCII characters in the body unless the Content Type was explicitly specified. LAE-32983

Fixed an issue where in an execution sandboxing deployment, data flows failed to execute because the default timeout settings when creating the container were set too low.

A property can be set on the JDBC Query node to output column names rather than column labels (titles) in the metadata. Note that the use of labels instead of names was introduced in Data360 Analyze 3.11 to conform to the JDBC specification. The use of names is re-introduced here to allow for backward compatibility with earlier releases. However, it will not be supported in future LTS releases. LAE-32975

Fixed an issue that could cause out of memory errors on restore.


Fixed an issue were caches were not guaranteed to be in the correct state on restart and could have caused incorrect results and errors. Caches used for compilation and resolution will no longer be preserved when Data360 Analyze restarts. This will likely mean that the first time a data flow is opened or modified will be a bit slower after restart.


Fixed an issue that prevented Data360 Analyze from importing data flows with errors using the Data360 Analyze CLI even though the "ignore errors" option was specified.


Fixed an issue that prevented the SAML sign out function from working correctly, where SAML SSO users remained signed in after selecting Sign Out.

Fixed an issue that prevented you from specifying mappings to symbolic links in the user defined docker mount mappings. LAE-33576
Fixed an issue with SAML authentication where the redirect to the authentication page could be blocked if the redirect page contained inline scripts or form submission redirects. LAE-32735
Fixed a memory leak in the node container process. LAE-33583

Fixed an issue to ensure that the site/lib directories are bound into the sandboxed execution containers so that when run in a sandboxed environment, the nodes can still access JDBC drivers and python modules which have been setup on the Data360 Analyze instance by an administrator.

Fixed an issue that caused the desktop application to stop responding and stay on the loading page. LAE-33712
Fixed an issue where attempting to modify the "outputs" list, rather than modifying the fields defined on a specific output, in a Jython-based node would result in a StackOverflowError. This will now correctly state that the outputs list is not able to be modified. LAE-33697
Fixed an issue that caused some queries to fail with the error "ORA-17004: Invalid column type: 268435455" when running them from JDBC Query and JDBC Execute nodes. This issue was due to changes in the latest Oracle JDBC driver LAE-33675
Fixed an issue that prevented the system from successfully upgrading when the secure store password was not set. LAE-33194
Fixed an issue where a data flow could get into a bad edit state if another version of the data flow was imported and edited at the same time. LAE-33176