New in 3.10.3 - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Release Notes

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
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The availability of the following new features, enhancements and corrected issues is dependent on the installed edition of the product and licensed features.

Parquet - ADLS Data Lake File Metadata Reader

Azure Data Lake Storage List node now has the ability to identify file types by choosing the "Identification" option on the "MetadataMode" property,

The node can also harvest metadata from both CSV and Parquet files by choosing the "Structure" option from the "MetadataMode" property.

New Filtering options are also available on the node to allow the user to include or exclude certain files or directories.

Upgrade to TERR v 6 on Analyze 3.10

The TERR version used by Statistical and Predictive Analytics Nodes is upgraded to version 6.0.3. Note that while these nodes will work as before, scripts and packages used by the Power R may have to be updated.

Database Profiler - Azure Synapse support

The Database Profiler now supports profiling of Azure Synapse databases.

Performance improvements

The application UI has undergone a number of performance improvements which make designing Data Flows and general use of the application a better experience for the users. This work also fixes issues where the application would get slower after a number of hours of continuous use.

Other changes

Upgraded a number of third party components to take advantage of the latest feature and security update.

Deprecation Notice

As of 3.10.3 the following nodes will be marked as deprecated, with a view to removal in a future Analyze release. These nodes will remain deprecated yet available for the duration of 3.10.x:

Output Tableau (Superseded)

Due to the drop in support of the underlying Tableau SDK that is used by the node, and the issues seen when running the node to upload .tde files to a Tableau server in a Linux Analyze environment (see "Known Issues" section), this node is being deprecated as of the 3.10.3 release, with a view to removal in the future 3.14.0 release.

Customers are recommended to move to using the newer "Output Tableau" and "Upload Tableau" nodes which use the .hyper file format.


The following platform distributions have been upgraded:

  • Upgraded JDK to version
  • Upgraded Postgres to version 13.11
  • Upgraded OpenSSL to version 1.1.1u
  • Upgraded Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.70

Corrected issues

Issue summary

Issue number
Application now displays a user friendly message when unable to export because you don't have access to all dependencies LAE-23275
Fixed an issue when upgrading Analyze on Windows, the Tomcat service would not always be removed correctly during the uninstall part of the upgrade. LAE-29440
When installing using the multi-user install instructions on Linux, the permissions for the <site-dir>/shared/Public folder were set incorrectly and dataflows were not able to write to the directory.



Fixes an issue whereby the LDAP Authentication Settings are corrupted if the password field is empty when the settings are updated. LAE-30021
Classes specified in the DbDriver parameter on the JDBC database nodes would not search the DbDriverClasspath for the driver. This has now been fixed. LAE-30031
Fixed an issue where the Database Metadata node would not work always work correctly against an Azure Synapse database when database objects being queried contained characters that needed escaping. LAE-30178
Fixed an issue when generating a Filter node from the Data Viewer where the node would fail when being run. LAE-30184
Fixes an issue in the Excel file node whereby for XLSX files list permissions were required for the full path to the file itself and not just the file and read permissions on the file path. LAE-30196
Fixes an issue where Analyze could not start up correctly if the user directories specified at installation contained spaces. LAE-30490
Fixes a permissions issue with export to CSV and download from the data viewer on linux in a multi-user installation. LAE-30436
Fixes the unwanted 'Changes that you made may not be saved.' dialog when you refresh the directory page after discarding data flow edits. LAE-30492
Fixes an issue with execution containers on linux whereby not all required packages were included in the container image causing certain nodes to fail. LAE-30497
Fixes the unwanted 'Changes that you made may not be saved.' dialog when you refresh the directory page after discarding data flow edits. LAE-30527
When the interactive run cleanup was configured to only cleanup temporary data only, temporary data and logs from failed nodes was not getting cleaned up. This has been fixed so that data from failed nodes will also be cleaned up on the interactive run cleanup. LAE-30624
Ensures that the tasks for cleaning up scheduled and interactive runs are tolerant in the face of errors. Previously, the run cleanup would be aborted if the cleanup task encountered invalid data flow search paths. Now this issue will be logged, however will not prevent cleanup of unrelated run data. Rather than one big transaction, the cleanup operation has also been modified to commit its changes in batches to ensure that if there is a large backlog of execution runs to cleanup (for example due to the issue of bad data flow search paths causing the cleanup to be aborted) this will not cause issues with the transaction size getting too large. LAE-30627
Fixes an issue whereby the upgrade fails if it was previously upgraded from a 3.8.5 or earlier to 3.10.x.



Fixed issue where changes to library paths were not always being correctly respected after saving the data flow or library node on which the paths were changed LAE-30766
Fixed a number of memory leaks in the application UI. LAE-30777
Fixes an issue whereby Govern paging in the HTTP node would fail if the response that no items. LAE-30798
Fixes an issue where the connections between nodes were not showing in the UI. LAE-30780
Fixes cached inherited library node properties not updated in a data flow when the properties are updated in the library node. LAE-30781
Fixed a number of issues related to SharePoint 365 nodes. LAE-30791
Fixes an issue whereby the user received a permission denied error when they have selected "Search Sub-Folders" when Editing Library Paths for a data flow and they do not have access to the sub folder. LAE-30855
Fixes an issue where the Scheduled Run Cleanup process could hang if a scheduled run was locked. LAE-30880
Fixed an issue where issues on scheduld runs could occassionally result in deadlocks. LAE-30881
Fixed an issue where when using execution sandboxing where the execution containers could be brought down by the container cleanup task immediately after they were created. This was especially a problem when a schedule which brought up the container would start at the same time as the container cleanup task. LAE-30989
When using execution sandboxing and when first attempting to run a set of nodes which would bring up the sandboxed containers, on newer docker CE and mirantis versions, this first call to execute would result in an error. This has been fixed. LAE-30990
Fixes an issue whereby the adhoc runs clean up process could hang and prevent system backups from taking place. LAE-30999
Fixes an issue whereby property definitions for properties in a group were hidden but not deleted when the group was deleted. LAE-31009
Cached resolution entry was incorrectly used when virtual nodes inheriting all attributes from an instance in a library composite were updated leading to incorrect results. LAE-30643