To successfully uninstall Data360 Analyze, the user who installed the application must run the uninstall process.
- If Analyze has been configured as a multi-user installation then the following steps need to be taken before uninstalling:
- Navigate to yourData360 Analyze installation directory.
- As the
user, run the following command:sudo bin/
. - At the prompt enter the
user name.
- If you want to restore to a backup during a future installation (to restore your system to an earlier state), you must first make a copy of the following and save a copy of these files in a different location:
Path or file to copy Notes <Data360 Analyze site directory>/conf
Contains your cust.prop file and license file.
Windows example:
C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731\conf
Linux example:
/home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/site-7731/conf
<Data360 Analyze site directory>/lib
You only need to copy this folder if you have added any custom JAR files. <Data360 Analyze site directory>/shared
Contains data files uploaded to the system by users, either to their My Folder or their Public folder. <Data360 Analyze site directory>/keystores
Contains the
file which holds the unique encryption and decryption keys for the system. It is important to restore this file post system restore.Windows example:
C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731\keystores\securityStore.jks
Linux example:
/home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/site-7731/keystores/securityStore.jks
<Data360 Analyze site directory>/cust-keystores
Contains any certificates installed by the system administrator. Note: The backup / restore facility can only be used to restore your system to a previously known state on the same version. For example, if you are installing Data360 Analyze 3.4.3, you can only restore to a backup file that was created on a 3.4.3 installation. - Navigate to your Data360 Analyze installation directory and double-click the uninstall file.
Or, use
to uninstall on Linux via the command line.The uninstaller will guide you through the process step by step.
- When prompted, specify whether you want to retain your data and backup files.
You can remove all data and backup files by selecting both options. If you select only Delete data directory, but do not select Include backups for deletion, then your data will be removed but your backup files will be retained, giving you the option to restore to a backup file during a fresh installation.
If you have saved temporary execution data outside of the default location, you will also be asked if you want to delete this data. This is temporary data that is created when nodes run and can become very large over time.