Downloading and installing Data360 Analyze - Data360_Analyze - 3.16

Data360 Analyze Server Installation

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Installation
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If you are upgrading from a previous version of Data360 Analyze, see Upgrading to the latest version of Data360 Analyze. If you have no existing installation of Data360 Analyze, follow these steps.


Installation steps

  1. Download the software from:

  2. After purchasing a server edition of Data360 Analyze, or if you are participating in an evaluation of the product, you will receive an email with a link to activate your license:
    1. From the machine that you will be installing Data360 Analyze on, click the link provided, then enter your machine's Hostname (computer name).
    2. Click the blue Activate button.
    3. Download the license file by clicking the green Download button, then save the license file in a safe location as you will need to reference the location during installation.
  3. Install Data360 Analyze:

    Windows Server: You must have administrative privileges to run the installation. Right-click the application installation file and select Run as administrator.

    Linux: The user that was created in the pre-installation step should be logged onto the computer.

    Start the installation by typing the following command, where <Data360 Analyze installer> is replaced with the name of the installer e.g. Data360 Analyze_3_6_0-Server-linux-x86-64 (note that if no GUI is available, the installer will fall back to a command line install):

    ./<Data360 Analyze installer>.sh

    The installer will guide you through the process step by step. The key steps are called out below.

  4. After choosing where to install Data360 Analyze, you will be asked to provide locations for:

    • The Site Configuration Directory. This is the location where your customer-specific files are stored, including your license file, configuration files and application logs.
    • The Data Directory. This is the location where the Postgres database is stored. You can set this to any locations that you have access to, provided that it is on a separate drive or partition to the temporary execution data.
    • The Temporary Execution Data Directory, which must be on a separate partition or drive to the Data Directory. This is temporary data that is created when nodes run and can become very large over time.
    Note: As the data directory and the temporary execution data directory will grow in size as you work with Data360 Analyze, ensure that you choose locations that have sufficient space and fast access.
    Ensure that both the site configuration and data directories are in a sub-directory of a disk or volume, not the root directory. Otherwise, when Data360 Analyze is upgraded, the installer will attempt to make a backup of the directory in the parent directory. If the parent directory happens to be on a different disk, there may not be sufficient space for the backup.
    1. When prompted, accept the default port number for the Data360 Analyze server, or specify any other port number that is not in use. You will be required to repeat this action for the Tomcat Server and the Postgres Database later in the installation.
    2. When prompted, enter the path to your Data360 Analyze License File, then click Next. The license file must be a ".lic" file.
    3. When prompted, enter a Security Store Password. For increased security, do not select Store Password.

      If you do not store the security store password, you will be asked to enter it each time you restart the Tomcat Server, before you reach the Data360 Analyze sign in screen.

      The security store safely stores encryption keys which are used by the application to encrypt and decrypt password values.

  5. Linux users: If you want to configure a multi-user installation, complete the following additional steps. It is recommended that you complete these steps immediately after installation. The users referred to in these steps are detailed in Pre-installation steps (Linux only). If you have not created users in advance, the script referenced below will create the users for you:
    1. Navigate to your Data360 Analyze installation directory.
    2. As the <myInstall> user, run the following command: sudo bin/
    3. Follow the prompts. You will need to enter user and group names for the following:
      • The name of the installer user
      • The name of the Postgres database user
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze O/S administrator users and the group for these administrators, in the following format: <adminUser1>[,<adminUser2>,...]/<adminUserGroup> The admin users group is referred to as <d3saAdmins> in this document. The <myAdmins> users will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze server user and the group for the Data360 Analyze user, in the following format: <serverUser>/<serverGroup> The Data360 Analyze server users group is referred to in this document as <d3saProc>. The <myProc> user will belong to this group. If you want to configure execution sandboxing with Docker containers, the user that will run the Data360 Analyze server must be in the Dockers group and this must be configured separately.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze web application user and the group for the web application user, in the following format: <webUser>/<webGroup> The Data360 Analyze web application users group is referred to as <d3saWeb> in this document. The <myWeb> user will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze shared data group used for accessing shared data. The shared data group is referred to as <d3saShared> in this document. Both <myWeb> and <myProc> will belong to this group.

      If you had not created users in advance, you will be prompted to enter passwords as they are created.

    4. After the script has completed, switch to the <myDba> user by running the following command: su <myDba>
    5. Ensure that you are in the Data360 Analyze installation directory by running the following command: cd <installDir>
    6. Start the Postgres database by running the following command: bin/
    7. Switch to the <myProc> user by running the following command: su <myProc>
    8. Start the Data360 Analyze server by running the following command: bin/
    9. Switch to the <myWeb> user by running the following command: su <myWeb>
    10. Start the web application by running the following command: bin/
  6. The installer will deploy all Data360 Analyze components on the same machine (web application, hosting app server, Data360 Analyze server and database).

    You are assigned the following default user credentials:

    • Username: admin
    • Password: welcome
    Tip: We recommend that you change your password the first time that you sign in to Data360 Analyze. You can change your password from the Directory. See the integrated help for more information.

    See Post-installation configuration for a list of additional configuration steps to complete after installation.

Linux multi-user considerations

If you have configured a multi-user installation and are creating new data collections or data connections, these considerations apply to the location where the data collection points to. If the location does not already exist when creating the data collection, the nearest containing directory in the path to that location will have these same requirements.

To grant Read Write access, either:

  • The shared data group <d3saShared> must be the group owner of the directory and must have the special group permission set (SGID / chmod 2***). The group owner needs Read, Write and Execute access.


  • The Data360 Analyze web application user and the Data360 Analyze<myProc> user must be a member of the group that has the group ownership of the directory and the special group permission must be set (SGID / chmod 2***). The group owner needs Read, Write and Execute access.

To grant Read only access, either:

  • The shared data group <d3saShared> must be the group owner of the directory and have the special group permission set (SGID / chmod 2***). The group owner needs Read and Execute access.


  • The Data360 Analyze web application user and the Data360 Analyze<myProc> user must be a member of the group that has the group ownership of the directory and the special group permission must be set (SGID / chmod 2***). The group owner needs Read and Execute access.