Installing and configuring R in Windows - 3.16

Data360 Analyze R Installation

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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze R Installation
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The following steps are appropriate for the majority of Windows installations, and assume that the server and R are on the same Windows machine. If extensive resources will be needed to process data using R scripts, R can be located on a separate server, if this is the case, please skip to step 4.

If R is to be deployed on the same machine as it is important to ensure sufficient system resources (especially RAM) are available to handle the peak processing load.
  1. Install R as per the instructions on

    The current version of the R node was tested against R 3.3.2-3.el7.x86_64.

  2. Start R by using the Start menu created by the R installer.

    An R window opens.

  3. Install the additional packages required for the R node to execute by running the following commands inside your R window:
    • install.packages("Rserve")
    • install.packages("jpeg")
    • install.packages("png")

    The current version of the R node was tested against the following package versions (later versions of these libraries may not be compatible with the R node):

    • Rserve 1.7-3
    • png 0.1-7
    • jpeg 0.1-8
  4. Install the Rserve client into your existing server, as follows:
    1. Navigate to Rserve’s website (currently and download the binary.
      Note: Later versions of Rserve may not be compatible with the R node.
    2. Unzip the downloaded file, then navigate to Rserve/java. Copy the REngine.jar and Rserve.jar files.
    3. If you are using the server edition, paste the REngine.jar and Rserve.jar files into the following location: <Data360 Analyze site directory>/lib/java

      If you are using the desktop edition, paste the REngine.jar and Rserve.jar files into the following location:

      %LOCALAPPDATA%/Data360 Analyze/site/lib/java if you selected Local User during installation of or C:/ProgramData/Data360 Analyze/site/lib/java if you selected All Users during installation.

  5. Download the R Node Pack from the web page.

    Open and import the R node LNA. See the integrated product help for more information on importing library nodes.

  6. By default, the R node is imported into your My Documents folder.

    If you are using the server edition, you can make the R node available for all users on the server by moving it to the Public Documents folder. To do this, from the Directory, click My Documents, then select the R node. Click the menu button in the details panel and select Move to Public Documents.

Prior to running the R node, you first need to start the Rserve server. The Rserve server needs to be started whenever the machine on which it is running is rebooted.

Starting Rserve server

  1. If you do not have an R window open, start R, using the Start menu icon created by the R installer.
  2. Run the following commands in the R window:
    • library(Rserve)
    • Rserve()

    You have now started the Rserve server. You can close the R window and the Rserve server will continue to run normally.

Note: There is no Startup menu item to shut down the RServe server. To close Rserve, open Windows Task Manager and end the process named Rserve.exe.

Once you have completed the above steps, see the R node topic in the integrated product help for information on running the R node.