Uninstalling Data360 Analyze - Data360_Analyze - 3.16

Data360 Analyze Desktop Installation

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Desktop Installation
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You must have administrative privileges to successfully uninstall Data360 Analyze.

  1. If you want to restore to a backup file during a future installation (to restore your system to an earlier state), make a copy of the following folders:
    Folder to copy Notes
    The \site\conf folder Contains your cust.prop file and license file.

    The \site\lib folder

    You only need to copy this folder if you have added any custom JAR files.

    The \site\data\executions folder

    Optionally, copy this folder if you want to restore temporary run data. Note that this folder can become very large over time.

    If you selected Local User during installation, the site folder will be located at:

    %LOCALAPPDATA%\Data360 Analyze\site

    If you selected All Users during installation, the site folder will be located at:

    C:\ProgramData\Data360 Analyze\site

  2. Save a copy of these folders somewhere outside of the Data360 Analyze\site directory.
  3. Navigate to your Data360 Analyze installation directory and double-click the uninstall file.

    The uninstaller will guide you through the process step by step.

  4. When prompted, if you want to retain your data and customer specific configuration settings do not select Delete local site directory.
    Note: If you want to restore to a backup file during a fresh installation, when prompted, do not select Include backups for deletion. This will ensure that any backup files are not deleted from the default location.

    If you have saved temporary execution data outside of the default location, you will also be asked if you want to delete this data. This is temporary data that is created when nodes run and can become very large over time.