Configuring the varfile - Data360_Analyze - 3.16

Data360 Analyze Desktop Installation

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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Desktop Installation
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Before performing a silent installation, you must first configure a response.varfile with the settings that you want to apply to your user's machines. You can use a response.varfile from an existing installation, as follows:

  1. Locate the response.varfile in the .install4j folder of the existing installation directory. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Data360 Analyze\.install4j\response.varfile

  2. Make a copy of this file and save it in the location where you want to run the silent installation.
  3. Edit the parameter values as required. The following table gives examples of how to configure the parameters for both the Local User and All Users installation options. The Local User option installs the application for use by a single user of the target computer. In the following Local User installation examples, <<user>> should be replaced with the username of the user who will use Data360 Analyze. The All Users option enables all users who log onto the target computer to use Data360 Analyze.
Note: Upgrading from all versions lower than Data360 Analyze 3.2.1 may result in an install4j error. This produces an install4jError* file, but does not fail the silent upgrade. This is fixed from Data360 Analyze 3.2.2 onwards.

Common varfile variables

You can configure the varfile variables according to your installation needs. The examples in the table below show the Data360 Analyze default values.

Tip: For parameters that end with $<data type>, the parameter value must be in the specified data type. For example, $Boolean indicates that you must enter a Boolean value, i.e. add =true or =false at the end of the parameter string. If a data type is not specified, a string value is required.
Parameter Description


Specifies whether to display a Data360 Analyze desktop icon.

For example: createDesktopLinkAction$Boolean=true


Specifies the Data360 Analyze home directory location. This should be the same as the installation directory, as set in the sys.installationDir parameter.

For example: laeHome=C\:/Program Files/Data360 Analyze


Specifies the location of the Data360 Analyze site directory.

For example, for the Local User installation option:

laeLocalDataDir=C\:/Users/<<user>>/AppData/Local/Data360 Analyze/site

where <<user>> is replaced with the username.

Or for the All Users installation option:

laeLocalDataDir=C\:/ProgramData/Data360 Analyze/site


Specifies the path to your Data360 Analyze license file. For example:

laeServerLicenseFile=C\:\\Program Files\\Data360 Analyze\\docs\\license\\core_3_License.lic


Specifies the Data360 Analyze Server port.

For example: laeServerPort$Long=7731


This should be the same as the installation directory, as set in the sys.installationDir parameter.

For example: laeWebAppHome=C\:/Program Files/Data360 Analyze


Sets the Data360 Analyze Tomcat Server HTTP port.

For example: laeWebAppStartPort$Long=8080


Sets the Data360 Analyze Tomcat Server stop port.

For example: laeWebAppStopPort$Long=8089


Specifies the location for storing the web app .jks file.

For example, for the Local User installation option:

laeWebKeyStorePath=C\:/Users/<<user>>/AppData/Local/Data360 Analyze/site/data

where <<user>> is replaced with the username.

Or for the All Users installation option:

laeWebKeyStorePath=C\:/ProgramData/Data360 Analyze/site/data


Sets the location of the Data360 Analyze data directory.

For example, for the Local User installation option:


where <<user>> is replaced with the username.

Or for the All Users installation option:


Tip: The data directory is where backup files and temp files are stored.


For the Local User installation option, set this parameter to true:


For the All Users installation option, set this parameter to false:



To restore to a backup file, set this parameter to true.

If you are performing a backup, you also need the to specify where the backup file is located in the backupFile property.

 Or, to perform a fresh installation, set this parameter to false:

For example: restoreFromBackUp$Boolean=false

Note: The backup / restore facility can only be used to restore your system to a previously known state on the same version. For example, if you are installing Data360 Analyze 3.4.3, you can only restore to a backup file that was created on a 3.4.3 installation.


Specifies the location of the backup file, for example:



For the Local User installation option, set this parameter to 0:


For the All Users installation option, set this parameter to 1:


startData360 AnalyzeOnLogon$Boolean

Specifies whether to start Data360 Analyze on logon.

For example: startData360 AnalyzeOnLogon$Boolean=true

Tip: It is recommended that you set this parameter to true if your users will be using the Automation Services (scheduling) feature.


Specifies whether to retain temporary execution data.

For example: storeExecutionLogs$Boolean=true


Specifies the location to save temporary execution data when storeExecutionLogs$Boolean is set to true

For example: executionLogsLocation=C\:\\Users\\<<user>>\\Documents


Indicates whether Administrator rights are required.

For example: sys.adminRights$Boolean=true

Note: It is recommended that you always set this parameter to true.


Specifies the Data360 Analyze installation directory.

For example, the following will install Data360 Analyze into the C:\ProgramFiles directory:

sys.installationDir=C\:\\Program Files\\Data360 Analyze

Note: The laeWebAppHome and laeHome parameter values should match the value set on this parameter.


Sets the language for Data360 Analyze. Currently only English is supported.

For example: sys.languageId=en


Indicates whether to create a Data360 Analyze desktop icon for all users if you are using the All Users installation option.

For example: sys.programGroupAllUsers$Boolean=false


Indicates whether an entry should be added to the Windows Start menu.

To add an entry to the Windows Start menu, set this property to false:


If this property is set to true, no entry will be added to the Windows Start menu.

Tip: If this parameter is not present, no entry will be added.


Specifies the name of the group found under the Windows Start menu.

For example: sys.programGroupName=Data360 Analyze

Example Local User varfile

Example All Users varfile