Restoring from a backup and upgrading - Data360_Analyze - 3.12

Data360 Analyze Server Installation

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Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Installation
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During installation, you have the option to restore your system to a previously known state on the same version, which can be useful to migrate from system A to system B, or to restore the current environment using a backup file.

For example, you are running a 3.6.1 installation on system A, and you also plan to install 3.6.1 on system B. You can use a backup file to make a copy of system A on system B, as follows:

  1. On system A, make a copy of the following:

    Path or file to copy Notes
    <Data360 Analyze site directory>/conf

    Contains your cust.prop file and license file.

    Windows example:

    C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731\conf

    Linux example:

    /home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/site-7731/conf

    <Data360 Analyze site directory>/lib You only need to copy this folder if you have added any custom JAR files.
    <Data360 Analyze site directory>/shared Contains data files uploaded to the system by users, either to their My Folder or their Public folder.

    <Data360 Analyze site directory>/keystores

    Contains the securityStore.jks file which holds the unique encryption and decryption keys for the system. It is important to restore this file post system restore.

    Windows example:

    C:\Users\<username>\Data360 Analyze\site-7731\keystores\securityStore.jks

    Linux example:

    /home/<user>/Data360 Analyze/site-7731/keystores/securityStore.jks

    Also contains trustedHostServer.jks and trustedHostWebContainer.jks. If restoring onto the same machine, these files should be restored post restore. If restoring onto a different machine, these files should not be restored post restore.

    <Data360 Analyze site directory>/cust-keystores Contains any certificates installed by the system administrator.
  2. Save a copy of these files in a different location.

    Note: When Data Flows run, temporary execution data is stored in a particular folder, the location of which is specified during installation. The default location for this is: <Data360Analyze data directory>/executions (on Linux, this might be /home/user/Data360Analyze/data-7731/executions). This /executions folder can get very big, depending on how often Data Flow runs are cleared. As a result, we recommend that this temporary execution data is stored on a separate partition or drive to the Data directory. See Downloading and installing Data360 Analyze, Step 5.You can optionally back up this folder so that it can be restored post- restore and upgrade onto System B. Note that this must be restored to the exact same path as on the original system, as Data360 Analyze stores direct references to the execution data within the database. Alternatively you may be able to point directly to this location during the restore operation, if it is stored on a shared location. If you do not want to restore the temporary execution data, then do not make a copy. When the restore is complete, you will not be able to access run data from old runs.
  3. Ensure that you have a copy of a recent backup file. By default, a backup is performed daily at 2 a.m, if the application is running. The default location of backup files is:

    <Data360 Analyze data directory>/data-7731

    For example: C:/Users/<username>/Data360 Analyze/data-7731

    Note: If you have upgraded from a release prior to 3.6.0, the backups may be in the original default directory <Data3SixtyAnalye data directory>/data-7731 You can edit the default backup file location in the cust.prop file, for more information see "Creating and configuring backups" in the help.
  4. During installation of system B, select Restore from a backup. Choose the backup file that was created on system A.
    Note: System A and system B must be running the same version of Data360 Analyze.
  5. After installation of system B, complete the following steps:
    1. Stop the server, see Starting and stopping the Data360 Analyze Server.
    2. Replace the site/conf and site/lib folders with the ones that you copied before uninstalling system A.
    3. Inspect your cust.prop file to ensure that any paths are suitable for the new installation. The cust.prop file is located at: site/conf/cust.prop.
    4. Replace the site/shared folder with the one that you copied before uninstalling system A. The <Data360 Analyze site directory>/shared folder is the default location for uploading and downloading files to and from the server. It is recommended that you change this to a location outside of these directories: site, data, executions and install. See the "Default data repository configuration" section of the help for more information. If the original Data360 Analyze install (from where the backup was taken) had been configured to use an alternative for the default upload location, ensure that this location is accessible on the machine where the restore is completed. Administrator users should check that the target locations of any data connections are accessible from the system where Data360 Analyze has been restored.
    5. Replace the cust-keystores directory in your site folder with the one that you copied from system A. Replace the keystores/securityStore.jks file with the one that you copied from system A.
  6. Linux users: If you want to configure a multi-user installation, complete the following additional steps. It is recommended that you complete these steps immediately after installation. The users referred to in these steps are detailed in Pre-installation steps (Linux only). If you have not created users in advance, the script referenced below will create the users for you:
    1. Navigate to your Data360 Analyze installation directory.
    2. As the <myInstall> user, run the following command: sudo bin/
    3. Follow the prompts. You will need to enter user and group names for the following:
      • The name of the installer user
      • The name of the Postgres database user
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze O/S administrator users and the group for these administrators, in the following format: <adminUser1>[,<adminUser2>,...]/<adminUserGroup> The admin users group is referred to as <d3saAdmins> in this document. The <myAdmins> users will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze server user and the group for the Data360 Analyze user, in the following format: <serverUser>/<serverGroup> The Data360 Analyze server users group is referred to in this document as <d3saProc>. The <myProc> user will belong to this group. If you want to configure execution sandboxing with Docker containers, the user that will run the Data360 Analyze server must be in the Dockers group and this must be configured separately.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze web application user and the group for the web application user, in the following format: <webUser>/<webGroup> The Data360 Analyze web application users group is referred to as <d3saWeb> in this document. The <myWeb> user will belong to this group.
      • The name of the Data360 Analyze shared data group used for accessing shared data. The shared data group is referred to as <d3saShared> in this document. Both <myWeb> and <myProc> will belong to this group.

      If you had not created users in advance, you will be prompted to enter passwords as they are created.

    4. After the script has completed, switch to the <myDba> user by running the following command: su <myDba>
    5. Ensure that you are in the Data360 Analyze installation directory by running the following command: cd <installDir>
    6. Start the Postgres database by running the following command: bin/
    7. Switch to the <myProc> user by running the following command: su <myProc>
    8. Start the Data360 Analyze server by running the following command: bin/
    9. Switch to the <myWeb> user by running the following command: su <myWeb>
    10. Start the web application by running the following command: bin/
  7. If you are using execution sandboxing features, re-run the laeConfig executionContainers enable script as per the installation instructions in the system administration section of the help.
  8. Restart the server, see Starting and stopping the Data360 Analyze Server.
  9. After restoring, if you want to upgrade to a newer version, ensure that you first start Data360 Analyze fully, then shut it down before running the upgrade. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrading to the latest version of Data360 Analyze.