To confirm that Connect for Big Data Sort was properly installed and invoked, and to get other job statistics, view the Hadoop job logs and verify that the Connect ETL log output appears in the stderr logs of your job. See Where to Find Connect ETL Hadoop Logs on MRv1 or Where to Find Connect ETL Hadoop Logs on YARN (MRv2), accordingly, for details.
If Connect for Big Data Sort cannot handle the sort due to unsupported key types, the job will fall back to using the native Hadoop sort, and this will be indicated in the output logs. See How to Determine whether the Connect ETL Hadoop Sort Fell Back to the Native Hadoop Sort for details.
Any Connect for Big Data Sort errors will appear in the log files. To get help on the error messages, use the syncmsg utility, as described in Syncsort Message Utility, syncmsg.