Connect for Big Data in a Hadoop Cluster - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Installation Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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The method for removing Connect for Big Data from the nodes of a Hadoop cluster depends on how you originally installed Connect for Big Data in the cluster. Follow the instructions in the appropriate section below.

Cloudera Manager Parcel Uninstall

Uninstall Connect for Big Data on all nodes in the cluster as follows:

Ensure that no Connect for Big Data jobs are running.

Uninstall the Editor Runtime Service on any edge/cluster node where it is running.

Click on the parcel indicator button in the Cloudera Manager Admin console navigation bar to bring up the Parcels tab of the Hosts page.

In the currently activated dmexpress parcel, click on the Actions button and select Deactivate to deactivate the parcel.

Once deactivated, click on the Actions button and select Remove From Hosts to remove the parcel from the cluster nodes.

Once the parcel is removed from the cluster nodes, click on the Actions button and select Delete to delete the parcel from the repository.

Apache Ambari Service Uninstall

Follow the instructions for RPM Uninstall
  1. Open the Ambari Web UI and navigate to “Hosts”.
  2. For each host, choose the “Installed” drop-down next to “Clients”.
  3. For both “Connect for Big Data” and “Connect for Big Data License” (if present), choose “UNINSTALL.”
  4. Once uninstalled, either via the UI or using RPM, disable the uninstalled services:
  5. Open the Ambari Web UI, and navigate to “Services”.
  6. For each of “Connect for Big Data” and “Connect for Big Data License” (if present), choose “Service Actions” -> “Delete Service” and follow the prompts.

RPM Uninstall

Uninstall Connect for Big Data on all nodes in the cluster as follows:

Ensure that no Connect for Big Data jobs are running.

Uninstall the Editor Runtime Service on any edge/cluster node where it is running.

Run the following command with sudo or root privileges using the erase option, –e:

Software: rpm -e dmexpress

License: rpm -e dmexpresslicense-<license site ID>

e.g. rpm -e dmexpresslicense-12345

If you do not know your license site ID, run the following command to find the installed license package name:

rpm -qa | grep dmexpresslicense-
You can also use an RPM wrapper such as yum instead:
yum erase dmexpress
yum erase dmexpresslicense-<license site ID>

Manual/Silent Uninstall

Uninstall Connect for Big Data on the edge/ETL node and each remaining node in the cluster as follows:

Ensure that no Connect for Big Data jobs are running.

Uninstall the Editor Runtime Service on any edge/cluster node where it is running.

Remove the Connect home directory on the edge node and all remaining nodes in the cluster:
cd <connect_install>/..
rm –rf <connect_install>

Remove any environment variable modifications made for Connect, such as the addition of <connect_install>/bin to your PATH.

Uninstall the Editor Runtime Service

When instructed to uninstall the Editor Runtime Service, run the install script in the Connect installation directory as root, and select the option to uninstall the Editor Runtime Service. For example:
cd /usr/local/DMExpress