Prerequisites for COBOL Support
Connect can be used to accelerate COBOL SORT and MERGE verbs or to process COBOL data files as source or target. In order to use these features, you must have a license to use the COBOL compiler on the system where the Connect task runs.
Micro Focus COBOL or Server Express
The following variables must be set prior to installation: the COBDIR and PATH variables must be set and exported to include the COBOL compiler, and the following environment variable for shared libraries must be set to include all the shareable libraries used by the compiler and exported on the corresponding platform:AIX | LIBPATH |
AcuCorp’s ACUCOBOL-GT™ COBOL Development System
Operating System | Architecture |
HP-UX | 64-bit for Itanium |
AIX | 64-bit on PowerPC |
SunOS | 64-bit on SPARC processors |
The bit level of Connect must match that of the ACUCOBOL-GT™ installation.
Before running the Connect install script, set the environment variable ACUCOBOL:
export ACUCOBOL=<acucobol_install_dir>
where <acucobol_install_dir> is the location of your ACUCOBOL-GT™ installation. If the environment variable COBDIR is set, unset it:
unset COBDIR
Once Connect has been installed, additional steps need to be performed to enable support for AcuCOBOL. Please refer to the Connect online help topic “Installing support for AcuCOBOL.”
Support for COBOL-IT line sequential files is available on the following UNIX platforms:
Operating System | Architecture |
AIX | 64-bit on PowerPC |
Linux | 64-bit for Intel-compatible processors |
The bit level of Connect must match that of the COBOL-IT installation. The minimum supported COBOL-IT version is 3.7.
Before running the Connect install script, do the following:
- Unset the environment variable COBDIR, if set:
unset COBDIR
- Set the environment variable COBOLITDIR:
export COBOLITDIR=<cobol-it_install_dir>
where <cobol-it_install_dir> is the location of your COBOL-IT installation.
To configure COBOL-IT runtime environment variables, refer to the Connect online help topic, “Installing support for COBOL-IT.”
Informix C-ISAM Support
If you plan to use Connect to process Informix C-ISAM files, the environment variable INFORMIXDIR must be set and exported prior to running the install script. The directory $INFORMIXDIR/lib must contain the library libisam.a.
Unikix VSAM Support
If you plan to use Connect to process Unikix VSAM files, the environment variable UNIKIX must be set and exported prior to running the install script. The directory $UNIKIX/lib must contain the library libbcisam.a.
Interactive Installation
This creates a directory dmexpress under the current directory.
Log in as user root if you want to install or configure the Editor Runtime Service. The Editor Runtime Service allows you to submit tasks or jobs from the Connect Task Editor or Job Editor components, running on remote desktops, to execute on this Connect server.
cd /usr/tmp/dmexpress
Depending on your system and the licensed options, you may be asked several questions. For example, on platforms where both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of Connect are available, you are asked to choose which one you would like to install.
You are prompted to either enter a license key or start a free trial. If you have selected to enter a license key, specify the location of the license key file, DMExpressLicense.txt, when prompted.
Read the terms of the Precisely License Agreement and confirm your acceptance of them.
Review the product options, components and features that are enabled by your license key.
If your license key is a
- Connect server license key, a menu displays from which you select from among the component options:
Connect Components
Connect Engine
Editor Runtime Service
Connect Portal Copy Runtime Service
Job and Task Editors
Connect Portal and Management Service
Computer name: ...
License Expiry Date
or information on these options, see Connect installation component options.
- Connect workstation license key, no component options display.
You are eligible for the classic Connect ETL/Connect for Big Data installation, which installs the Job and Task Editors, Job and Task Editors, Connect engine (dmxjob/dmexpress), and the service for Job and Task Editors, Connect Editor Runtime Service, dmxd.
Specify the directory into which you want to install Connect. This directory is subsequently referred to as <connect_install>.
If you logged on as root, you are prompted to indicate your choice for configuring the Editor Runtime Service. This allows you to start the service immediately, and choose to start it with system restart. This also allows you select PAM authentication if it is available on the system. To configure the Editor Runtime Service at a later time, run the installation procedure as root from the Connect installation directory.
You may be prompted to choose whether to automatically run SyncSort jobs in Connect, either immediately or after subsequent un-installation of SyncSort, depending on the presence of the SyncSort Conversion license option and an existing installation of SyncSort.
If you have a Connect server license, you are given the option to install the Connect Portal Copy Runtime Service and the option to install Connect Portal and Management Service.
To run the Connect Portal web UI, you must configure the Connect Portal and Management Service, DMXManager, including authentication. Then, start the Connect Portal and Management Service, DMXManager.
To run copy projects in Connect Portal, start the DataFunnel Runtime Service, dmxrund.
To run CDC replication projects in Connect Portal, separately install the latest version of MIMIX Share. The MIMIX Share Listener service starts automatically when you install MIMIX Share, but the listener service must be running to run CDC replication projects in Connect Portal.
Silent Installation
- To prepare to run the silent installation, initiate the interactive installation on
the first machine as described in the section above, but in step 3, run the install
command with the record option, –r, specifying the file in which to store your responses
to installation prompts as follows:
./install –r <silent_setup_file>
- Upon successful completion of the interactive installation, run the install program
with the silent option, –s, and the silent log option, –slog, on the remaining machines
that require installation as follows:
./install –s <silent_setup_file> -slog <log_file>
where- <silent_setup_file> is the full path to the response file generated by the interactive installation.
- <log_file> is the full path to the log file generated by the silent installation.