To obtain a license key, you need the computer name, the hardware model, the number of processors, and the operating system of each system on which Connect is to run. You can gather the system information by running the Connect License Information program.
Windows Systems
You can run the Connect License Information program in the following ways:
- From Precisely’s web site at:
- If Connect is installed, go to Programs, Connect from the Start menu and select License Information.
The program prepares a license information document with the system information and then displays it in a Notepad window. You can save the form (File, Save As) and e-mail it to Precisely or to your local Connect sales agent. The information is then used to create your license key(s).
UNIX Systems
You can run the Connect License Information program in the following ways:
- From Precisely’s web site at:
- If Connect is installed, go to the <connect_install>/bin directory, where <connect_install> denotes the directory where Connect is installed, and type: ./licenseinfo
The program generates and displays a text file named PreciselyLicenseInfo.txt in the current directory. You can e-mail the file to Precisely or to your local Connect sales agent. The information is then used to create your license key(s).