Communication ports required by the Connect server - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Installation Guide

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Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Installation Guide
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The following TCP and UDP ports are used for communication with the Connect server. When configuring your firewall, make sure the required ports are not blocked anywhere between the system running Connect server and the systems running the Connect client.

If any Connect client that connects to this server is running a version of Connect older than 5.2.5, additional RPC ports are used, and may be configured. Refer to the section below on RPC ports used by older Connect clients.

Port number/ transport Description
32636/TCP Connect server port, used for communication with Connect client, or with other Connect servers when using Grid Computing. It is not recommended to override this port number; please contact Precisely technical support if you need to do so. Refer to the section below on Technical Support.

In addition, if a Connect task or job uses a remote UNIX server connection, or a Windows network path with a UNC name, to access data (including source and target files) or metadata (including tasks, jobs and external metadata), the following ports need to be open on the system hosting the files.

Port number/ transport Description
20/TCP,UDP FTP data port, if Secure FTP is not used
21/TCP,UDP FTP control port, if Secure FTP is not used
22/TCP,UDP Secure FTP port, if Secure FTP is used
445/TCP,UDP Windows shares
50070/TCP,UDP Hadoop Distributed File System name node

RPC ports used by older DMX clients

DMX clients older than 5.2.5 require additional ports to communicate with the Connect Server. These ports are assigned by the RPC service at the time the Editor Runtime Service starts.

The following ports are used in addition to the standard ports used by the Editor Runtime Service.
Port number/ transport Description
Arbitrary port/TCP Connect server port used for communication with DMX clients. An arbitrary port is assigned when the Editor Runtime Service is started. The port number can be configured as mentioned below, for example if your security policy does not allow a wide range of ports to be open, or due to the presence of a firewall.
111/TCP,UDP UNIX RPC port mapper
135/TCP,UDP Windows RPC endpoint mapper

Configuring the Server port

Windows systems

On the machine where the Editor Runtime Service is installed, open the Editor Runtime Service Properties dialog and stop the Editor Runtime Service as described above.

In the Start parameters edit box of the properties window, type:
/tcpport <Connect ServerPort>
where <Connect ServerPort> is the port you want the service to use. For example:
 /tcpport 7771

Start the Editor Runtime Service as described above. The Editor Runtime Service now uses the port you provided.

UNIX systems

Stop the Editor Runtime Service as described above.

Edit the service configuration file, dmxd.conf, which is located in the <connect_install>/bin directory, to insert the following line:
DMEXPRESS_TCP_PORT=<Connect ServerPort>
where <Connect ServerPort> is the port you want the service to use. For example:

Stop and start the Editor Runtime Service as described above. The Editor Runtime Service now uses the port you provided.