Windows Systems - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Installation Guide
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Applying a new key interactively

Perform the following steps to apply a new license key to an existing Connect installation:
  1. Go to Programs, Precisely Connect from the Start menu and select Apply a New License Key.
  2. Browse to the location of the license key file, DMExpressLicense.txt, or type in the license key manually, when prompted.
  3. Read the terms of the Precisely License Agreement and confirm your acceptance of them.
  4. Review the product options, components and features that are enabled by your license key.
  5. Confirm the location of the existing Connect installation.

Applying a new key silently

Applying a new license key silently requires a setup file which can be recorded when applying a new license key interactively.

To record the setup file

Open a command prompt; type the full path to the program applykey.exe, followed by the options:
–r –f1<silent_setup_file> 
where <silent_setup_file> is the full path to the setup file that is created. For example, if Connect is installed in “C:\Program Files\DMExpress\”, type:
"C:\Program Files\DMExpress\Programs\applykey.exe" –r –f1c:\temp\setup.iss

An interactive session begins and the options that are selected during the interactive session are recorded in the specified setup file.

To run the applykey.exe program in silent mode

Open a command prompt; type the full path to the program applykey.exe, followed by the options:
–s –f1<silent_setup_file> -slog<log_file> 
where <silent_setup_file> is the full path to a setup file that was created using the steps above, and <log_file> is the full path to the log file which contains any output produced by the silent install run. For example, if Connect is installed in “C:\Program Files\DMExpress\”, type:
"C:\Program Files\DMExpress\Programs\applykey.exe" –s –f1c:\temp\setup.iss 

If you do not specify the –slog option, then apply key generates a log, setup.log, in the folder where the silent setup file is located.

Multiple command line options are separated with a space, but there should be no spaces inside a command line option (for example, –slogc:\setup.log is valid, but –slog c:\setup.log is not).