For Connect to access data located on a Connect:Direct node, a Connect:Direct server and Connect:Direct client must be installed on the same Linux machine on which Connect jobs and tasks are executed.
- Configure Connect:Direct to access the required Connect:Direct nodes.
For details on configuring Connect:Direct nodes, refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct product documentation.
- Add a Connect:Direct user for each Connect user who accesses Connect:Direct.
- The Connect server must be configured as the Connect:Direct primary node (pnode) to enable sampling with Connect:Direct connections.
- Prior to starting the Editor Runtime Service or
to running Connect tasks or jobs, set the following environment variables:
- NDMAPICFG points to the CLI/API configuration file, ndmapi.cfg, for example:
export NDMAPICFG=$NDMAPICFG:<connect:direct_home>/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
- PATH points to the Connect:Direct /bin directory, for example:
export PATH=$PATH:<connect:direct_home>/ndm/bin
- NDMAPICFG points to the CLI/API configuration file, ndmapi.cfg, for example:
If you plan to start the Editor Runtime Service using sudo, use the –E option to preserve the
environment variable settings.
Note: If the
in the user.exits section of the parameter initialization configuration file,
contains any path, including the path to SSConnectDirectFileOpenUserExit
remove the full path such that the parameter value is blank:\