CloudFSUtil commands - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
Product name
Connect ETL
Connect ETL Installation Guide
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This section lists the commands supported by CloudFSUtil, describes how to use them, and command line examples.


Commands Description


 - Options:

-put <local source file> <target file>

-get <remote source file> <target file>

-get <remote source directory> <target directory>

-get "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" <target directory>

-get <remote source file>

-get "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>"

-get <remote source directory>

-getmerge <remote sourcedir> <target file>

-getmerge "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" <target file>

-getmerge <remote sourcedir>

-getmerge "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>"

-cat <remote source file>

-cat <remote source directory>

-cat "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>"

-ls <remote source directory>

-ls "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>"

-mkdir <target>

-rm <remote target file>

-rm "<remote directory>/<file name pattern>"

-rmr <remote target directory>

-touchz <target file>

-test -d <target>

-test -e <target>

-test -f <target>

-test -f "<remote directory>/<file name pattern>"

-put <local source> <remote target> Copies the content of a local file to a remote file.
-put <remote target> Copies the content of standard input to a remote file.
-get <remote source> <local target> Copies the content of a remote file to a local file.
-get <remote source directory> <target directory> Copies all files from a remote source directory to files with the same name in a local target directory.
-get "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" <target directory> Copies all files from a remote source directory matching a wildcard pattern to files with the same name in a local target directory.
-get <remote source> Writes the content of a remote file to standard output.
-get <remote source directory> Writes the content of all files from a remote source directory to standard output.
-get "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" Writes the content of all files from a remote source directory matching a wildcard pattern to standard output.
-getmerge <remote sourcedir> <local target file> Concatenates the contents of the files in the specified remote source directory and writes it to the specified local target file.
-getmerge "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" <target file> Concatenates the contents of the files matching the specified wildcard pattern in the remote source directory and writes it to the specified local target file.
-getmerge <remote sourcedir> Concatenates the contents of the files in the specified remote source directory and writes it to standard output.
-getmerge "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" Concatenates the contents of the files matching the specified wildcard pattern in the remote source directory and writes it to standard output.
-cat <remote source file> Writes the content of a remote file to standard output.
-cat <remote source directory> Concatenates the content of all files in the remote directory and writes it to standard output.
-cat "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" Concatenates the content of all files in the remote directory matching the wildcard pattern and writes it to standard output.
-ls <remote source directory> Writes a listing of all files and subdirectories in a remote directory to standard output.
-ls "<remote source directory>/<file name pattern>" Writes a listing of all files matching a wildcard pattern in a remote directory to standard output.
-mkdir <target> Creates a directory on a remote file system.
-rm <remote target file> Removes a file from a remote file system.
-rm "<remote directory>/<file name pattern>" Removes all files matching a wildcard pattern from a remote directory.
-rmr <remote target directory> Removes a directory from a remote file system.
-touchz <target file> Creates a zero-length file on a remote file system.
-test -d <target> CloudFSUtil return code is 0 when the target is a directory. Otherwise, the return code is 1.
-test -e <target> CloudFSUtil return code is 0 when the target exists. Otherwise, the return code is 1.
-test -f <target> CloudFSUtil return code is 0 when the target is a file. Otherwise, the return code is 1.
-test -f "<remote directory>/<file name pattern>" CloudFSUtil return code is 0 when any file in the remote directory matches the wildcard pattern. Otherwise, the return code is 1.

Command line examples

This section shows examples of how to use the commands.

List the contents of a directory

cloudfsutil -ls dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/

List files in a directory matching a wildcard pattern

cloudfsutil -ls dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/*_0.log

List the content of a file to standard output

cloudfsutil -cat dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/Connect-

Copy a file from a remote directory to a local directory

cloudfsutil -get dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/Connect-job.dxj_app52_0.log 

Copy a file from a local directory to a remote directory

cloudfsutil -put /nis4/connect/data/dmx02.log dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/directory/dmx01.log

Create an empty file in a remote directory

cloudfsutil -touchz dbfs:/mnt/azureblob/directory/empty01.log