DTL and /END
At a minimum, every task definition file must include the /DTL and /END task definition command options:
- If the /DTL command option is not included in the task definition file, the task is run using the Software Development Kit (SDK) language.
SDK is an older text-based command language that is the precursor to DTL. SDK does not offer full compatibility with the Connect ETL IDE, whereas DTL offers full compatibility with the Connect ETL IDE. If a DTL task is run without the /DTL option and interpreted as an SDK task, unexpected results and errors could be generated.
- If the /END command option is not included in the task definition file, the following unexpected behavior could occur on Windows: Connect ETL could abort when run under the Windows command prompt or Connect ETL could hang as it waits for input when run under Cygwin.
To define one of the following Connect ETL task types, the /TASKTYPE task definition command option must be included in the task definition file:
- Aggregate - Aggregate tasks create sets of records, which are grouped based on equal values within specified fields or values, and generate summaries based on these sets of data.
- Copy - Copy tasks extract records from each input source and send the extracted records to the output target. Copy tasks can be used to concatenate input sources without changing the order of source records. They also allow record filtering and reformatting when no sorting, aggregation, or joining is required.
- Join - Join tasks evaluate data from two data source sides, a left side and a right side, each of which can contain multiple sources, and join these sources based on specified left side and right side fields and values to create targets that contain fields from both data source sides.
- Merge and sort - Merge and sort tasks sequence source records based on specified key fields and output these records to target in ascending or descending order.
One /TASKTYPE option is required per task definition.
For examples of task definition files that include each of the task types specified within /TASKTYPE options, see Task Definition File Examples.