To define a Salesforce.com object as a target of records.
/SFDCOUTPUT connection object_load [options] [parameters]where
object_load | = | OBJECT object_name [disposition] FIELDS fieldlist |
disposition | = | {INSERT } {TRUNCATEANDINSERT } {MATCH match_type [update_clause] [insert_clause]} |
match_type | = | {PRIMARYKEY | CONDITION expression} |
expression | = | sfdc_field = value |
update_clause | = | WHENMATCHED UPDATE {ALL } {sfdc_field [,sfdc_field...]} |
insert_clause | = | WHENNOTMATCHED INSERT ALL |
fieldlist | = | field_mapping [,field_mapping …] |
value | = | fieldname | valuename} |
options | = |
parameters | = | PARAMETERS parameter [,parameter…] |
parameter | = | parameter_nameparameter_value |
field_mapping | = | {sfdc_field=field} {sfcd_field REFERENCEID “referenceObject.referenced_field” = field} |
connection | The value that identifies the Salesforce.com connection defined through /SFDCCONNECTION. This connection value must match either the alias defined for the service URL or, if an alias were not defined, a string of the service URL as defined in / SFDCCONNECTION. |
object_name | The name of Salesforce.com object in connection that is the target of records. The name can be in the form of a string or identifier. |
sfdc_field | The name of the output field that contains the corresponding extracted object field value. |
fieldname | The name of the Salesforce.com object field from which data is extracted. |
valuename | The value of the field extracted from the Salesforce.com object. |
number | The number of records to be used for the commit interval. |
parameter_name | The name of the parameter. |
parameter_value | The value of the parameter. |
referenceObject | The name of the reference object. |
referenced_field | The name of the referenced index field, which can be either the External ID field or the ID lookup field. The value of the ID field in the reference object record is not a valid referenced field value. |
The option may appear anywhere in the task definition.