Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) overview - Connect_ETL - 9.13

Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide

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Connect > Connect (ETL, Sort, AppMod, Big Data)
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Connect ETL
Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) Guide
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Connect ETL Data Transformation Language (DTL) is a text-based command set designed to create Connect ETL and Connect for Big Data jobs and tasks. DTL aligns the conceptual capabilities of the language syntax with those provided by the Connect job and task editors.

The plain text format of DTL has several advantages over the Connect ETL interactive development environment (IDE) in certain scenarios. Since syntax can be created manually via a text editor or can be created programmatically, DTL offers great flexibility. Some situations in which DTL can be leveraged include when:

  • Connect ETL and Connect for Big Data applications must be generated dynamically based on metadata repositories residing in database tables or files or based on user input that is provided by a program such as a Web user interface (UI). Any script, program, or application can be used to read data from any source and to generate DTL syntax as appropriate.
  • similar Connect ETL and Connect for Big Data applications must be created based on a template. Scripting or programs can leverage templates as necessary.
  • large numbers of Connect ETL and Connect for Big Data applications must be modified. The text format of DTL allows for easy global editing and standardization.

The Connect task and job editors, however, are ideal for situations not requiring dynamic applications and for beginner Connect users as they offer an easy-to-use and intuitive environment. The IDE provides helper dialogs, data and metadata visualization, context-sensitive help, and a host of other features for easy application development.

Additionally, you can leverage both DTL and the Connect task and job editors to meet your requirements.

You can create tasks and jobs through the IDE, for example, and execute them as tasks and subjobs from within DTL jobs. This approach provides you with the flexibility to develop the flows between tasks and subjobs programmatically.

Conversely, you can create tasks and jobs using DTL and execute them as tasks and subjobs from within a custom task defined in the IDE.

DTL is comprised of Job Definition Command Options and Task Definition Command Options.