- On UNIX or Linux systems, the PATH and LIBPATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include the Connect ETL bin and lib directory, respectively. Since these settings are not system-wide, you will need to ensure that they are set properly in the environment of mfds when it starts.
To use relative paths for tasks and jobs, set DMXMFJCL_APPLICATION_DIR in your Micro
Focus Server configuration under [ES-Environment]. DMXMFJCL will prepend the directory
path set in DMXMFJCL_APPLICATION_DIR to all relative task and job paths specified with a
RUNTASK or RUNJOB command. For example:
If you start and stop your Micro Focus Server from the command prompt:
- Open a new Micro Focus Command Prompt window. This is required to pick up changes to the system’s PATH environment variable. If you use a command prompt that was open before installing Connect ETL, the Micro Focus Server will not be able to find the required DLLs.
- Restart the desired server instance(s) using casstop/casstart.
If you start and stop your Micro Focus Server from the web console:
- Open a new web browser window. This is required to pick up changes to the system’s PATH environment variable. If you use a web browser window that was open before installing Connect ETL, the Micro Focus Server will not be able to find the required DLLs.
- Restart the desired server instance(s).