Model validation messages - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC System Reference Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC System Reference Guide
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Message Text: An operating system type has not been designated for server name.

Description: You must choose a host operating system type for each server with a metabase.

RSL: Choose the operating system for a server using the OS clause in the CREATE server statement.

Connect CDC Director: On the Software page of the Server Properties dialog, select from the Host operating system drop down list the name of the host operating system for this server.


Message Text: The server name appears more than once in the route name.

Description: Within one route, there cannot be a path from any server to itself. If this was allowed, data would be distributed to the original source.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement make sure that no server originating a transaction is also defined as a target server in the same route.

Connect CDC Director: not applicable


Message Text: The shadow table name is not unique within the server name.

Description: The name of the shadow table for a replicated or copied table must be unique within the server to which the table belongs. When you define a table as protected, the Connect CDC Director generates a unique shadow table name by default. If you modify the default, the value you specify must be unique.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement make sure that the shadow table name specified in the PROTECTED BY parameter is unique for this server.

Connect CDC Director: The shadow table names are displayed on the Table and Shadow Table pages of the Sending Table Properties dialog.


Message Text: The name is not mapped to a table at target server name in route name.

Description: For each receiving server and for each sending table defined in a route and routing set, there must be a mapped receiving table.

RSL: Use the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement to map every sending table to at least one receiving table.

Connect CDC Director:On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog of each sending table, ensure the sending table is mapped to at least one receiving table.


Message Text: The route name in routing set name does not have any distribution sets. Every route must include at least one distribution set.   

Description: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement each ROUTE clause represents a route. Ensure that each route has at least one "source server TO target server" pair defined.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement each ROUTE clause represents a route. Ensure that each route has at least one "source server TO target server" pair defined.

Connect CDC Director: On the Route Properties dialog, ensure there is a distribution set between the sending server and at least one receiving server.


Message Text: The number of actual parameters of column name do not match the number of formal parameters for method name.

Description: There must be as many inputs (actual parameters) as the compiled method has formal parameters.

RSL:  In the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement, make sure you applied an appropriate compile method to this column.

Connect CDC Director:When you create a compiled method, you must include a value for each parameter in the method on the Data Enhancement Method Basic page.


Message Text: The process name cannot be defined at server name because the server is not a sending server.

Description: A process cannot be defined for a server unless that server is a sending server.

RSL:  Either define the server as a sending server in the CREATE server statement, or remove the CREATE PROCESSname statement from your RSL file.

Connect CDC Director:Delete the process from the receiving server.


Message Text: The server name has sending tables and therefore requires a metabase.

Description: If a server holds source or sending tables then it must have a Metabase. The Metabase must be installed during the Connect CDC installation.

Contact Customer Support for assistance.

RSL:  not applicable

Connect CDC Director: not applicable


Message Text: The routing set name has no routes.

Description: Every routing set must have at least one route.

RSL:  In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement, make sure you have at least one ROUTE FROM clause defined.

Connect CDC Director: If you create a new routing set, ensure you add routes to it. If you don't, the routing set serves nRSL: o purpose.


Message Text: The model has either no servers or no routing sets.

Description: Servers and routing sets must be defined in the EDMM. An EDMM needs both servers and routes to accomplish any kind of data distribution.

RSL:  Use the CREATE server statements to create at least two servers, and the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement to create at least one route.

Connect CDC Director: Before validating an EDMM, ensure you've created at least two servers and at least one route.


Message Text: The sending table name has no horizontal partitions that have an assigned routing set.

Description: If horizontal partitions are defined for a sending table, at least one horizontal partition must be associated with a routing set.

RSL:  In the sending server CREATE SHARED TABLE statements that include the PARTITIONED BY clause, make sure you have at least one ROUTE clause that names a specific routing set.

Connect CDC Director: For those tables in your model marked as partitioned on the Partitioning page of the Sending Table Properties dialog, make sure you have selected a Routing Set value other than <None> for at least one row on the Lookup Values page of that dialog.


Message Text: The target table name is protected but its source name is not.

Description: If the sending table in a mapping is protected then the receiving table must also be protected.

RSL:  In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement, specify the sending table as protected.

Connect CDC Director:If Protected is selected on the Sending Table Properties Table page, ensure Protected is selected on the Receiving Table Properties Table page.


Message Text: All the processes of server name must have the same scramble setting.

Description: All the processes of any particular server must have the same password scramble setting.

RSL:  not applicable

Connect CDC Director:On the Process Definition Properties dialog for each process associated with one server, ensure the Scramble passwords setting is identical.


Message Text: Scramble must be the first parameter in the list of configuration parameters of process name at server name and it must be set to 0,1,2,or 3.

Description: When you create a process, the process configuration settings are determined from the omnient.ini file. The scramble parameter must be placed first in the [Process] section of the omnient.ini file and its value must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. If you receive this message, check the omnient.ini file to ensure the scramble information is correct.Contact Customer Support for assistance.

RSL:  not applicable

Connect CDC Director: not applicable


Message Text: The metabase at server name must be upgraded to level level.

Description: The release level of the metabase associated with a server must be greater than or equal to the level of the Connect CDC Director version accessing that metabase.

RSL:  not applicable

Connect CDC Director: Ensure that the Connect CDC components installed at the server are the same version as that of the Connect CDC Director.


Message Text: The connection name at server name has not yet passed a connection test.

Description: If a connection does not pass a connection test, you cannot successfully distribute data.

RSL:  not applicable

Connect CDC Director: Select the connection and choose Test from the context menu. If the test is not successful, modify the connection properties and test the connection again.


Message Text: The sending server name must|must not have a coordinator defined.

Description:UNIX and Windows Connect CDC sending servers must have a defined Coordinator. The Coordinator is required to enable change capture for tables. Copy requests can be run manually without a Coordinator, but scheduling of requests requires the Coordinator. DB2/400 sending servers on version 2.5 or higher must not have a Coordinator defined.

RSL:  Use the CREATE PROCESS statement to create a Coordinator process at the server. Use DELETE PROCESS to delete a Coordinator process.

Connect CDC Director: See if there is a Coordinator (CO1) listed in the server's processes. If there is not, create one by selecting New Process from the Processes context menu. To delete a Coordinator process, select the process and then select Delete from its context menu.


Message Text: The source column name is NULL ALLOWED so it should not be mapped to its target name which is NOT NULL

Description:A source column with the NULL ALLOWED attribute cannot be mapped to a receiving column with the NOT NULL attribute.

RSL:  Fix the table mapping for these columns in the corresponding CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC Director: On the Table Properties dialog, ensure that the Nullable value is the same for any column distributed from a sending table to a receiving table.


Message Text:The datatype of the target distribution key column name is not compatible with its source name.

Description: The datatypes of the pair of sending and receiving distribution key columns must be compatible.

Two datatypes are compatible if Connect CDC can convert a data value of the first datatype to the second datatype.

For example, FLOAT is compatible with INTEGER, but not with DATE. Also, when a datatype is compatible, the length of the receiving distribution key column is large enough to accommodate the sending distribution key column data.

RSL:  In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statements for the sending and receiving table, make sure that the KEY columns have compatible datatypes.

Connect CDC Director: On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure the selection you make in the Dist key column contains compatible datatypes in the sending and receiving columns.


Message Text:The total length length of all distribution keys in the table name exceeds 256.

Description:The sum of the lengths of all distribution key columns in a table cannot exceed 256.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement, make sure the sum of the length of all KEY columns does not exceed 256.

Connect CDC Director: On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure the length of all selections you make in the Dist key column do not exceed 256.


Message Text:The server name is a cascade server in the route name but is not flagged as retransmit.

Description:If a server in a route is placed in a cascade position, then it must be marked as retransmit.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC Director:On the Server Properties Basic page for this server, ensure Defaults for tables defined at this server Retransmit is selected.


Message Text:The lookup value name used in table name is not valid for the lookup column for which it is used.

Description: The formats of the column values you specify as lookup criteria for horizontal partitioning must be consistent with the datatypes of the corresponding columns in the source table.

RSL: You can specify a lookup table for horizontal partitioning of the shared table in the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement. Make sure that the lookup table columns and the shared table columns associated with them have the same datatype.

Connect CDC Director: On the Lookup Value page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure the values you enter are of the correct type and format for the columns you selected on the Partitioning page.If you fail to follow the rules for your DBMS, the Connect CDC Director reports the values as invalid (when you click the OK button on the Table Properties dialog or when you attempt to commit the EDMM), or the lookup tests yield incorrect results.


Message Text:The lookup table name associated with table name does not have any lookup values.

Description: If a lookup table is created for a table that distributes data, the lookup table must be populated with lookup values. If it isn't populated, it serves no purpose.

RSL: Ensure that the lookup table you specify in the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement is populated with lookup values.

Connect CDC  Director: If, on the Partitioning page of the Sending Table Properties dialog, you select Exact match or Range match and choose columns on which to test, you must enter lookup values for the columns on the Lookup Values page.


Message Text: Request name cannot reach target server name because its connection uses the wrong middleware type.

Description: A copy or replication request must use the connection of the right type to reach the target server.

RSL: Ensure that you specify the correct type of middleware in the MIDDLEWARE clause of the CREATE CONNECTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text:  Request name reaches its target server name using a connection whose middleware type is not recommended.

Description: A copy or replication request must use the connection of recommended type to reach the target server.

RSL: Ensure that you specify the correct type of middleware in the MIDDLEWARE clause of the CREATE CONNECTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Process name cannot reach its own server name because its connection uses the wrong middleware type.

Description: Every process' connection must be the right type to reach its server.

RSL: Ensure that you specify the correct type of middleware in the MIDDLEWARE clause of the CREATE CONNECTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Process name reaches its own server name using a connection whose middleware type is not recommended.

Description: Every process connection should be the recommended type to reach its server.

RSL: Ensure that you specify the correct type of middleware in the MIDDLEWARE clause of the CREATE CONNECTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The host-only server name must have at least one process hosted on it.

Description: A host-only server must have at least one process hosted at the server. No processes are created by default when you create a host-only server.

RSL: After using CREATE server with the DBMS HOSTONLY parameter setting to create a host-only server, use the CREATE PROCESS AT server statement to define a process.

Connect CDC  Director: To create a process, select New Process from the Processes context menu for the server.


Message Text: Process name may not be run on server name in this release.

Description: Neither a Distributor nor an Extract Server process may reside on an IBM i host . They must reside on a UNIX or a Windows server.

RSL: Use the DELETE PROCESS statement to delete a process at the server.

Connect CDC  Director: To delete a process, select the process and then select Delete from its context menu.


Message Text: A replication request name is not valid at this server name, which is an IBM i source server supporting only copy requests.

Description: An IBM i server must not have any replication requests defined. Only copy requests are supported in Version 3.1

RSL: Modify or remove the CREATE REQUEST statement used to create this request, and recreate your model.

Connect CDC  Director: To delete a replication request, you must use the Connect CDC Director's Advanced user mode.

In each route that contains a distribution set to which the request is assigned, select the distribution set and select Properties from its context menu. Then on the Distribution Set Properties, Request page, select the request, and click the Delete request button.


Message Text: Table name is not journaled with before images. Current status is value.

Description: Each IBM i Connect CDC sending table and each Replication and Copy receiving table must be journaled with before-images. Sending tables must be journaled to capture changes (for replication) or to enable transaction control for the connection used to read the tables (for copy). Receiving tables must be journaled to enable recovery of updates.

RSL: Not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: You can use the Connect CDC Director to assign a table to an existing journal: select Journal Operations from the table's context menu, and use the Journal Operations dialog.


Message Text: There is no change selector assigned to the journal name for table name.

Description: An IBM i sending table that is to be replicated must have one and only one Change Selector assigned to its journal (and to no other).

RSL: Not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: To assign a Change Selector to a journal, use the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for the Change Selector.


Message Text: Copy request name must have a name of 32 or less characters.

Description: Unlike replication request names, copy request names are stored in the metabase and have a 32-character limit.

RSL: Modify the request name in the CREATE REQUEST statement used to create this request.

Connect CDC  Director: Modify the request name in each route that contains a distribution set to which the request is assigned: select the distribution set and select Properties from its context menu. On the Distribution Set Properties, Request page, select the request, and modify the name.


Message Text: The distribution set name in routing set name is only allowed to have one replication request.

Description: You can define only one replication request for each distribution set. You can define any number of copy requests for a distribution set.

RSL: In the CREATE SCHEDULER and CREATE ROUTING_SET statements, do not include more than one MOVE BY DISTRIBUTOR clause.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Scheduling Properties dialog, do not include more than one request of Type Replicator.


Message Text: The server name must have a default connection.

Description: One connection to the server must be identified as the default connection.

RSL: Make sure that either ODBC or SequeLink CREATE CONNECTION statement (but not both of them) has the CORE_DEFAULT parameter specified.

Connect CDC  Director: On an ODBC Connection Properties dialog for each server, ensure the Use as core default to this server box is checked.


Message Text: The node name is not reachable using the connection name; it is the wrong type.

Description: The default connection must be an ODBC connection for some servers and a SequeLink connection for others.

RSL: Determine the appropriate default connection for each server and specify the CORE_DEFAULT parameter in the corresponding CREATE CONNECTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The server name must have a Connect CDC Director connection.

Description: There must be a Connect CDC Director connection for each server in an EDMM.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement creating ODBC connection for each server, specify the ADMIN_DEFAULT parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On an ODBC Connection Properties dialog for each server in the EDMM, check Use this connection for the Connect CDC Director.


Message Text: The same set of servers is used more than once in the route name.

Description: Within a route, no two distribution sets may connect the same two servers.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement each ROUTE clause represents a route. For each route, ensure that every server pair you defined for this route is unique within the route.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The server name must be specified as a source.

Description: The source server of a route must have the property Source. If it does not, no data can be sent using the route.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: On the Server Properties dialog for the sending server, select Defaults for tables defined at this server: Source.


Message Text: The Connect CDC Director connection for server name must be an ODBC connection.

Description: The Connect CDC Director connection must be an ODBC connection.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement creating ODBC connection for the server, specify the ADMIN_DEFAULT parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On an ODBC Connection Properties dialog for the server, ensure Use this connection for the Connect CDC Director is selected.


Message Text: External server name is incorrectly marked as Source or Protected or Retransmit.

Description: The DBMS type is an external data source and incompatible features (Source, Protected, or Retransmit) are selected.

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for an external server, do not specify the SOURCE, or PROTECTED, or RETRANSMIT parameters.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Server name is marked Protected but it is not a target in any route.

Description: If a server is protected, it must be a receiving server in a route. If it isn't a receiving server in a route, there is no reason for it to be protected

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for this server, do not specify the PROTECTED parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: If there is no reason for this to be a protected server, on the Server Properties dialog for the server, ensure Defaults for tables defined at this server: Protected is not selected.


Message Text: Server name is marked as Source but does not exist as a source in any route.

Description: If a server has the property of Source, there must be a route defined with it as the source server.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: If this is not a source server, ensure Defaults for tables defined at this server: Source is not selected on the Server Properties dialog.


Message Text: There are multiple routings originating at server name in the routing set name.

Description: Within a routing set, you cannot have two routes with the same source server.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement make sure that you have only one ROUTE clause for each source server.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The source server name is a target in the route name but is not protected.

Description: If a routing set includes a server that is a replication sending server in one route and a replication receiving server in another, the server must be protected. By protecting a server, data distributed to tables at the server is distinguished from data updated locally at the server.

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for this server, specify the PROTECTED parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Server Properties dialog for the server, ensure Defaults for tables defined at this server: Protected is selected.

1062- S2-ERROR

Message Text: The name of request name is not unique and conflicts with a request of the same name in Scheduler name.

Description: All requests must be uniquely named over all schedulers.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Server name is not included in route name but is included in other routes in that routing set.

Description: All routes in a routing set must include the same list of servers, in order for servers to receive the same data and remain synchronized.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement for this routing set, make sure that you use the same servers in each route within the routing set.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The server name is used as a target in more than one route but is not protected.

Description: If a server has the property of Retransmit but does not have the property of Protected, it cannot exist as a receiving server in more than one route in a routing set.

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for this server, specify the PROTECTED parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure that servers that are receiving servers in more than one route in a routing set have Defaults for tables defined at this server: Protected selected on the Server Properties dialog if they have Defaults for tables defined at this server: Retransmit selected.


Message Text: The retransmit server name used in route name is not protected.

Description: If a server has the property of Retransmit but does not have the property of Protected, and does not exists as a receiving server in more than one route in a routing set, this warning is issued.)

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for this server, specify the PROTECTED parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: Where necessary, ensure that servers that have Defaults for tables defined at this server: Retransmit selected on the Server Properties dialog also have Defaults for tables defined at this server: Protected selected.


Message Text: The retransmit server name used in route name is not linked to some source.

Description: If a server has the property of Retransmit there must be a sending server and a receiving server in the route, with this server in the middle of the two.

RSL: If you want the server to be a retransmit server, use the CREATE ROUTING SET statement to create a route, with this server in the middle of the sending and receiving servers. If you do not want the server to be a retransmit server, in the CREATE server statement for this server, do not specify RETRANSMIT.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Server Properties dialog of a server that is both sending and receiving data, ensure Defaults for tables defined at this server: Retransmit is selected.


Message Text: The server name in route name is not linked to the prior distribution set.

Description: The sending server in each distribution set must be either the sending server in the route or the receiving server of another distribution set in the route.

RSL: Check the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement to make sure that all distribution sets in this route are defined correctly.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


The server name in route name is being used as a target more than once in the same route.

Description: No two distribution sets within a route can have the same receiving server. If this could occur, there would be redundant distribution paths and data collisions.

RSL: Check the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement to make sure that all distribution sets in this route are defined correctly.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


The server name is set to both the local and target servers in distribution set name.

Description: Within a distribution set, the sending and receiving servers cannot be the same server.

RSL: Check the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement to make sure that all distribution sets in this route are defined correctly.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


The distribution set name does not have an associated distribution request.

Description: Each distribution set must have at least one distribution request.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement where you define this distribution set, specify a scheduler to use, or create a new distribution request for the distribution set.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


The distribution set name in routing set name does not have an associated sending table.

Description: Each distribution set must have at least one table fragment assigned to it.

RSL: Use the REFRESH CATALOG statement to refresh the lists of tables available at both the sending and receiving server in the distribution set; then use the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement to map the sending tables to the receiving tables.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure that each sending table has an associated receiving table or table fragment.


Message Text: The connection used for target server name for the replication request name must log on as the metabase owner or replication user id.

Description: If the receiving server has a property of Protected or Retransmit, the user identified for the connection service must be the metabase owner. For Oracle servers, the connection service must contain the rpuser user ID.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement creating a SequeLink connection to this server, ensure that the metabase owner name is specified as the USER in the SERVICE clause.

Connect CDC  Director: On the SequeLink Connection Properties dialog, ensure that the metabase owner name is identified on the Service page.


Message Text: The table name at server name does not have an associated catalog table.

Description: There must be a catalog table for each table involved in a distribution of data.

RSL: Use the REFRESH CATALOG statement to refresh the list of tables available at this server.

Connect CDC  Director: Delete and then redefine the table in the EDMM.


Message Text: The column name in table name is not associated with a valid column in the catalog table.

Description: The columns of a sending table must be among the columns of the catalog table.

RSL: Use the REFRESH CATALOG statement to refresh the list of tables and columns available at this server.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine the table in the EDMM.


Message Text: The column name in table name has a column datatype which is not supported for replication.

Description: The datatype of each column must be among those datatypes supported for data distribution for the DBMS at the sending and the receiving server. See System Reference for more information on supported datatypes.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure that each datatype in the Datatype column is a supported datatype.


Message Text: The distribution key name for table name is not the table's primary key.

Description: In most cases, the distribution key columns of a sending table should be the primary key columns for the catalog table.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table, ensure that your selection of key columns is correct.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure that the selections in the Dist key column match the selections in the Primary key column.


Message Text: The server name is protected but table name is not.

Description: In most cases, if the server is protected, tables at the server should be protected.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table specify PROTECTED.

Connect CDC  Director: If you select Defaults for tables defined for this server: If you select Defaults for tables defined for this server: Protected on the Server Properties dialog, select Protected on the Table page of the Table Properties dialog.


Message Text: The server name is marked source but the table name is not.

Description: In most cases, if the server is a source server, tables at the server should be source tables.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: If you select Defaults for tables defined for this server: Source on the server Properties dialog, select Source on the Table page of the Table Properties dialog..


Message Text: The table name is protected but its server name is not.

Description: A table that has the property Protected can only exist on a server that is protected.  

RSL: If the table must be protected, specify PROTECTED in both the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table, and the CREATE server statement for the server at which the table exists.

Connect CDC  Director: If, on the Table page of the Table Properties dialog, you select Protected, select Defaults for tables defined for this server: Protected on the Server Properties dialog.


Message Text: The table name is a source but its server name is not.

Description: A table that has the property Source can only exist on a server that is a source server.  

RSL: not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: If, on the Table page of the Table Properties dialog, you select Source, select Defaults for tables defined for this server: Source on the Server Properties dialog.


Message Text: The shared table name at server name is not mapped to any source or target.

Description: Each sending or receiving table must be mapped to another table.

RSL: Use the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement to map this table to another table.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of each sending table’s and each receiving table’s Table Properties dialog, ensure the table is mapped to another table.


Message Text: The table name at server name is used in an incorrect target mapping.

Description: For each receiving table on a target-only server, there must be at most one table mapping.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: On the Table Properties Mapping page, ensure each receiving table on a target-only server is mapped to a sending table.


Message Text: The column name is defined in table name but is not mapped to any target.

Description: If a table is not the receiving table in a table mapping, each of its columns must be used either as sending columns in a table mapping or as lookup columns.

RSL: Use the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement to map this column to a target.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Table Properties dialog, ensure each column in a sending table is either mapped to a receiving table on the Mapping page, or used as a lookup column on the Partitioning page.

1084-Begin name validation

Message Text:Begin name validation

Description: Begin name validation

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Connections name and name are at different servers but they contain the same information.

Description: The same ODBC connection cannot be used at two different servers.  

RSL: Use the CREATE CONNECTION statement to create unique ODBC connections for each server.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure that the ODBC Connection Properties dialog are unique for each server.


Message Text: The table mapping from name to name contains mismatched distribution key columns.

Description: If data enhancement is not being used, each distribution key column of a receiving table must be mapped to a distinct distribution key column at the sending table. There must be a one-to-one correspondence between distribution key columns at the sending and receiving tables.

RSL: Use the COLUMNS clause of the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement to define the key columns.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog for the sending and receiving table, ensure the value in the Dist key column is the same.


Message Text: The sending table <sourcetable> does not use unique index columns as the source columns of target table dist keys.  Replication may fail.  Source columns that map to target dist keys are (<listofkeysusedformapping>)

Description: When the table <table_name> is mapped then the column <column_name> is not used and the Director issues a warning message.

RSL: Use the COLUMNS clause of the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement to define the key columns.

Connect CDC Director:On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog for the sending and receiving table, ensure the value in the Dist key column is the same.


Message Text: The datatype of target column name is not compatible with its source name.

Description: The datatypes of sending and receiving tables must be compatible. Two datatypes are compatible if Connect CDC can convert a data value of the first datatype to the second datatype.

This message is an error if the datatypes are incompatible.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The datatype of target column name is not compatible with its source name.

Description: The datatypes of sending and receiving tables must be compatible. Two datatypes are compatible if Connect CDC can convert a data value of the first datatype to the second datatype.

This message is a warning if the datatypes are partially compatible.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: The table name at server name is used as both a target and a source but is not protected.

Description: If a receiving table in one table mapping is a source table in another table mapping, it must be protected.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table specify PROTECTED.

Connect CDC  Director: For tables that are both receiving tables and source tables, select Protected on the Table page of the Table Properties dialog and Defaults for tables defined for this server: Protected on the Server Properties dialog.


Message Text: The distribution key column name in table name has a method associated with it.

Description: A column that is defined as a distribution key column cannot have a data enhancement method associated with it if the tables are protected.

RSL: In the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement for this table, ensure that you do not apply a data enhancement method to the key columns.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Sending Table Properties dialog, on the Columns page, the column you assign as a distribution key column (in the Dist key column), cannot have an assigned data enhancement method in the Method column of the Mapping page.


Message Text: The process name defined at server name does not have an assigned connection.

Description: Every process must have a connection. The connection can be the default connection to the server or any other connection to the server.  

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement for this process, specify the connection to use with the CONNECT [USING] parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Process Definition Properties dialog, ensure there is a connection listed in the Connection text box.


Message Text: The distribution request name at server name does not have an associated connection.

Description: Every copy or replication request must have a connection. The connection can be the default connection for the server or any other connection at the server.  

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement, specify the connection to use for this request with the CONNECT [USING] parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Distribution Request Properties dialog, ensure there is a connection listed in the Connection text box on the Copy or Replicator page.


 Message Text: The distribution request name at server name does not have an associated process.

Description: Every distribution request must have a process.  

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement, specify the process to use for this request with the MOVE BY parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Distribution Request Properties dialog, ensure there is a process listed in the Extract Server text box on the Copy page or in the Distributor text box on the Replicator page.


Message Text: A route does not exist that associates the target name with its source name.

Description: The receiving table must be included in a route and routing set that identifies the sending table on the sending server.  

 RSL: Use the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement to map sending tables to receiving tables.

Connect CDC  Director: The Connect CDC Director creates a route and routing set by default each time you map a table from a sending server to a receiving server table. To create such a mapping, choose Select for Distribution from the context menu of an available table on the sending server, then select the receiving server in the Distribute Tables dialog.


Message Text: The table name at server name does not have a distribution key defined.

Description: Every table that participates as a sending or receiving table in an EDMM must have a defined distribution key.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table, identify the distribution key columns in the list of columns provided by the COLUMNS parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: For each sending and each receiving table, ensure that there is a selection in the Dist key column on the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog.


Message Text: The column name in table name should not be a distribution key since it is nullable.

Description: A column used as a distribution key must be defined as NOT NULL in the host catalog.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement, ensure that the columns specified as key columns do not allow null values.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure that your selection in the Dist key column on the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog is not on a column that allows null values.


Message Text: The server name is not used in either a source or target mapping.

Description: Each server defined in the EDMM must be a participating sending or receiving server in the EDMM.

RSL: Use the CREATE ROUTING_SET statement to include every defined server in a route as either a receiving or sending server.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure each server in the EDMM is defined in a route as a sending or receiving server.


Message Text: The server name does not have a config file path (for FTP) specified.

Description: You must specify the location of the process configuration files to enable automatic FTP transfer of process and server configurations from the Connect CDC Director to the sending server.  

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for this server, specify a double-quoted CFG_PATH value and optionally include USE_FTP and values for FTP_PARMS.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Software page of the Server Properties dialog, enter information in the Process configuration files path text box.


Message Text: At least one column of the dist key (name) in table name must be NOT NULL; all dist key columns are NULLABLE.

Description: For protected replication, if a table may be sent to or received from an Oracle server, it must have at least one NOT NULL distribution key column. Conversely, if a table may be sent to or received from only Sybase or MS SQL Server servers, then all distribution key columns may be nullable.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Which columns are distribution keys and whether they are nullable is displayed on the Columns page of the Table Properties dialogs.


Message Text: Name cannot be sent by replication because it is a type.

Description: A sending table selected for replication must be a table of one of the supported DBMS types.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the object from sending tables by selecting Remove From Sending > This Table Only from the context menu. To copy the object, create a copy request for it.


Message Text: Name cannot be sent by copy because it is a type.

Description: A sending table selected for copying must be a catalog object of one of the following types: table of one of the supported DBMS types, view, system table, or alias.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the object from sending tables by selecting Remove From Sending > This Table Only from the context menu.


Message Text: Name cannot be a receiving table because it is a type.

Description: A receiving table (for either replication or copy) must be a catalog object of one of the following types: table of one of the supported DBMS types, view, or alias.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the object from receiving tables by selecting Remove from Receiving> This table only from the context menu. On the Mapping page of the Sending Table Properties dialog make sure that the sending table is mapped to a receiving table of the correct type.


Message Text: The view name must be updatable since it is used as a receiving table.

Description: If a receiving table is a view, it must be an updatable view.

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Sending Table Properties dialog make sure that the sending table is mapped to a receiving table of the correct type.


Message Text: Process name does not have a value for name.

Description: Mandatory configuration parameters must be specified.

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement, specify a value for the required parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Process Definition Properties dialog, specify a value for the required parameter.

1807- S2-ERROR

Message Text: Copy request name uses mode "target correct, merge" and all target tables must use a dist key that is a unique index. The following tables in the request do not meet this requirement: name

Description: For copy requests in "Target correct, merge" apply mode, the set of distribution key columns for a target table must be the primary key columns or must be columns that are subject to a unique constraint. For replication tables, the distribution keys should be a super-set of the primary key columns or of columns that are subject to a unique constraint.

RSL: CREATE SHARED TABLE statement, make sure that the columns you specified as KEY are the primary key columns or columns that are subject to a unique constraint.

Connect CDC  Director: Make sure that the columns you selected as distribution key columns on the Columns page of the Receiving Table Properties dialog, are the primary key columns or columns that are subject to a unique constraint.


Message Text: Process name has the same configuration file name as name.

Description: Each process must have an individual configuration file with a name different than the names of other configuration files hosted at the same server.

RSL: Make sure that the name of the configuration file specified in the CREATE server statement is unique at the server.

Connect CDC  Director: Make sure that the name of the Configuration file name specified on the Basic page of the Process Definition Properties dialog is unique at the server.


Message Text: Process name has the same server number as name.

Description:  No two processes of the same type (for example, two Distributors) hosted at the same server, can have the same server number (svrno) parameter.

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement, specify a unique server number for every process of the same type hosted on the same server.

Connect CDC  Director: In the Connect CDC Director, you cannot edit the server number directly. Create a new process of the same type with the same parameters. The Connect CDC Director gives a new server number to the new process. After that, delete the original process.


Message Text: Column name is not mapped by the mapping from name and is not nullable, so nothing can be inserted into the table.

Description: If a column of the target table is not mapped, it must be nullable, otherwise inserts will fail. This is a warning because some DBMSs have DEFAULT column attributes which allow inserts to succeed.

RSL: In the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement, make sure that you mapped every target column that is not nullable.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Sending Table Properties dialog, ensure that every target column is either mapped or nullable.

1811- S2-ERROR

Message Text: The distribution key name for protected table name is not the table's primary key or a unique index. Replication will fail unless there is a unique index or constraint.

Description: The set of distribution key columns for a protected table must include (be a super-set of) the primary key column(s) or columns that are subject to a unique constraint. Failure to meet this requirement is an error for a protected table and is a warning for an unprotected table.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement, make sure that the columns you specified as KEY include the primary key columns or a set of columns that are subject to a unique constraint.

Connect CDC  Director: Make sure that the columns you selected as distribution key columns on the Columns page of the Sending Table Properties dialog include the primary key columns or columns that are subject to a unique constraint.


Message Text: The connection name at server name has the wrong SequeLink service type.

Description: A SequeLink connection used to reach a server must have the correct service type for that server.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement, specify the correct SERVICE TYPE for this server.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Service page of the SequeLink Connection Properties dialog, select the correct Service Type for this server.


Message Text: There are multiple mappings from table name to server name.

Description: Each sending table may have only one table mapping to a receiving server.

RSL: Make sure that you have only one CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement that maps this sending table to the target server.

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable.


Message Text: Platform support is not available for load request name.

Description:Connect CDC Director does not support the sending server - receiving server platform combination.

RSL: In the CREATE REQUEST statement, do not use any of the load schedulers for this distribution request.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Distribution Set Properties dialog, change the scheduler for this distribution request. Do not use load schedulers.


Message Text: Table name is handled by load request name but is protected.

Description: None of the tables in a load request should be protected. (Connect CDC Loader ignores the shadow table.)

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC Director: not applicable


Message Text: Load request name uses loader file name name, but this file name is used by another load request.

Description: Among all the load requests sharing the same receiving server, each loader table must be given a distinct file name (else the scripts and data files will overlay each other).

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC Director: not applicable


Message Text: Load request name uses loader file name name for more than one loader table.

Description: Among all the load request sharing the same receiving server, each loader tables must be given a distinct file name (else the scripts and data files will overlay each other).

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: not applicable


Message Text: Requests name1 and name2 interfere with each other since the target server is not protected.

Description: If a server is the target of more than one distribution set in a routing set, then in case of replication, the server must be fully protected.

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for the target server, make sure the PROTECTED parameter is included.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Basic page of the Server Properties dialog, for the Defaults for tables defined at this server, make sure the Protected checkbox is selected and Source is not selected. If the server is target-only, protect each target table on the server by checking the Full resolution, by shadow table checkbox on the Table page of the Receiving Table Properties dialog.


Message Text: Requests name1 and name2 interfere with each other since they both delete the target rows.

Description: If a server is the target of more than one distribution set in a routing set, in case of copying data, you should not use the option to delete all rows on the target before copying new rows from the source.

RSL: In the data movement options of the CREATE REQUEST statement, make sure the apply mode that you use is not APPLY_DELETE.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Copy page of the Distribution Request Properties dialog, select Target apply mode other than Delete on target, refresh.


Message Text: In mapping table@server, distribution key column name has an input parameter which is not a distribution key.

Description: If data enhancement is used, the input parameters to a method that produces a target distribution key column can be keys, constants, or system variables - but not non-key columns.

RSL: Fix the table mapping for these columns in the corresponding CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure that this receiving column is not associated with a non-key source column.


Message Text: Compiled methods name1 and name2 have function names which are not different in the first 8 characters.

Description: The C function names used by data enhancement methods must be different in the first eight characters. If two method names have the same initial eight characters, only one of them will be called.

RSL: In the CREATE METHOD statement for one or both of the conflicting methods, make sure the initial eight characters of the value of the FUNCTION parameter are unique among the method function names in your model.

Connect CDC  Director: The C function names are specified on the Compiled page of the Data Enhancement Method Properties dialog.


Message Text: A processtype process is needed and should be defined.

Description: In Version 3.0 or higher, a DB2 replication sending server must have a DB2 Change Selector process defined in the model.

RSL: In a CREATE PROCESS AT server statement, include a CHANGE_SELECTOR clause.

Connect CDC  Director: A new process is created from the Processes branch for the server in the Model View by selecting the New Process option from the context menu.


Message Text: A processtype process is not needed and should not be defined.

Description: In Version 3.0 or higher, a DB2 replication sending server should not have a Dispatcher defined in the model.

RSL: Specify the Dispatcher name in a DELETE PROCESS dispatcher-name AT server statement.

Connect CDC  Director: A process is deleted by selecting the Delete option from the context menu for the process in the Model View.


Message Text: Buffer construction is impossible for the mapping from table@server, column name to table@server, column name. This is probably caused by a change in the column definition; remap the column.

Description: If you change the datatype definition of a column that is already mapped for Connect CDC distribution, you must manually update the column mapping to inform the Connect CDC Director if the change is significant. Changing from a TEXT to a VARCHAR is significant, for example. Changing from a VARCHAR to a shorter VARCHAR is probably not significant.

RSL: Recreate the table mapping: use a DELETE TABLE MAPPING statement followed by a CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, change the Method value for the column mapping to NULL (not mapped), change it to its previous setting again, then click OK.


Message Text: The total length of the parameters in one of the methods from table@server to table@server are over the maximum length and may be truncated.

Description: If you are using data enhancement and the sum of the input parameter lengths is greater than 2048 bytes, data truncation is possible.

RSL: In the CREATE METHOD statement for the data enhancement method, make sure the sum of the lengths of the ARGUMENTS values does not exceed 2048.

Connect CDC  Director: The input parameters for the data enhancement method are specified on the Basic page of the Data Enhancement Method Properties dialog.


Message Text: The mirror table for table@server cannot be created because its row size would be size, which is over the maximum.

Description: For replication sending tables in Sybase and MS SQL Server, the row length of all the captured columns must be 24 bytes less than the maximum (currently 1962) established by the DBMS.

RSL: Modify the source columns selected for replication in the CREATE SHARED TABLE or CREATE TABLE MAPPING statements.

Connect CDC  Director: Select fewer or different columns to replicate on the Sending Table Properties, Mapping page.


Message Text: The total length of the rows stored in table@server cannot be greater than value bytes.

Description: For replication sending tables in Sybase and MS SQL Server, the row length of all the captured columns must be 24 bytes less than the maximum (currently 1962) established by the DBMS. Replication triggers fail for records that exceed this maximum.

RSL: Modify the source columns selected for replication in the CREATE SHARED TABLE or CREATE TABLE MAPPING statements.

Connect CDC  Director: Select fewer or different columns to replicate on the Sending Table Properties, Mapping page.


Message Text: The Director could not the metabase level of server name. Either the connection failed, or the metabase is not installed.

Description: The ODBC connection from the Connect CDC Director to the server is failing or is not defined.

RSL: Check the definition of, or specify, the CREATE CONNECTION statement for the ODBC connection.

Connect CDC  Director: In the Connections branch for the server, use the ODBC Connection Properties dialog to test and modify, or define, the ODBC connection to the server. Use this connection for the Connect CDC Director must be selected.


Message Text: request-type request request-name does not have any tables selected.

Description: A request should move at least one table.

RSL: The CREATE REQUEST statement must include at least one table.

Connect CDC  Director: Select at least one table to replicate on the Sending Table Properties, Mapping page, or at least one table to distribute on the Distribution Request Properties, Copy page.


Message Text: The target journal mapping table@server may not be a protected table.

Description: In a journal target mapping, the target table may not be protected (fully or partially).

RSL: Specify the NOT PROTECTED parameter in the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this target table.

Connect CDC  Director: The None - collision errors are reported checkbox must be selected on the Receiving Table Properties, Table page for this target table.


Message Text: The journal mapping table@server cannot be moved by a request-type request.

Description: Journal creation is not supported for Copy requests.

RSL: Journal creation is not currently supported.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine this distribution request on the Distribution Set Properties, Requests page, or create a new Copy request.


Message Text: The journal mapping table@server does not have a target dist key which is the output of a method.

Description: The target table of a journal mapping must have at least one distribution key column that is the output of a data enhancement method. To avoid duplicate key conflicts for inserted rows, this column must be generated by a data enhancement method that does not use a source column for at least one of its input parameters.

Distribution key conflicts are more likely for journal tables because their data is created with SQL INSERTs only.

RSL: Not applicable. Journal mappings are not currently supported.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Sending Table Properties, Mapping page, at least one Target Column entry must be a distribution key and be mapped by a Method entry that is an appropriate data enhancement method to a Source Data entry that is not a source table column.


Message Text: Target column name in journal mapping table@server is not nullable.

Description: In a journal mapping, all non-distribution key columns of the target table must be nullable (that is, in the DDL for the table, the column must have the NULLS ALLOWED attribute).

This is necessary because the rows inserted into the journal may not always include values for all the source columns.

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: The Nullable checkbox on the Sending Table Properties, Columns page is marked if a column is defined as nullable.


Message Text: Server name cannot be a sending server because dbms & version is not a supported version.

Description: Models created with older versions of the Connect CDC Director may specify DBMS versions that are no longer supported.

RSL: The VERSION parameter in the CREATE server statement for the sending server must specify the number of a currently supported version.

Connect CDC  Director: The DBMS version field on the Server Properties, Basic page of recent versions of the Connect CDC Director contains a pull-down list of the supported DBMS versions.


Message Text: The number of columns captured in table name is greater than the maximum of number.

Description: Some DBMSs have a limit on the number of columns that can be captured.

RSL: Delete one or more of the target-column:source-column mappings in the CREATE TABLE MAPPING and CREATE SHARED TABLE statements for this sending table.

   If the CREATE SHARED TABLE statement for this table specifies ALL COLUMNS, you must change it to specify COLUMNS or SAME AS AT instead of ALL COLUMNS. In this case, you must then make sure the columns you want captured are individually specified after the COLUMNS parameter or are included in the columns referenced by the SAME AS AT parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: You must modify the mapping (change Method to NULL (not mapped)) of one or more mapped source columns on the Sending Table Properties, Mapping page.


Message Text: Distributor name sends data to servername to be retransmitted, so it must commit transactions when complete instead of at the max record threshold.

Description: The Commit transaction setting in the Connect CDC Director specifies when the Distributor should commit (in the metabase and at the target) after processing and sending records to the target table. If set to When complete, the default, the Distributor commits only when it reaches the end of a source transaction; otherwise, if set to At max record threshold, it may commit incomplete transactions.

For the sending of records to a target server that will be re-sending the records to another server (cascade configuration), commits of incomplete transactions are not allowed.

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement for this Distributor, the commit_maxrec runtime configuration parameter setting must be 0.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this Distributor, the Commit transaction setting must be When complete.


Message Text: The maximum record threshold of distributor name must be at least as large as its desired queue size.

Description: The Maximum record threshold setting in the Connect CDC Director specifies the maximum number of records from the transmission queue that the Distributor will hold in memory before processing and sending them to the target table. The Desired queue size in records setting specifies a desired minimum number of these records to be held in memory. This maximum must not be less than this minimum

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement for this Distributor, the maxrec runtime configuration parameter setting must be greater than or equal to the desire parameter.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this Distributor, the Maximum record threshold setting must be greater than or equal to the Desired queue size in records setting.


Message Text: The maximum record threshold of distributor name must be a positive number.

Description: The Maximum record threshold setting in the Connect CDC Director specifies the maximum number of records from the transmission queue that the Distributor holds in memory before processing and sending them to the target table. This setting must be greater than zero.

RSL: In the CREATE PROCESS statement for this Distributor, the maxrec runtime configuration parameter setting must be greater than zero.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this Distributor, the Maximum record threshold setting must be greater than zero.


Message Text: Distribution key column name in table@server is not mapped from columnname.

Description: Every target distribution key column must be mapped. If data enhancement is used, the source input can be a distribution key, a constant, or a system variable - but not a non-key column.

RSL: Include a table mapping for this column in the corresponding CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, ensure that this receiving column has associated Method and Source Data values.


Message Text: The connection name at server servername must use commitment control because it is the Director's default connection.

Description: Two SequeLink connection types are available for an IBM i server: one with commitment control (COMMIT and ROLLBACK) for SQL transactions and one without. The connection with commitment control uses TCP/IP port 4001; the other uses 4002. The Connect CDC Director default connection to an IBM i sending server must use commitment control.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement for the connection used by the Connect CDC Director to the IBM i server, make sure the PORT value is 4001.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Network page of the SequeLink Connection Properties dialog for the connection used by the Connect CDC Director to the IBM i server, make sure the Network port value is 4001.


Message Text: The connection name at server servername must use commitment control because it is used by a core process or replication request to access journaled tables.

Description: Two SequeLink connection types are available for an IBM i server: one with commitment control (COMMIT and ROLLBACK) for SQL transactions and one without. The connection with commitment control uses TCP/IP port 4001; the other uses 4002. The "core default" connection to an IBM i sending server must use commitment control.

RSL: In the CREATE CONNECTION statement for the "core default" connection to the IBM i server, make sure the PORT value is 4001.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Network page of the SequeLink Connection Properties dialog for "core default" connection to the IBM i server, make sure the Network port value is 4001.


Message Text: The DB2/400 change selector processname must have a journal assigned.

Description: One and only one journal must be assigned to each DB2/400 Change Selector.

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: To assign a journal to a Change Selector, use the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for the Change Selector.


Message Text: The DB2/400 change selector processname does not have any replicated tables assigned to its journal journalname.

Description: To prevent needless processing, an IBM i Change Selector must have at least one sending table assigned to the journal that the Change Selector reads.

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: To assign a table to a journal, use the Journal Operations dialog accessed by selecting Journal Operations from the context menu for the table. A journal is specified for a Change Selector on the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for the Change Selector.


Message Text: The DB2/400 journal journalname is used by multiple change selectors.

Description: An IBM i Change Selector must be assigned to a unique journal.

RSL: Not applicable.


Connect CDC  Director: On the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this DB2/400 Change Selector, make sure that the selected Journal value for each Change Selector does not match the value for another Change Selector.


Message Text: Server name cannot be a target-only server because dbms-version is not a supported version.

Description: You may be working with an EDMM that was committed under an older version of the Connect CDC Director. Your target-server DBMS version number is not on the supported list for this version of Connect CDC. Check the list in the Release Notes.

RSL: In the CREATE server statement for the server, make sure the VERSION value is on the supported list for this version of Connect CDC. Check the list in the __AVAIL.PDF file in the Docs directory of the Connect CDC CD.

Connect CDC  Director: For most DBMSs, the current supported versions for a target-only server are on the Basic page of the Server Properties dialog in the DBMS version list.


Message Text: The table name has been marked unavailable in the last catalog refresh.

Description: An available, sending, or receiving table in your EDMM is no longer present or is inaccessible in the server's system catalog when you do a subsequent refresh of the available tables or of the available table cache.

RSL: The CATALOG REFRESH statement refreshes the available table cache from the server's system catalog. If an already available table is no longer present or accessible in the catalog, you must delete and then redefine the server. RSL has no Remove-from-Cache statement. The DELETE SHARED TABLE statement removes a table from the Sending or Receiving Tables list, but not from the Available Tables list.

Connect CDC  Director: In the Tables branch of the EDMM, a missing table is marked with a red question mark (?). You can delete this table from the model by selecting Remove from Cache from the table's context menu. Or, if inaccessible for security reasons, you may be able to alter the table's security so that it is accessible, and then repeat the catalog refresh.


Message Text: Column column name in table@server cannot be a distribution key because it is too long.

Description: Because columns of a certain length (varying with the DBMS) require special handling, Connect CDC does not allow them to be distribution keys. This includes, but is not limited to, all columns that have a datatype in the Connect CDC Long Character or Long Binary category. See the System Reference for more information on Connect CDC datatype categories.

RSL: In the CREATE SHARED TABLE statements for the sending and receiving table, make sure that the indicated column is not specified as KEY.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Columns page of the Table Properties dialog, make sure that the Dist key column for the column indicated in message 1850 is not selected.


Message Text: The DB2/400 change selector process name cannot process journal journalname because it is used to journal the metabase.

Description: An IBM i Change Selector may not scrape the journal to which the Connect CDC metabase is assigned. To avoid potential looping problems, user tables and Connect CDC metadata tables must not share the same journal.

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this DB2/400 Change Selector, make sure that the selected Journal value is not the journal to which the Connect CDC metabase is assigned.


Message Text: The DB2/400 change selector process name can not use journal journal name because it is defined as system delete-managed.

Description: Journals for DB2/400 sending tables may be system managed (the definition of the journal object may have Manage receivers set to *SYSTEM) but the deleting of journal receivers must be left to Connect CDC (journal definition must specify Delete receivers set to *NO).

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: To invoke Connect CDC control of journal receiver deletion, select the Yes button for Receiver delete management on the Advanced page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this DB2/400 Change Selector.


Message Text: Process process name cannot be hosted on server server name.

Description: A sending server's processes are typically hosted (reside) on the sending server. In some configurations, however, processes must reside on a "host-only" server that is not the sending server (nor the receiving server). Such host-only servers may only be Windows or UNIX machines.

RSL: Make sure the server specified in the CREATE PROCESS AT server statement for the process is a Windows or UNIX server and is not the sending server.

Connect CDC  Director: Make sure the value for Host server on the Software page of the Process Definition Properties dialog for this process is a Windows or UNIX server and is not the sending server.


Message Text: The table table name at server server name contains identity target columns but does not allow the SET IDENTITY_INSERT statement on the Admin connection.

Description: To distribute to an MS SQL Server receiving column that has the IDENTITY property, the user ID under which Connect CDC logs in and updates the MS SQL Server receiving table must have sufficient authority to issue a "SET IDENTITY_INSERT tablename OFF" SQL statement.

RSL: Not applicable.

Connect CDC  Director: Make sure the user identified in the User ID value on the Core default ODBC connection to the target server has (at least) database owner privileges for the target database.


Message Text: The target identity column column name in table table name may only be mapped from a source identity column.

Description: MS SQL Server target columns with the IDENTITY property may receive Connect CDC distributions only from MS SQL Server source columns with the IDENTITY property. MS SQL Server IDENTITY source columns, however, may be replicated or copied to any Connect CDC-certified target DBMS.

RSL: In the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement, make sure the sending table IDENTITY column is mapped to the receiving table IDENTITY column.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog of the sending table, make sure the receiving table IDENTITY column is specified in the Target Column list and that its corresponding Source Data value is the IDENTITY column from the sending table.


Message Text: A retransmitted table marked as a source tablename must have a route originating at the source server.

Description: A retransmitted table is a sending table on the middle server in a cascade distribution configuration. If such a table is defined as a source in the Connect CDC Director (on the Table page of the Sending Table Properties dialog), it must have a route defined (in one of its routing sets in the Connect CDC Director) that originates from the middle server. Otherwise, updates by users at the retransmit server are not dispatched.

RSL: In the CREATE ROUTING SET statement, make sure a ROUTE FROM or ORIGINATING FROM clause specifies your middle server as source and its receiving server(s) as target(s).

Connect CDC  Director: Select New Route from the context menu of the server that holds the retransmit tables, and in the Route Properties dialog, select the receiving server(s) for distributions from the retransmit server.


Message Text: The ODBCSL connection connectionname at server servername must have an associated SequeLink connection defined in the model because it is used by a core process or replication request.

Description: A SequeLink ODBC connection (these are labeled ODBCSL in the model) used by a core process or a replication request must have been generated by the Connect CDC Director from a SequeLink connection that is defined in the model. An ODBC connection that is not Connect CDC Director-generated but that points to a SequeLink data source does not create the necessary metadata entries.

RSL: The Connect CDC Director generates the appropriate SequeLink ODBC connection only from the CREATE CONNECTION MIDDLEWARE SQLNK statement with the ADMIN_CORE_DEFAULT option.

Connect CDC  Director: To create the appropriate SequeLink ODBC connection, you must define a SequeLink connection in the Connect CDC Director using the SequeLink Connection Properties dialog, and on the SequeLink page of that dialog, you must select Generate an ODBC connection followed by Use it as core default to this server.


Message Text: The Oracle table mapping tablename-at-servername-to-tablename-at-servername references both CLOBS/BLOBS and LONG/LONG RAW column types at the target. This is not permitted by Oracle.

Description: In a replication or copy table mapping, the following Oracle source column types are mutually exclusive: You may specify one and only one of these options:

one LONG column

one LONG RAW column

a combination of CLOB columns and BLOB columns

RSL: In the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement for the sending and receiving table, make sure that your Oracle source column specifications do not include both a LONG and a LONG RAW column and do not mix a LONG or LONG RAW column with CLOB or BLOB columns.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Mapping page of the Table Properties dialog, make sure that your Oracle Source Data column specifications do not include both a LONG and a LONG RAW column, and that they do not mix a LONG or LONG RAW column with CLOB or BLOB columns.

1859-S2- ERROR

Message Text: The column name in table name has a datatype not supported for copy.

Description: The datatype of each replicated column must be among those datatypes supported for replication, copy or load as the case may be, by Connect CDC for the local server's DBMS.

See the System Reference  for more information on Connect CDC datatype categories.

RSL: Remove the column from the table mapping.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the column from the table mapping.

1860-S2- ERROR

Message Text: The column name in table name is mapped but not sent by any valid distribution method (replication or copy).

Description: A replicated column must be sent by a valid distribution method (replication or copy).

RSL: not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: : not applicable

1861-S2- ERROR

Message Text: Invalid user method name.

Description: Each user-defined Java method must be syntactically valid.

RSL: Correct the definition of the BODY on the CREATE METHOD statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the definition of the method on the Body page of the Data Enhancement Method Properties dialog; use the Validate button to check.


Message Text: Invalid target column expression for name.

Description: A target mapping expression must be syntactically valid.

RSL: Correct the definition of the mapping in the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the definition of the mapping on the Mapping page; use the Validate button to check.


Message Text: Invalid gate condition for mapping name.

Description: A Gate Condition must be syntactically valid.

RSL: Correct the definition of the gate condition in the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the definition of the gate condition in the Gate Condition page; use the Validate button to check.


Message Text: The table mapping name does not have a distribution key defined.

Description: Every table mapping must have a distribution key defined, consisting of at least one mapped target column.

RSL: Identify distribution key columns in the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement with DKEY.

Connect CDC  Director: Identify distribution key columns in the Mapping page.


Message Text: The total length name of all distribution keys in the table name exceeds 256.

Description: The sum of the lengths of all the dist keys in a mapping cannot exceed 256.

RSL: Identify a set of distribution key columns whose length does not exceed 256 in the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Identify a set of distribution key columns whose length does not exceed 256 in the Mapping page.


Message Text: In the bi-directional mapping name, the Director cannot ensure that the mapping is really reversible because the dist keys are not all mapped 1 to 1.

Description: If the target of a mapping is the source of another mapping, then the target columns corresponding to the keys in the original table must also be key columns for the target registration.

RSL: Ensure that the set of dist keys in a bi-directional mapping are all reversible when mapping in the opposite direction. For example, if you concatenate two fields going one way, you must use the substr command for them going back the other way.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure that the set of dist keys in a bi-directional mapping are all reversible when mapping in the opposite direction. For example, if you concatenate two fields going one way, you must use the substr command for them going back the other way.


Message Text: At least one column of the dist key name in mapping name must be NOT NULL; all dist key columns are NULLABLE.

Description: For protected replication, if a table may be sent to or received from an Oracle or DB2 server, it must have at least one NOT NULL distribution key field.

Conversely, if a table may be sent to or received from only Sybase or MS SQL Server servers, then all distribution key fields may be nullable.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: The bi-directional mappings for table name are not all using the same set of source columns to map to dist keys of the targets.

Description: All bi-directional mappings from the same source table must use the same set of source columns to map to the target mapping distribution keys.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: Column name in name cannot be a distribution key because it is either a binary type or too long.

Description: Long and binary and bit datatypes cannot be part of a distribution key. Middle-sized datatypes cannot be used as distribution keys.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: The distribution key name for mapping name is not the protected table's primary key or a unique index. Replication will fail unless there is a unique index or constraint.

Description: The distribution keys of a table should be a super-set of the primary key columns, or a unique index.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: The distribution key name for mapping name is not the target table's primary key or a unique index.

Description: The distribution keys of a table should be a super-set of the primary key columns, or a unique index. Connect CDC transaction failure processing continues processing despite the error. The statement and record that caused the error are copied to the log and deleted from the queue tables.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: For the bi-directional mapping name, the target distribution key name.

Description: The distribution keys at each target in a bi-directional mapping must be mapped back to the same source columns that map to them.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: The target distribution key name is not properly mapped back to one of its source columns, which is not mapped at all.


Description: A table mapping that is part of a bi-directional mapping must map the distribution keys at each target from the same set of source columns.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.


Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: Name is not properly mapped back to one of its source columns, which should be a distribution key.

Description: The distribution keys at each target in a bi-directional mapping must be mapped back to the same source columns that map to them.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: Name is not properly mapped back to one of its source columns, which should specify the original distribution key as one of the source columns back.

Description: The distribution keys at each target in a bi-directional mapping must be mapped back to the same source columns that map to them.

RSL: Ensure the rule is followed on the CREATE TABLE MAPPING statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Ensure the rule is followed on the Mapping page.


Message Text: The Distribution name does not contain any table mappings and cannot move any data. There must be at least one table mapping defined.

Description: A distribution must have at least one mapping assigned to it.

RSL: Add at least one table mapping to the Distribution via the CREATE DISTRIBUTION statement, or delete the Distribution.

Connect CDC  Director: Add at least one table mapping to the Distribution via the Distribution Properties dialog or by using "drag 'n drop", or delete the Distribution.


Message Text: The Distribution name does not contain any requests and cannot move any data. There must be at least on copy or replication request defined.

Description: A distribution must have at least one request defined in it.

RSL: Add at least one Request to the Distribution via the ALTER DISTRIBUTION statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Add at least one Request to the Distribution via the New Request menu item of the Distribution.


Message Text: The table mapping name is not assigned to any Distribution and will not move any data.

Description: Each target table mapping must be assigned to at least one distribution (else the data is not moved).

RSL: Add the table mapping to a Distribution via the ALTER DISTRIBUTION statement, or create a new Distribution containing it.

Connect CDC  Director: Add the table mapping to a Distribution by dragging it onto an existing Distribution, or create a new Distribution containing it.


Message Text: No user ids are defined at Server name.

Description: At least one user id must be given.

RSL: Specify a user ID via the CREATE USER statement.

Specify a user ID in Connect CDC Director: the Server Properties page by defining a DBMS Logon ID.


Message Text: There is no (or more than one) default user id identified at Server name.

Description: One user id must be identified as the default user.

RSL: Specify a user ID in the CREATE USER statement via the DEFAULT attribute.

Connect CDC  Director: Specify a user ID in the Server Properties page by using the Default check box.


Message Text: There is no replication user id identified at Server name.

Description: One user id must be identified as the replication user.

RSL: Specify a user ID in the CREATE USER statement via the REPUSER attribute.

Connect CDC  Director: Specify a user ID in the Server Properties page by using the Rep user check box.


Message Text: The Path Group name has a path with duplicate hosts name.

Description: Each path in a path group must have a distinct origin and destination host, and all intermediate hosts must be distinct and may not be the origin or destination host.

RSL: Correct the error via the ALTER PATHGROUP statement.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the error on the Path Group Properties page.

1883-S4- Warning

Message Text: The mapping back to the bi-directional mapping name is not in this Distribution name; the table may get out of sync if both Distributions are not running simultaneously.

Description: Both mappings participating in a replicated bi-directional mapping should be assigned to the same Distribution.

RSL: Correct the error via the ALTER DISTRIBUTION request; remove one of the mappings and put it into the same Distribution as the other mapping.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the error by dragging one of the mappings into the same Distribution as the other mapping.


Message Text: Full collision detection for this request name requires that all bi-directional mappings in the request use shadow tables on both source and target tables. Table name is not protected.

Description: Full collision detection requires shadow tables on all bi-directional mappings (not yet implemented). This is no longer a request option.

RSL: Use the ALTER SHARED TABLE statement to add the PROTECTED attribute.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Sending Table Properties page to add protection to the table.


Message Text: The mapping back to the bi-directional mapping name is also in this Distribution name; there is a copy request in the Distribution which means you will try to copy a source and target table to each other simultaneously.

Description: Both mappings in a bi-directional copy should not be assigned to the same Distribution.

RSL: Correct the error via the ALTER DISTRIBUTION request; remove one of the mappings and put it into a different Distribution than the other mapping.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the error by dragging one of the mappings into a different Distribution than the other mapping.


Message Text: The host name cannot access the XML files because either it does not specify local access, or there is no global access defined on the Model Properties dialog.

Description: Each host must have its XML location specified either explicitly or implicitly.

RSL: Use the ALTER HOST statement to specify XMLLOCAL or the XML statement to define a global default location.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Host Properties page to check the Store XML file locally at this host, or the Model Properties dialog, XML/Encryption page to define a global location.


Message Text: The multiple servers defined at this host name are not compatible.

Description: Multiple servers defined must be consistent per the following:

An IBM i server is the only one allowed at a host.

An OS server may be defined only with other OS servers.

An MSSS server may only be defined with other MSSS servers or Oracle servers.

RSL: Use the DELETE SERVER statement to remove the invalid server(s).

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Delete This Server… menu item to remove the invalid server(s).


Message Text: Only one IBM i Server is allowed and may not be defined with other Servers.

Description: This text is used to qualify 1887.

RSL: Not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Not applicable


Message Text: An OS/ Server may only be defined with other OS/ Servers.

Description: This text is used to qualify 1887.

RSL: Not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Not applicable


Message Text: A Microsoft SQL Server may only be defined with other SQL Servers or Oracle/Windows Servers.

Description: This text is used to qualify 1887.

RSL: Not applicable

Connect CDC  Director: Not applicable


Message Text: The target-only server name requires a metabase.

Description: If a Server is not sending, it must have a target-only or full metabase.

RSL: RSL cannot be used to install a metabase; use Connect CDC Director GUI.

Connect CDC  Director: Highlight a server, right click to bring up a context menu, and install a source or target-only metabase.


Message Text: The Path Group name must contain at least one Path.

Description: Each path group must have at least one path.

RSL: Use the ALTER PATHGROUP statement to add at least one PATH.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Path Group Properties page to add at least one path.


Message Text: The Path Group name contains two Paths between the same hosts.

Description: Only one path in a path group may exist between the same source and target host.

RSL: Use the ALTER PATHGROUP statement to modify the definition.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Path Group Properties page to modify the definition.


Message Text: The Path Group name contains two Paths between the same hosts name.

Description: A sending table may NOT map to a node; you must define a target-only server (and host) to model the node and map the table there. Required in order to generate XML files properly.

RSL: Use the CREATE SERVER statement to define a server that SHADOWS NODE name, and CREATE SHARED TABLE and CREATE TABLE MAPPING statements at that server and at the sending server as appropriate.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the New server… menu item to define a server that shadows a node name, and create the mappings as usual.

1895-S2-ERROR if incompatible; S4-Warning if partially compatible.)

Message Text: The datatype of target column name is not compatible with its source name because the datatype is not supported for replication, only copy.

Description: The datatypes of the pair of source and target columns must be compatible. Two datatypes are compatible if Connect CDC can convert a data value of the first datatype to the second datatype and there are no other incompatible attributes such as length where the length of the target is not large enough to accommodate the source data being moved. For example, float is compatible with integer, but not with date.

Note that the criteria governing this rule may indicate that some types are partially compatible. This is true for both numeric and character data that is being moved from a larger source to a smaller target. This error level will not prevent the commit of the model, but the user needs to his data well enough that this data mapping will not cause runtime difficulties.

RSL: Use the ALTER TABLE MAPPING statement to correct the invalid column mappings.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Mapping Properties page to correct the invalid column mappings.


Message Text: The Path Group name1 name2 must define at least one source, intermediate, and target host.

Description: A path must define at least one source, intermediate, and target host .

RSL: Define the missing host.

Connect CDC  Director: Define the missing host.


Message Text: The license validation has failed: name1, name2

Description: The model parameters by platform type for sending and target servers must be within the license limits.

RSL: Upgrade your license.


   Redefine the server, using one that is within the license limits using the ALTER SERVER command.

Connect CDC  Director: Upgrade your license.


   Redefine the server to one that is within the license limits using the New Server command from the context menu of a host.


Message Text: The host name must have a platform type name defined which is consistent with the servers defined at the host.

Description: A host must have a platform type defined, which must be consistent with the Server's defined at the host.

RSL: DELETE and CREATE a SERVER of the proper DBMS type for the platform type.

Connect CDC  Director: Use the Host Properties page to modify the Platform type setting, or delete and create a new server of the proper DBMS type for the platform type.


Message Text: The table name is used in a bidirectional mapping name but is not protected.

Description: A table used with a bi-directional mapping must be fully protected (with a shadow table). The checking of this rule will set the protection on.

RSL: No action required.

Connect CDC  Director: No action required.


Message Text: The table name has bidirectional mappings, but some unidirectional mappings use source columns for their dist keys which are not a subset of the bidi source dist key columns. The columns in error are: name

Description: If a table has bi-directional mappings, any unidirectional mappings may define distribution key mappings that use only a subset of the source columns used by the bi-directional mapping distribution keys (for any source columns that are used; they may be system variables).

RSL: Change the definition of the distribution keys of the unidirectional mappings.

Connect CDC  Director: Change the definition of the distribution keys of the unidirectional mappings.


Message Text: The table name is protected, but does not map to any protected targets, or is not mapped from any protected source.

Description: A sending table may not be protected (with a shadow table) unless there is at least one mapping to a protected target from it, or from a protected table to it.

RSL: Remove the protection.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the protection.


Message Text: The table name is mapping a long column name and does not have a unique index. The long column value cannot be retrieved.

Description: If a long column is a sending column in a table, the table must have a unique index defined (so that the long column value may be retrieved uniquely).

RSL: Define a unique index on the table and refresh it in the Connect CDC Director or remove the long column mapping.

Connect CDC  Director: Define a unique index on the table and refresh it in the Connect CDC Director or remove the long column mapping.


Message Text: The sending table name does not have a unique index defined, so target dist keys might not be uniquely mapped. Replication or Copy may fail.

Description: A sending table via replication with at least one non-journal mapping should have a unique index whose key columns are all used as the source of the target dist key. This is sufficient to prevent duplicate target records, but not necessary.

RSL: Define a unique index on the table and refresh it in the Connect CDC Director.

Connect CDC  Director: Define a unique index on the table and refresh it in the Connect CDC Director.


Message Text: The process name has multiple replication requests defined to the same target name. Replication will fail if a single transaction spans multiple requests.

Description: A Distributor may not have multiple replication request defined to the same target server, because cleanup will fail.

RSL: Remove all but one of the replication requests.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove all but one of the replication requests.


Message Text: The table name is target-only (no sending mappings) and may not be protected.

Description: A target-only table (no mappings to other tables) may not be fully protected with a shadow table.

RSL: Remove the table's protection.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the table's protection.


Message Text: The XML is specified to be stored globally at an http: server, but all hosts store the XML locally so the server is not used.

Description: If an http: global XML server is defined, it should be used by at least one host.

RSL: Redefine the global XML setting using the SPECIFY MODEL DEFAULT XML LOCATION command.


Redefine at least one host using the ALTER HOST command.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine the global XML setting on the Model Properties dialog, XML/Encryption tab.


Redefine at least one host on the Host Properties dialog to store XML globally.


Message Text: The host name has no servers defined, and is not used in any Path. It serves no purpose in the model.

Description: A host without servers should be an intermediate host in some Path, else it serves no purpose in the model.

RSL: Define the host as an intermediate host using the ALTER PATHGROUP command.


Delete the host from the model by using the DELETE command.

Connect CDC  Director: Define the host as an intermediate host on the Path Group Properties dialog.


Delete the host from the model by clicking on the host name and bringing up the context menu where you choose Delete this host.


Message Text: An AIX host name may not use SSL, or send to any host that requires SSL.

Description: A host where SSL does not currently work (AIX) may not specify SSL or send directly to an SSL host

RSL: Redefine SSL options using the ALTER HOST command.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine SSL options for this host on the Host Properties dialog.


Message Text: Any AIX host with 1.4 JVM name may not be used in a path name where it sends to any host that requires SSL.

Description: A host where SSL does not currently work. May not be used in a path where it sends to a host that requires SSL.

RSL: Define a different host using the ALTER PATHGROUP command.


   Delete the host from the model by using the DELETE command.

Connect CDC  Director: Define a different host on the Path Group Properties dialog.


   Delete the host from the model by clicking on the host name and bringing up the context menu where you choose Delete this host.


Message Text: Column name 1 in name 2 should not be a distribution key because it is an approximate numeric type (REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE). Problems may occur in key comparisons.

Description: Long and binary and bit datatypes cannot be part of a distribution key. Middle-sized datatypes cannot be used as distribution keys. (DB2/400 varchar > 254; Informix char/varchar > 256).

RSL: Redefine the distribution key using the ALTER SHARED TABLE command so that the sending column distribution key is not an approximate numeric type.

Connect CDC  Director: Check the distribution key on the Sending Table Properties dialog, Mapping tab. Redefine the distribution key so that the sending column distribution key is not an approximate numeric type.


Message Text: Target column expression for name has warnings:

Description: A target mapping expression must be syntactically valid.

RSL: Redefine the target mapping expression using the CREATE TABLE MAPPINGS command, if the warnings are not acceptable.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine the target mapping expression on the Sending Table Properties, Mapping tab. In the Method column, choose Expression, and then Edit source to access the Target Column Expression window, if the warnings are not acceptable.


Message Text: Gate condition for mapping name has warnings: text

Description: A Gate Condition must be syntactically valid.

RSL: Redefine the gate condition using the CREATE TABLE MAPPINGS command, if the warnings are not acceptable.

Connect CDC  Director: Redefine the gate condition on the Sending Table Properties, Gate Condition tab, if the warnings are not acceptable.


Message Text: The IBM i table name has a FOR BIT DATA column name treated as character (AS400FORBITCHAR=1) and should not be used as a distribution key.

Description: A sending column in an IBM i source table, which is FOR BIT DATA treated as character (AS400FORBITCHAR=1), should not be used as the source of any target distribution keys (S4).    

RSL: Redefine the distribution key using the ALTER SHARED TABLE command so that the sending column distribution key is not FOR BIT data.

Connect CDC  Director: Check the distribution key on the Sending Table Properties dialog, Mapping tab. Redefine the distribution key so that the sending column distribution key is not FOR BIT data.


Message Text: The Oracle server name must be running in ARCHIVELOG mode. See the database administrator to set the Archive mode. See the database administrator to set the Archive mode.

Description: If Oracle LogMiner is used then the Oracle instance must be running in Archive mode.

RSL: Contact the database administrator with request to set Archive mode.

Connect CDC  Director: Contact the database administrator with request to set Archive mode.


Message Text: The sending table name has default mappings that will never send because there is at least one unconditional non-default mapping defined name.

Description: A sending table with an unconditional, non-default mapping will never send any Default mappings defined.

RSL: Correct the mappings from the sending table as appropriate.

Connect CDC  Director: Correct the mappings from the sending table as appropriate.


Message Text: The Oracle server name must be running with transaction auditing turned on. See the database administrator to set the mode properly.

Description: If Oracle LogMiner is used, the instance must be running with transaction auditing turned on.

RSL: See the database administrator to set the mode properly.

Connect CDC  Director: See the database administrator to set the mode properly.


Message Text: The model name name should not begin with a digit, or include an embedded period.

Description: Your model name begins with or contains a digit or it includes an embedded period.

RSL: See the database administrator to set the mode properly.

Connect CDC  Director: See the database administrator to set the mode properly.


Message Text: Cross joined sending tables name used in replicated mapping name.

Description: If sending table A is joined to table B and B is also a sending table, B may not be (cross) joined with table A.

RSL: Remove the cross-joined definition.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the cross-joined definition.


Message Text: The Install library name at IBM i sending server name does not contain the OERUNCMD program needed to monitor Change Selectors.

Description: An IBM i sending server’s Install library should contain OERUNCMD *PGM which is needed for commit of the model, status monitoring, and process stopping and starting.

RSL: Specify the correct Install library.

Connect CDC  Director: Specify the correct Install library.


Message Text: The Oracle sending table name is defined as an index-organized table, which is not supported for replication.

Description: The Oracle LogMiner used in the Change Selector does not support an Index Organized table.

RSL: Remove the table from sending.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the table from sending.


Message Text: The Oracle server name version name does not support log-based capture.

Description: An Oracle server should be a Version 9.2 or greater in order to support the Change Selector using LogMiner.

RSL: Informational only. Upgrade your Oracle instance.

Connect CDC  Director: Informational only. Upgrade your Oracle instance.


Message Text: The Distribution name has a copy request and target table name has multiple sending tables.

Description: If a Distribution has any copy or synchronization requests, no target table in the Distribution may be mapped from more than one source (merged).

RSL: Remove the additional mappings to the modified target table, or do not use copy/sync requests in the Distribution.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove the additional mappings to the modified target table, or do not use copy/sync requests in the Distribution.


Message Text: Only one FileSystem Server is allowed at a host.

Description: Only one File System server is allowed at a host.

RSL: Remove extra FileSystem server.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove extra FileSystem server.


Message Text: The JDBC driver version name at server name is not supported. The Oracle 10g driver should be used.

Description: The Oracle JDBC driver should be version 10.1 or greater.

RSL: Upgrade your Oracle JDBC driver at the host.

Connect CDC  Director: Upgrade your Oracle JDBC driver at the host.


Message Text: A sending table may map to only one file at a given FileSystem. The sending table name is additionally mapped to name.

Description: A sending table may map to only one target file at a given FileSystem (no splitting).

RSL: Remove extra target mappings.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove extra target mappings.


Message Text: A FileSystem target file may be mapped by only one sending table. The target file name is mapped from name.

Description: A FileSystem target file may be mapped from only one sending file (no merging).

RSL: Remove extra source mappings.

Connect CDC  Director: Remove extra source mappings.


Message Text: An Oracle server name requires that both the replication user id and the default user id be RPUSER.

Description: An Oracle DBMS requires RPUSER be both the rep user and default ID.

RSL: In the CREATE USER statement, define RPUSER as Default and Rep user.

Connect CDC  Director: On the Server Properties window, define RPUSER with Default and Rep user checked.


Message Text: The Oracle server (name) must be running with automatic archiving turned on. See the database administrator to set the mode properly. name.

Description: An Oracle setting must be changed so that automatic archiving is turned on.

RSL: n/a

Oracle setting must be changed.

Connect CDC  Director: n/a

Oracle setting must be changed.


Message Text: The Distribution distribution-name references multiple databases (Source, Target) for server (server-name). Each distribution may only reference a single database. Multiple database references in a single distribution is only allowed for trigger-based capture running Microsoft SQL Server.

Description: Each distribution may only reference a single database. Multiple database references in a single distribution is only allowed for trigger-based capture running Microsoft SQL Server.

RSL: Remove the mapping from the "CREATE DISTRIBUTION"  statement and add it to the new distribution.

Connect CDC Director: Create a new distribution and add the mapping to it.


Message Text: All sending tables in Distribution (name) for IBM i Server (name) must use the same journal. Tables (name) have a different journal than (name).

Description:  Source tables at each server must be journaled to the same journal.

RSL: Arrange the mappings in a particular Distribution so all source tables at each server are journaled to the same journal. The journals may be different at each source server. Either change the journals of the conflicting tables, or put them in a different Distribution.

Connect CDC  Director: Arrange the mappings in a particular Distribution so all source tables at each server are journaled to the same journal. The journals may be different at each source server. Either change the journals of the conflicting tables, or put them in a different Distribution.


Message Text: An Oracle TIMESTAMP column(s) (name) in sending table (name) may not be the source of a target dist key when using LogMiner to replicate.

Description:  An Oracle TIMESTAMP column(s) (name) in sending table (name) has been defined as the source of a target distribution key when using LogMiner to replicate.

RSL: Either change the target of an Oracle TIMESTAMP source column so it is not a distribution key, or do not map the distribution key from an Oracle TIMESTAMP column.

Connect CDC  Director: Either change the target of an Oracle TIMESTAMP source column so it is not a distribution key, or do not map the distribution key from an Oracle TIMESTAMP column.


Message Text: Mapping of the xml column(custinfo) from source table(qatest.dbo.customer) to target table(qatest.dbo.customer) in distribution "MSSS" is not allowed with the "Use prepared Statements" option.

The use of prepared statements is not allowed for target table mappings that have one or more LOB columns mapped.

The mapping for target table(qatest.dbo.customer) has the following LOB columns mapped: column(custinfo)

Description: Connect CDC does not allow atrget table mappings that have one or more LOB columns mapped. You cannot use prepared statements for target table mappings that have one or more LOB columns mapped.

Connect CDC Director: Do not use prepared statements for target table mappings that have one or more LOB columns mapped.


Message Text: The metabase installed is not compatible with the trigger-based replication. Please re-install the metabase.

Description: The metabase installed is not compatible with the trigger-based replication. Please re-install the metabase.

RSL: Re-install the metabase.

Connect CDC Director: Re-install the metabase.


Message Text: The bi-directional mapping (table-name@server-name to table-name@server-name) is not allowed in the Distribution (distribution-name) as CDC is enabled for server-name Microsoft SQL Server.

Description: Bi-directional mapping is not allowed in the Distribution (distribution-name) since CDC is enabled on the (server-name) Microsoft SQL Server.

RSL: Remove the bi-directional mapping.

Connect CDC Director: Remove the bi-directional mapping.


Message Text: The use of method "Transaction username" is not allowed in the mapping "table-name@server-name to table-name@server-name as CDC is enabled on "server-name" Microsoft SQL Server.

Description: You cannot use the Transaction username method for this mapping, since CDC is enabled on the (server-name) Microsoft SQL. Server

RSL: Remove the Transaction username method, or use a different method.

Connect CDC Director: Remove the Transaction username method, or use a different method.


Message Text: CDC is already enabled on one or all databases on SQL2008 server

Description: CDC is already enabled on one or all databases on MS SQL 2008 server.

RSL: CDC is already enabled on one or all databases on MS SQL 2008 server

Connect CDC Director: CDC is already enabled on one or all databases on MS SQL 2008 server.


Message Text: The mapping from column column-name of datatype text in the table-name in the distribution ("distribution-name") is not allowed. This mapping is allowed for trigger-based capture for the versions of Microsoft SQL Server supported by Connect CDC.

Description: The mapping from column column-name of datatype text in the source table in the distribution ("distribution-name") is not allowed. This mapping is only allowed for trigger-based capture for the versions of Microsoft SQL Server supported by Connect CDC.

RSL: Remove the "Create Table Mapping" for the above mapping from <modelname>_X_MAPS.rsl. Remove this mapping from the "create distribution" statements in <modelname>_X_DISTS.rsl.

Connect CDC Director: Remove this mapping from the specified distribution.


Message Text: Database <database-name> on server <server-name"> does not have CDC enabled. Please run the "Prepare User Database.." action, against <database-name>, on server <server-name>.

Description: The specified database does not have CDC enabled on MS SQL 2008. Prepare the database from within Connect CDC Director. To do so, right-click the server, then select Prepare User Database.

RSL: n/a

Connect CDC Director: Right-click the server, then select Prepare User Database.


Message Text: The journal receiver for the journal, in the Change Selector process <change_selector_process> exists in "*SYSBAS" and is configured for Receiver Delete Management. The Metabase Library is required to be installed in "*SYSBAS"

Description: The journal receiver for the journal exists in SYSBAS. If you have a journal receivers defined on SYSBAS you must ensure that the metabase is defined on SYSBAS.

RSL: n/a

Connect CDC Director: To resolve this issue, perform one of the following options:

  • Remove the existing Metabase. Manually delete the library from the i5 system and then reinstall the metabase in SYSBAS.

  • Change the "Metabase Library" name on the Server properties dialog to one that already exists in SYSBAS, or to one that does not exist, and then reinstall the metabase.

  • Turn off "Receiver delete management" on the Advanced tab in the i5 Change Selector Process Properties dialog.