Method: Convert GMT to local
Function name: gmt_to_local
Parameter list: (CHAR input timestamp)
Return type: CHAR
What the method does: Converts a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) timestamp to local time in the following format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ffffff
yyyy–the year
mm–the month
dd–the date
hh–the hour, in a 24-hour clock (for example, 20 is 8:00 pm)
ffffff–fractions of a second
If the timestamp input is an empty string, an empty string is returned.
Note: The default offset that is used is the one set on the host where the kernel is running. However, this offset may not always be the same as the host for an off-box server. For example, you may have a host, in the Eastern time zone, with all the off-box servers in a Central timezone.