Connect CDC data transformation options enable you to:
Specify an expression whose result (true or false) determines whether a source row is sent to a target table. This is known as a “gate condition” or condition expression.
Specify an expression, associated with a target column, whose result when calculated at runtime will be the value sent to the target for that column. This is referred to as a “result expression.”
Use column values from SQL tables, the default being the source table.
Use any of multiple predefined system data transformation methods (including the methods supplied in earlier versions of the product, as well as the set of special variables:
Row manipulation type (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
Sending DBMS type (DB2, Oracle, etc.)
Sending server name
Sending table name
Transaction identifier
Transaction sequence
Transaction timestamp
Transaction user name
Create user data transformation methods, that can be invoked from either a user gate condition or result column expression. Coding in the C language is not required and little or no configuration is required.
Handle NULL values in SQL columns.
The expression language supports the following grammatical constructs:
Arithmetic operations using: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and remainders (%).
Comparison operators allowing the construction of arbitrarily complex predicates: equal (EQ, ==), not equal (NE, !=, <>), greater than (>, GT), less than (<, LT), greater than or equal (>=, GE), and less than or equal (<=, LE).
Boolean operations AND and OR for joining predicates together: AND (&&), and OR (||).
A variety of literal values: integer (both base-10 decimal and base-16 hexidecimal), float, decimal, character, and the null literal.
Variable references that are either columns from an SQL table or temporary variables defined in the expression language used for holding intermediate results
Function calls to either Connect CDC system-defined methods or user-defined methods
A variety of datatypes: bit, integer, double, Boolean, date, time, timestamp, character, and decimal.
However, columns that have the following datatypes may not be used as Connect CDC expressions:
For MS SQL Server, ntext, binary, varbinary, IMAGE and TEXT are not allowed to be used in expressions.
For Sybase, binary and varbinary, IMAGE and TEXT are not allowed in expressions.