Installing an external method means making the method available to Connect CDC via the Java classpath. As indicated above, the classpaths for Connect CDC Director and Connect CDC Listener must be modified to make the external method available. Depending on how the external method is packaged, the classpath is modified accordingly:
class file - The class file should be copied to the same directory where omni.jar resides.
For the Connect CDC Director, modify the omnient.ini Director section parameter classpath parameter by adding this directory to the class path so that the Java class loader can search this directory for the class containing the external method. For example, if omni.jar is located in the directory “c:\v56\classes”, then the classpath specification would look something like this: Classpath=c:\v56\classes\.;c:\v56\classes\omni.jar;..." where the directory specification "c:\v56\classes\" has been added.
For the Connect CDC Listener, copy the class file into the kernel subdirectory where the Connect CDC Listener is started and simply add ".;" to the head of the classpath if it is not already specified. The ";" represents the appropriate separator, which may be different depending on the platform. The "." represents the current directory (that is, the kernel subdirectory) where the listener is usually started.
jar file and zip file
If the external method resides in a jar file, then this jar name must be added to the Connect CDC Director's classpath parameter. The Connect CDC script that starts the Connect CDC Listener must be modified to include the directory specification for this jar file in the same way that omni.jar is included in the classpath.