Microsoft AD Authentication
Microsoft AD Authentication is currently not supported when configuring a Microsoft SQL Server database server in a Replication Model.
Change Data Capture (CDC) replication methods
For trigger-based and Change Data Capture (CDC) replication methods, the maximum number of unique tables that may be replicated in a single transaction is 200.
- A MS SQL Server database can not be replicated using multiple models.
- Only available on the Enterprise or Developer editions of MS SQL Server 2016 SP1 Standard Edition and above.
- Does not support bi-directional replication.
- You cannot truncate tables that are being captured by CDC.
- You cannot use CDC if you are using CDC for some other application on the same server. Transactional integrity will be limited to the database level.
- Transaction username is unavailable.
- Does not support replication requests that contain tables from more than one MS SQL Server database.
Trigger-based replication
For trigger-based replication, the maximum number of unique Connect CDC requests that may participate in a single transaction is 51.
Running a Copy request
You may receive an error like the following when running a Copy request:
ERROR:Error executing statement 'alter table <tablename> drop
The generated index name has probably changed, for example, it has been regenerated overnight, and the last one from a Catalog Refresh will be out of date. Do the following to solve this error:
Refresh the table in Connect CDC Director.
- Recommit the model in Connect CDC Director.
- Do a Model Update in Connect CDC MonCon.
- Rerun the request in Connect CDC MonCon.
Fast load
Fast load is restricted to a single source server table feeding a single MS SQL Server load table. An index error occurs if multiple source server tables feed one target MS SQL Server load table.
MS SQL Server database returning a row count when it executes SQL statements
The proper functioning of Connect CDC is dependent on the MS SQL Server database returning a row count whenever it executes SQL statements. This is not the case if the instance connection property “no count” is checked. This is unchecked by default.
Database names containing a period
Connect CDC does not support a period as part of a database name for databases containing tables as either a source or a target in replication.