Error message: "The sending tables cannot exists in the same Distribution" |
Director |
For a Snowflake target, you cannot have two source mappings to the same target table in the same Distribution. |
Each source table must be mapped to a separate distribution. |
MXSHR-7640 |
Error message: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column "rp_c_stamp," table "omnirep.dbo.rp_trans." Column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated." |
Metabase Table |
An incorrect metabase install script causes the user's transaction to fail for SQL Server trigger-based replication. |
Modify the rp_trans table to allow null values for rp_c_stamp column for trigger-based metabase for SQL Server. |
MXSHR-7551 |
RequestManager hangs when the IBMi connection is lost |
Kernel |
When an IBMi connection is lost, the replication kernel may stop responding to requests from clients such as MonCon. Clients appear to hang, then issue “ERROR:Request timed out after 300 seconds”. This error also appears in the listener log. Replication continues running.
Log into the kernel host and restart the listener. Note: This will restart all other running models as well.
MXSHR-7058 |
Cannot map large objects to Kafka |
Replication |
MXSHR-5952 |
Failed RSL import |
Exporting RSL does not support Unicode text. |
MXSHR-1288 |
dateformat method might not return correct results if input timestamp has over 3 fractional digits. |
Data Enhancement |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
The circumvention is to substring the input so that only 3 fraction digits are sent to the 'dateformat' method:dateformat(substring('1999-01-01-12:31:45.123456', 1, 23), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS', 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS');
MXSHR-1195 |
Expression with a return of "return (NULL);" gets javac compile error |
Data Enhancement |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
MXSHR-3246 |
Director crash |
Director |
Director can crash if killing an active running “New SQL” window. |
MXSHR-1163 |
Generate DDL option will incorrectly specify the CCSID of CHAR FOR BIT columns in the DDL statement
Director |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
MXSHR-558 |
DB2 Graphic replicating to MySQL Tinytext will fail if the Graphic value is larger than 63 characters |
Data Type replication |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
MXSHR-712 |
Director not mapping Oracle TIMESTAMP column
Modeling |
Director does not allow the mapping of Oracle TIMESTAMP type with scale > 6. |
MXSHR-2701 |
IBMi CHAR FOR BIT replication to MySQL tinyblob can fail if the CHAR FOR BIT value is less than 150 bits.
Data Type |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
MXSHR-740 |
MySQL target table fails to load |
Copy/Load |
Tables with Binary or LOB columns cannot be used with the loader for MySQL. The Director does not validate this currently.
MXSHR-700 |
Failed kernel start, no message in kernel log |
Startup |
If the “procprops” file containing the alert status is corrupted, kernel start will fail when reading the file. Removing the “procprops” file will correct the problem.
MXSHR-1646 |
Install startup in boot area of Linux |
Install |
Unable to install the listener script in the boot area for newer versions of Linux. |
Manually add omnilistener start to boot area. |
MXSHR-1830 |
Model Update starting kernel when previously it was not |
Model Update |
An entry will be added to the activekernels.txt file after a Model Update is completed for the instance when the kernel was not running prior to the Model Update.
MXSHR-976 |
Sometimes if an expression is very complex (e.g. lots of operations, lots of methods calls, lots of method parameters, etc.) the parser cannot not parse the expression and will error out with: "Error in parsing. Grammar is not correct"
Data Enhancement |
This is a Precisely Connect CDC problem. |
There is no solution at this time. |
MXSHR-1670 |
Computed Column not Refreshed in Director |
Director |
If a computed column is added to a table that already exists in the model a “refresh table” action will not pick up this change. The table will need to be removed from the model and re-added to reflect the computed column. |
MXSHR-827 |
Missing tables from maps.rsl from RSL export |
Data Enhancement |
If a model contains a large number of mappings exporting may not write out all to the maps.rsl file. |
Change the omnient.ini parm max_rsl_rows to 2000. |
MXSHR-1236 |
Replication to Teradata can fail for Character data type |
Replication |
Unicode characters above code points x'FFFF' can cause Teradata replication, copy, and load to terminate.
Use the replacechar method to remove the offending characters from the data. |
MXSHR-1653 |
SQL Server indexes not restored correctly after a Load |
Data Enhancement |
When executing a Load all keys and indexes are dropped for a SQL Server target. If those keys or indexes had been created with data compression they are not recreated correctly after the load.
Check response from shutdown msg before accessing it is method and use separate variable to track number of retries
MXSHR-855 |
Switching from SQL Server CDC based capture to trigger based capture |
Model Update |
When trying to switch an existing model that is configured to use CDC based replication, the mirror table(s) required for trigger based replication are not created when doing an incremental commit and then running model update
Execute a full commit. |
MXSHR-1318 |