If you are adding a server, fill out the Server information and Parameters for processing archive logs windows.
- On the Server information window, input the database server name. Note: You may not enter the following characters in the server name:single quote (‘), double quote (“), space ( ), tab, form feed, forward slash (/), backward slash (\), equal sign (=), and colon (:).The DBMS Type defaults to Oracle, and the Version defaults to 10 and above.
- Click Next.
If you enter a name that is a duplicate, you see the following message:
- On the Parameters for processing archive logs window, input options for handling log corruption and archive logs.
Choose if the Change Selector continues processing when a corrupted row is detected.
If selected:
The Change Selector starts with the Ignore log corruption option enabled.
A status message is returned after a corrupt row is skipped.
If you continue and ignore the corrupt row, an informational message indicating the system change number (SCN) range where the corruption occurred is displayed.
If you do not continue, an error message is issued and the Change Selector stops. When this occurs, you must determine where to begin processing and must restart the Change Selector.
If the Ignore log corruption option is not selected and the Change Selector encounters a corrupted row, it stops.
- Choose if archive logs should be retained or deleted after all rows from the log have been replicated.
Retain archive log files option
The Change Selector automatically retains archived logs when you specify this option. For each processed archive log, Connect CDC creates an empty file using the same archive name with the .repdone suffix appended to the name. The Change Selector determines that Connect CDC has processed a log by the verifying whether a file with the .repdone extension exists. The original logs that are processed logs, can be backed up and deleted.
Delete archive log files at primary destination only
This radio button box indicates that Connect CDC should delete archive logs in their primary destination when they are no longer necessary for replication.
Delete archive log files at all destinations
This radio button indicates that Connect CDC should delete archive logs in all archive destinations, in addition to the primary destination, when the logs are no longer necessary for replication. This option supports the multiplexing of archive logs.
Note: In a remote host Oracle configuration, Connect CDC cannot be setup to delete Oracle archive logs. Since the kernel is not running on the Oracle host, there is no mechanism to delete the archive logs.Note: Multiplexing is a form of mirroring where Oracle keeps an additional copy of the same archive log for each archive destination specified. The additional copy is used when an archive log becomes corrupted.-
After backup, processed archived logs are renamed with prefix
If you use third-party backup software, such as SQL-Backtrack ™, and you have configured the software to rename the originals, and not delete originals or leaving them as-is, you should select After backup, processed archived logs are renamed with prefix and then specify the prefix that your backup software uses to rename backed-up copies.
The Change Selector processes the renamed archive logs and deletes them when Connect CDC has finished processing them. This approach ensures that archive logs are not deleted before they are processed nor before they are backed up.
When this option is specified, the Change Selector looks for both standard and renamed archive logs when processing the logs.
For each archive log, the Change Selector will process the original if it is still available, otherwise it will process the renamed log.
If this option is used with Retain archive files and if the backup software works properly, the archive logs will be processed and backed up. A cleanup routine can delete all renamed files for which an empty file with the .repdone prefix exists.
If this option is used with one of the Delete options, then a backup will occur only if an archive log is backed up, before it is processed. Therefore it is probably not useful to use a delete option in conjunction with After backup, processed archived logs are renamed with prefix.
When both the delete and rename options are selected, Connect CDC only deletes archive logs that have the rename prefix.
When the Rename prefix is specified without one of the delete options, you receive a message since archive logs will not be deleted.
Note: You may NOT enter the following characters in the prefix:single quote (‘), double quote (“), space ( ), tab, form feed, forward slash (/), backward slash (\), equal sign (=), and colon (:).When you have completed your actions, you return to the Server operations window where your changes are reflected, for example, a new server listed. Note that if you position your mouse over the server name, its parameters are displayed so that you can review them in case you want to edit or delete.
Do the following in the Server operations window:
- Click Apply to save pending changes. You receive the following message:
- When you are finished, click Exit. If you have not applied your changes, you have the opportunity to do so now.
- Click Apply to save pending changes. You receive the following message: