Prepare the following in your IBM i environment:
ftp is required when doing a remote GUI or remote batch installation.
IBM TCP/IP must be installed and running.
The installation directory must be created prior to the installation and must be created in the IBM i UNIX interface strqsh or iSeries Navigator under the integrated file system “Root” structure.
The file system where Connect CDC is installed must have at least 50 megabytes of disk space.
Java SE must be installed on both the installer and recipient hosts. (See Release Notes for the Java version number.)
Ensure that the correct Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset is defined on all machines in your Connect CDC system. To automatically adjust for time zone differences, Connect CDC relies on a time zone setting that the operating system on each host machine keeps. This setting specifies the difference between the machine’s local time and the current time in Greenwich, England.
You must also reset the offset if you have seasonal changes in local time (for example, when Standard Time changes to Daylight Saving Time in the USA).
For more information about GMT in Connect CDC, see the Connect CDC Getting Started Guide. For more information about Daylight Saving Time, see the Connect CDC Advanced User Guide.
For an IBM i machine, the timezone offset is kept in the system value, QUTCOFFSET. You can use the DSPSYSVAL and CHGSYSVAL commands to display and change the value. For example:
where offset is in the form +hhmm or -hhmm, that is, hours (maximum 24) and minutes ahead of or behind UTC, respectively. A sample offset for New York, for example, is -0500. Locations east of Greenwich are preceded by a positive sign (+).
You can obtain the current GMT online by accessing the U.S. Naval Observatory web site, for example, at:
For more information about GMT in general, you can search on UT (universal time) on the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory website: