If you intend to use Connect CDC Console for monitoring and control tasks, distribution can increase the size of DB2/400 target files. This can be a problem for non-SQL files defined with a specified size limit (files created using CRTPF (create physical file) are given by default a size of 13,000 rows). You may need to resize or reorganize your target files.
When Connect CDC deletes target records, the deleted record slot is not reused, so the target file may grow to its maximum and cause Connect CDC to receive an error or hang in a message wait state. Copy's default apply mode is the most likely to encounter this problem, since it immediately deletes all specified target records before inserting their copies.
Before using Connect CDC, do one of the following:
Adjust the size of any at-risk target files using the CHGPF SIZE(*NOMAX) command.
Create new target tables with SQL and not CRTPF.
Otherwise, you must monitor the target file sizes and use RGZPFM as necessary to reorganize files to reclaim space.