Installing and using Connect CDC on an IBM i system differs from installing and using Connect CDC on another type of system because you must install a Change Selector.
To run Connect CDC on IBM i, you must install the following:
Connect CDC Director on each Windows host where modeling will be done
Connect CDC Director is the GUI modeling tool that runs on a Windows host and is used to create and maintain an Enterprise Data Movement Model (EDMM) (see the Installation Guide for more information.)
DB2 Change Selector on the IBM i platform whose database server is a source of data movement
A DB2 Change Selector captures changed data on a DB2 database server. The Change Selector must be installed before you install the Java components see How to install the change selector process.
Java data movement components and Connect CDC Listener, on each host, whether a source, target or intermediate host, that participates in data movement
These components collect and replicate data. Connect CDC Listener runs on each host, initializes and communicates with the other data movement components on the host and with client components (see How to install Connect CDC).
Java client components on each host that will monitor and control data movement.
Java client components monitor and control data movement. Connect CDC MonCon is a GUI application and may be installed on Windows and UNIX. Connect CDC Console is a command-line application and may be installed on IBM i, described in this guide, or on Windows, UNIX, and Linux, described in the separate Installation Guide (see How to install Connect CDC).
Delete journal receiver exit program on each IBM i source host that has an Connect CDC installation library.
Install one exit program on each IBM i source host that has an Connect CDC installation library, if you want Connect CDC to automatically delete journal receivers once it is finished processing them.
Issue a green screen command to activate the exit program. Once the exit, which is a standard executable IBM i program (ORDLTRCV *PGM), is copied into the Omni install library, a user with *SECOFR privileges enables or activates it by issuing the ADDEXITPGM at the green screen.
Run the exit as OMNIENT. By default, the exit runs with QUSER authority, instead use an optional program data parameter in the ADDEXITPGM command which enables the exit to run under the privileges of the user name specified in the program data.