- Right-click the server, then select Install Source Metabase or Install Target-only
Metabase, depending on your server’s usage.
The User ID and Password dialog displays.
Enter a user ID and password with UDB SYSADM privileges, then click OK.
Enter the RPUSER password and click OK.
- Set the Install Metabase options.
If your metabase is not defined or was previously removed, you receive a message like the following: .
When you click Yes, you receive a message that summarizes what Connect CDC Director does during a metabase install:
Connects to UDB as the specified SYSADM userid.
Creates the tables and indexes.
Click OK to complete the install.
The table below lists the Install Metabase actions.
Metabase status detected
Install Metabase action
Database does not exist.
Create database and its objects.
Database exists, but metabase objects (tables, indexes, procedures) do not exist.
Recreate all objects.
Database exists, metabase objects exist, version is current.
Drop and recreate all objects.
Or drop and recreate indexes and procedures only.
Database exists, metabase objects exist, version is old.
Drop and recreate all objects.
Or upgrade required objects, which includes recreating indexes and procedures.
- When complete, go to After you install the metabase.