Install metabase process (MS SQL server) - Connect_CDC - aws_mainframe_modernization_service - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
First publish date

The Install Metabase process prompts you for information to connect to your MS SQL Server server and, depending on the status of the metabase that it detects, lets you create the metabase database and objects, or upgrade the metabase objects.

The following sections describe how to install a metabase on an MS SQL Server machine. Connect CDC Director sends SQL to the server host machine to create, recreate, or upgrade the metabase.

  1. Right-click the server, then select Install Source Metabase.

    The User ID and Password dialog displays:

  2. Provide a userid and password with the system administrator role for the SQL Server.

  3. Click OK.

    The Create SQL Server Database dialog displays:

  4. Use this dialog to specify the data and log files/devices in which the metabase database is to be stored. If the meta database name you specified on the Server Properties dialog is DTSV53, then the Create SQL Server Database dialog fields will have the following default values:

    • Data Logical Name is DTSV53_data.

    • Data Physical Name is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\DTSV53_data.mdf. You can specify an alternate file path. This defaults to the location where MS SQL server is installed.

    • Data Size (MB). The default is 20 MB. Increase this size as needed.

    • Log Logical Name is DTSV53_log.

    • Log Physical Name is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\DTSV53_log.ldf. You can specify an alternate file path.

    • Log Size (MB). The default is 20 MB. Increase this size as needed.

  5. Click OK.

    The User ID and Password dialog displays.

  6. Specify a password for the user rpuser, the owner of the database which contains the metabase.

    Note: The User id field is protected and is rpuser for each metabase install. The first metabase install that creates the rpuser login will also set the default database context for rpuser.
  7. Click OK.

    The Install Source Metabase dialog displays.

  8. Review the text displayed in the dialog to determine if you need to make any adjustments before you click OK to install the metabase.

    The text in the dialog indicates:

    • Current status of the metabase, if any, as detected by Connect CDC Director

    • Sequence of operations about to be performed

    • ID under which the actions are performed

  9. Review the Metabase status and creation options for MS SQL server.

  10. Click OK to execute the described metabase installation actions.

    An output window displays a log of the SQL statements sent and any errors that occur. The contents of this window can be printed, saved, or copied.

    When the metabase is successfully installed, a message similar to the following displays:

  11. Click OK.

When these steps are complete, you may add databases (see After the metabase is installed).