Connect CDC uses service name instead of SID to connect to Oracle - Connect_CDC - aws_mainframe_modernization_service - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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Connect CDC now uses the Service Name instead of the unique Oracle system identifier (SID) to connect to Oracle. When you configure an Oracle Server in Director you must specify the Service Name in the Server name field.

Capture tab



Capture Info



The name of the z/OS server that hosts capture agent. Often, the value you enter here is the same as the location name of the system where DB2 subsystem is installed.


The port assigned on the z/OS server to accept CDC Capture requests.


The name of the CDC Capture Agent installed on z/OS. After entering the server and port information, choose “Refresh” to automatically fill in the names of any active Capture Agents names on the z/OS server.

Private key path

Name and path of the private key file used to authenticate Capture connections with the Capture daemon running on z/OS.

JCL Info


Job card

The JCL Job statement, which schedules CDC extract jobs on z/OS.

Job Lib

The JCL DD statement identifying the LOADLIB path where DMXDC is installed on the z/OS system required to run the JCL job. z/OS only searches public libraries if none are set in Job Lib.


Path to DMXCDC ISPF libraries.

The value you specify in the Server name field is used for connections to Oracle by the kernel components and client utilities such as MonCon and the Director.

To make these connections, Connect CDC uses the Oracle thin JDBC driver with the Service Name as follows:


Using the Service Name provides the following benefits:

  • You can specify multiple Service Names

  • The same Service Name can be specified for multiple Oracle instances

  • Allows for client application transparency

  • Oracle recommended connection method

Note: Connect CDC uses the Oracle SQL*Loader utility to load data, which requires a TNS entry. Therefore, when you specify a Service Name, there must be a corresponding TNS entry with the same name if you are using load mode to copy data.
Note: Changes to existing models may be required as a result of this change. For existing models that specify the SID name, there must be a corresponding Service Name. If the Service Name does not match the SID name, then the model can be updated to specify the correct Service Name, or a new Service Name can be configured in Oracle. The SERVICE_NAMES parameter in Oracle shows the current Service Names that are configured.
Note: Using Service Names with the JDBC thin driver also requires that the EZCONNECT method be configured for Oracle client connections. The Oracle file sqlnet.ora shows the currently configured connection methods.