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Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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The unique name of the journal definition, a *JRN system object that contains the control information for the logs of data-change information for all the tables to be replicated using this Change Selector.

Click Refresh list to update the list of journals from which you select, which contains all the journals defined at this server.

You can use a QSQJRN journal (to which tables created within that library using the CREATE TABLE statement are automatically journaled), but do not select QSYS/QAUDJRN, a system audit journal.

You create or make available suitable journals in this list and assign them to the tables to be replicated. Create journals using IBM i commands and assign tables to it using an IBM i command or the Connect CDC Director (see the Installation Guide for details).

The default value is the journal for all tables serviced by this Change Selector. The default is automatically assigned if you select an available table for distribution, the table is already assigned to a journal, and the journal is not associated with an existing Change Selector. In this case, the Connect CDC Director creates a new Change Selector and associates it with the journal.

Receiver delete management

One of the following:

  • Yes–The Connect CDC Delete Receiver Exit program controls the deletion of journal receivers after they are detached. This is the default and is highly recommended to prevent the deletion of data before it is captured.

The exit program determines whether to keep or delete a detached receiver based on specified parameters (for example, if and how long to keep a detached receiver that has not been archived– explicitly saved to tape or other unit).

  • No–Prevents Connect CDC from controlling the deletion of journal receivers after new receivers replace them. Select if you are manually deleting the detached receivers or are letting the system delete them automatically as soon as they are detached.

Keep unsaved journal receivers

One of the following:

  • Yes–Keeps unsaved receivers. An unsaved receiver is one that has not been saved to tape (or to another device). Saved receivers are tagged with the date and time they are saved after they are detached, so the Delete Receiver Exit program recognizes a receiver without this tag as unsaved. Select this for additional assurance that your journal receivers are saved before being deleted. Yes is the default.

Note: The receiver is not considered saved unless the status is set to saved. In the following example, even though the receiver had been saved, its status has not yet set to SAVED:



 RECEIVER . . . . :   QSQJRN0053    LIBRARY  . . . :   DEVTM    


 JOURNAL  . . . . :   QSQJRN        LIBRARY . . . . :   DEVTM    

 THRESHOLD (K) . :   100000        SIZE (K) . . . . :   6148     

 ATTACH DATE   . :  08/10/05     ATTACH TIME . . :   12:29:24

 DETACH DATE . . :  08/16/05     DETACH TIME . . :   16:56:49

 SAVE DATE   . . :  08/10/05     SAVE TIME  . . . :   12:40:33

  TEXT . . . . .  :   *BLANK                                            


 AUXILIARY STORAGE POOL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   1                    

STATUS  .  :   ONLINE               <=== this must be SAVED before the Exit will delete is save=Y option is set.

 NUMBER OF ENTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   24688                

 MINIMIZED FIXED LENGTH  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   NO                   

 RECEIVER MAXIMUMS OPTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   2                    

 MAXIMUM ENTRY SPECIFIC DATA LENGTH  . . . . . . . . :   4164                 

 MAXIMUM NULL VALUE INDICATORS . . . . . . . . . . . :   8                    

 FIRST SEQUENCE NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   1                    

 LAST SEQUENCE NUMBER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   24688

  • No–Allows unsaved receivers to be deleted at their scheduled time of deletion. An unsaved receiver is one that has not been saved to tape (or to another device). Saved receivers are tagged with the date and time they are saved after they are detached, the Delete Receiver Exit program recognizes a receiver without this tag as unsaved.

Keep journal receivers (0-999) days

The number of days to keep a receiver after it is detached. When this time period expires, the receiver is eligible to be deleted. The default is 2.

Note: Keep unsaved journal receivers and Keep journal receivers (0-999) days are applied independently. For example, a detached receiver is retained the specified number of days regardless of if the Keep unsaved journal receivers option is Yes or No.

Journal message queue

The message queue for the journal.

Commit wait time (1-100) seconds

The number of seconds that the Change Selector will wait before executing a commit, when there are pending operations in a transaction that have been written to the queues, but not committed.

The default value is 2 seconds.

The configuration file parameter that is equivalent to this selection is commit_wait.

Reader wait time (0-600) seconds

The length of time the Change Selector sleeps if there are no journal entries to process. If no journal entries are available at the end of this time, the Change Selector sleeps again for this many seconds. The default value is 1.

Statistics every (1-60) minutes

The time interval in minutes over which to gather periodic statistics.

For example, specifying 60 means one generation of statistics and write to the metabase every 60 minutes, after which the statistics are reset.

The default value is 60 minutes.

The configuration file parameter that is equivalent to this selection is period.

Check for messages every (10-30) seconds

The number of seconds the Change Selector processes the journal before checking for messages. The check for messages (for example, shutdown, register, or deregister) is done by reading the metabase table (RP_MSG) to see if a message row has been INSERTed into the table for processing by MonCon. The default is 20 seconds.

The configuration file parameter that is equivalent to this selection is cycle.

Substitute for binary zero

For Replication only, specifies the character the DB2 Change Selector uses as a substitute for binary zeros in the source server character column values. For some databases, binary zero character values can cause target apply errors. This parameter can be used to translate binary zeros to some other desired character to circumvent this database problem.

You can specify any valid ASCII character that has an EBCDIC equivalent. Editing the configuration file directly to specify a character that has no ASCII equivalent is not recommended. The default is disabled.

The first time a binary zero is detected in a Change Selector run, the message "Found NULL and substituted?" is sent to the process log.

The configuration file parameter setting equivalent to this selection is null_substitute.

Warm start by default

Controls the default starting option when you send a Start message to this Change Selector. If selected, the Warm start option in the Send Message to Process dialog for a Start message is initially selected. Warmstart/Cold start options are described in Monitor and control and the change selector”.

Replicate CLRPFM

If selected, the CLRPFM command is captured for all source table mappings defined in the journal associated with this change selector. This causes the target table to be cleared.

Note: This cannot be used if you have multiple source tables mapped to a single target table.

Use a dedicated capture queue

Creates a separate capture queue in the metabase for this change selector, which potentially improves change data capture performance when multiple change selectors run on the same machine. Connect CDC generates names for the Dedicated Capture Queue using the pattern RP_LOG_xx where xx is the server number, for example RP_LOG_01.

When selected, the change selector resumes reading the DB2 log from the first transaction after the last committed transaction or, if the change selector stopped unexpectedly, from the last active record.

By default, this is unselected and Connect CDC uses a common queue named RP_LOG.


Connect CDC only supports dedicated capture queues for IBM i.

No attempt is ever made to delete the currently attached receiver, the latest receiver.