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Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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For an incremental commit, Connect CDC Director also generates modelname-delta[5] (assuming the current version of the model is 5), which lists tables that have changed in the model.

Connect CDC Director stores modelname-dataflow[6].xml and modelname-network.xml[6] in the Connect CDC Directory in which modelname.rsm resides, and deletes the files for the version before the version 5, the current version, modelname-dataflow[4].xml and modelname-network.xml[4].

Connect CDC Director also stores a copy of the XML files on its own host machine in the same directory where the model .rsm file is located.

In addition, Connect CDC Director saves the delta XML file which contains a list of tables that have been modified between versions of the model. This list includes all tables that have been added, dropped, or modified (such that they must have capture re-enabled) since the last commit. The following is an example from a delta file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE delta (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <delta currentVersion="45" priorVersion="44" modelName="C11364" timeStamp="20031105203156" xmlVersion="1">
- <!--
Note: The version number in the name of the delta file (for example, C11364-delta[44].xml) has a number that is one less than the actual new currentVersion number in the text of the delta file (for example, delta currentVersion="45").

When you create a distribution and copy request, you open the Distribution Properties dialog, select the mappings and click OK. See Create a distribution and copy request.

If there are multiple mappings, this marks all the mapping source tables in the Distribution as changed and includes them in the delta XML file.

If you only want one mapping to be included in the delta XML file, drag and drop the mapping so that all the source files in the distribution remain unchanged and only one mapping is added to the delta file.

If you select the Via FTP to Machine on the XML/Encryption tab of the Model Properties dialog and provide a location for XML files, then modelname-dataflow[6].xml, modelname-network.xml[6] and, in the case on an incremental commit, also modelname-delta[5] are transferred (via FTP to that location), and accessed at that location when a Listener on a host needs to start a kernel.

If you do not select Via FTP to Machine, but select Store XML file locally at this host on the Host tab of the Host Properties dialog for each host, the XML will be saved in the host's Connect CDC installation kernel directory.

If you use MonCon or the console to advance to a new version of a modelname, if modelname-delta[5] is present in the kernel directory, the information in this file is used to determine which models need to have capture disabled at the start of a model refresh, and re-enabled afterward. If modelname-delta[5] is not present, then capture will be disabled or enabled for all tables in the model. This is a time-consuming process.

Note: modelname-delta[5] will be removed from the kernel after the changes it represents have been applied.