Synchronization process - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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A synchronization request is started, stopped, scheduled as one request in a similar manner as all other requests. From the context menu of a defined distribution, select New Request > Synchronization.

You define a synchronization request using the Sync Request Properties dialog box. Set options on the Common tab as well as on the Copy, Replication and Synchronization tabs.

  1. On the Common tab, set up a schedule, if desired.

    Note: If the Schedule text boxes are populated with data, the “Start request from replication” and “Start request from copy” radio buttons will be enabled.
  2. If you set up a schedule in step 1, select one of the following:

    • Start request from replication starts the request with replication. Copy is skipped (only if copy has previously been completed successfully).

    • Start request from copy, starts the request from copy. Once copy is complete, replication begins.

  3. On the Copy tab, during the synchronization’s initial phase, copy takes a snapshot of a set of source tables to be copied to the target tables.

    • Use load mode when possible applies a fast load utility.

    Currently, you can utilize the fast load utility to copy to Oracle, MS SQL Server, and Teradata target databases. This is available only when the Target apply mode on the Copy and Synchronization Properties, Copy tab, is Delete on target, refresh.

    When copying data from a single source to multiple systems where all target DBMSs are not supported for fast loaders Connect CDC utilizes fast loaders for the targets with supported DBMSs and generic copy for all targets with unsupported DBMSs.

    Note: When the target is an Oracle database, if Connect CDC detects any non-nullable columns that are not mapped, the fast load utility is turned off and nothing can be inserted into the table.
    • No source or target table locking is implemented before or during the initial copying of the tables.

    • The synchronization’s initial copy phase, is based on the settings specifed in the Target apply mode section on the Copy tab. The choices you specify for collision resolution take effect only when the initial phase completes and the Replication phase continues.

  4. On the Synchronization tab, during the synchronization's copy phase, while the initial copy is ongoing, replication captures the data that is changing. After the copy phase of the synchronization copy completes, change-based replication applies all changes made during the copy up to the ending timestamp when the copy completed. The collision resolution for this data, by default, uses Target correct, ignore.

  5. Replication tab. Use this dialog to define parameters for the final replication phase. Set transaction error modes, transaction integrity, or collision resolution on the Replication tab.

For special DB2 steps, see the Getting Started Guide.

Note: When your distribution includes Snowflake mappings, the Cloud tab is available on the Sync and Replication Request Properties dialogs. For information about use the Cloud tab, see the Connect CDC Getting Started Guide.

You can add one or more tables to a model and then selectively request Synchronization for just those tables. To do so, In MonCon, use Enable Capture Table to enable a specific table, and then issue Selective Start. See Selective start  and Enable/disable capture on selected tables.