When you use Oracle’s fast loader, you must specify Oracle’s bin directory in your path.
Oracle’s fast loader uses TNS for connection. Therefore, you must have an entry in the
tnsnames.ora file that is the same name as the server name on the Server Properties
window, as shown in the following excerpt:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <machine name>)(PORT
= 1521))
In this example the server name on the Server Properties window is orcl.
Connect CDC uses the “direct path” option of Oracle load to get the best performance from the load. During direct path loading, Oracle SQL*Loader turns referential integrity constraints off.
If the copy request ends normally, the referential integrity constraint check is explicitly turned on again when the request ends.
If a user were to stop the request in the middle or shut the kernel down, the error mode cannot automatically turn the referential integrity constraint on since SQL*loader might still be running at this time.