Once the Mapping tab manual mapping is complete, you create a reference mapping by using the following steps at each target server that will be referring to an existing table mapping.
Select Create Reference Mappings from the Server context menu.
From the target server list box to the left, select the target server that contains the table mapping you want to reference. In this example, this is the mapping from the source table to the target table at the ORCL10g server.
Once you select one of the listed target servers, the box to the right displays all the available mappings to tables at this server.
Select the table mapping to reference from the table mappings list box, to the right.
You may select multiple mappings, select All to select all the table mappings displayed for a given target server.
Select a distribution from the Select Distribution drop-down list for the mappings you are creating.
Click OK.
A message box displays the number of reference mappings added and replaced, and the Connect CDC Director automatically updates the necessary model entities.
Your reference mapping displays in the Receiving Tables branch of this target server, in the Target Tables branch of the referenced source server. The name of the referenced server is shown in square brackets.To create a reference mapping for other targets, repeat the preceding steps for each one. This example demonstrates only a single mapping by reference.
Note the following when working with a reference mapping
You cannot modify a reference mapping once it is created, other than by recreating it. However, if a table mapping to which your reference mapping refers is changed, the changes are propagated automatically to your reference mappings.
You cannot reference another reference mapping.