Clone a server - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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Cloning is a feature where the Connect CDC Director duplicates a host and/or server of the same DBMS type between one and 99 times. When a host is cloned, all the servers in the host are cloned as well with unique names. This feature allows a user to set up properties for similar hosts and servers easily in a matter of minutes.For example, you may want to clone a server to create a broadcast distribution pattern. When you clone a server, a number of copies appear in the Enterprise data movement model (EDMM).

You can clone a host/server as soon as you create it (that is fill a new Properties dialog and click OK).

Cloning a host/server only creates a copy of the information about it in the EDMM. It does not ensure that your additional systems have the DBMSs nor that tables with the same names as the ones on the original server exist on the clones. You must ensure that these are true before you commit a model with cloned servers.

Each clone is given the original host/server’s name and a number in ascending order. The name of the host/server to be cloned can be a maximum of 29 characters since the cloning process creates a name for each clone by adding 3 characters to the name.

Note: You cannot successfully clone a host with multiple servers sending to each other.

The following exercise reviews how to use the Connect CDC Director cloning function.

For this example, assume you have databases at corporate headquarters and six divisions, each having the same DBMS type. Each database holds a table called dvcole.payroll.

You want to distribute pertinent information from the sending table, dvcole.payroll, residing at the corporate headquarters source server, to each target server at the six divisions. 

  1. Create a target server that will hold a receiving table.

  2. With the target server selected, select Refresh Available Tables from the context menu.

    Limit the number of tables in the target server’s cache by entering the target table name for filtering information in the Refresh Available Tables dialog. Information you enter in each text box is case-sensitive. Access online Help for assistance.

  3. When you click OK, the Director queries the catalog at the server and displays a message indicating the number of objects added to the target server’s list of Available Tables.

    In this example, only dvcole.payroll is added to the list of Available Tables.

    Click Available Tables for the target server to see the list of tables that meet your filter criteria.

    The tables listed in Available Tables are in the Director cache. The Director examines tables in the cache before the server’s catalog is queried.

    The target server now holds all of the information that it needs to participate in this EDMM.

  4. In this exercise, right-click the target server, then select Clone This Server from menu that displays. Similarly, you can right-click the host and select Clone This Host from its context menu.

  5. Enter the number of clones you want to make in the dialog and click OK. The target server is cloned the number of times you requested.

    Because you have cloned the server, you do not need to refresh the available tables for each of the clones. Provided that the tables available on the original host/server also exist on the clones, you have saved the time it takes to create the cache for each server.

    However, if the tables do not exist on the clones you have made, you will have to refresh the available tables for each of the clones.

  6. Open cloned hosts’ and servers’ Properties  and change the host/server names as necessary. You cannot have more than one host/server with the same information in a model.

If necessary, modify any additional information about each cloned server.