Debug Connect CDC console - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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Last edition
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Debug may be toggled on or off in the Connect CDC Console, using the command:


If host is unspecified or "*", level is set for all hosts in model.

where [SQLDEBUG|NOSQLDEBUG] is a flag and [DEBUG|INFO|WARN] indicates a level of verbosity for logging. The levels from highest to lowest are: DEBUG, INFO and WARN. If host is unspecified or "*", the level is set for all hosts in model.     

To use the logging functionality, do the following:

  1. Execute the Connect CDC Console.

  2. Load the model, logging in if necessary.

  3. Issue the command to set logging on with a level:

setloglevel <debug, info, or warn>
Note: A loaded model is a stand-alone session with no connections made with the kernels on the associated hosts of that model. Therefore, if you execute the SetLogLevel command, you only set the log level in the Connect CDC Listener.

To set logging on for the kernel as well as Connect CDC Listener, you need to connect to the kernel, either by issuing the command StartRequest on a request containing the host or a RefreshStatus.

To use the debug functionality, do the following:

  1. Load the model, logging on, if necessary, as described above.

  2. Issue the following command:

setloglevel sqldebug debug <host name>

This command affects only Connect CDC Listeners and Connect CDC Kernels in the model that are active when the command is issued. If a Connect CDC Listener or Connect CDC Kernel subsequently becomes active, this command will not affect it.

  • Alerts display any problems during the processing of the request. To set the maximum number of alerts displayed, select Tools>Configure Alerts to display the following dialog:

  • Information shows you the requests sent to the participating source hosts.

    • All requests in the model for a host

    • Individual request properties

    • Individual mapping properties

    • Commands sent to the source host participating in the request.

    • Response to commands