Use MonCon to control the queue drain timeout option - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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In MonCon you can control the timeout option using the Queue Draining timeout option for model update and capture commands.

  1. Click the Request menu item to specify the timeout value for capture commands.

  2. Right-click on the request in the Data Movement Requests tree.

  3. Select Options.

    The Option dialog appears.

  4. Use the Queue Draining timeout option to specify how long to wait for the queues to drain (in minutes). The default timeout interval is 5 minutes. The maximum timeout interval is 999. The valid timeout intervals are 0, and 5 to 999. The timeout option is available for enable/disable capture of a request if at least one source server is SQL Server and if CDC is used for replication. If you specify zero, the block and queue drain are bypassed, and the capture command continues to execute. This could possibly leave the queues in an inconsistent state if data is lost when the mirror table is dropped.

The Requests section shows the request status by providing a visual cue using color. The kernel sends an alert to Connect CDC MonCon indicating the current status if the status changes.










Host inactive

Host active


Host active error (statistics view)


Host inactive error (statistics view)








The “C” stands for change capture. Icon is used for Replication and Synchronization Requests where capture mechanism is used to trap changed data.


Capture is enabled.



Capture is disabled.


Capture is partially enabled.









Capture is enabled.


Capture is disabled.


Capture is enabled for tables in a Replication Request.


Capture is disabled for tables in a Replication Request.


Capture is disabled for some of the tables in a Replication Request.


Capture is enabled for some of the tables in a Replication Request.




Table to table mapping









Copy Request

Request is active.

Request is partially active.


Request is active with errors.




Copy Request

Request is inactive or status unknown.


Request is inactive with errors.



Replication Request

The boxed C represents change capture; the envelope represents the request. The status of the request depends on the color and the open or closed envelope explained for request in the rows above.



Synchronization Request

The boxed C represents change capture; the envelope represents the request. The status of the request depends on the color and the open or closed envelope explained for request in the rows above.

Connect CDC MonCon controls the data movement request(s) from the source with the following functions:

  • Start a request:

  • Start one request, by highlighting the request name and selecting Request>Start from the menu. Alternately, right-click the request name and select Start from the context menu.

  • Highlight multiple requests by holding down Ctrl as you click the request name. Then select Request>Start Selected Requests from the menu or right-click and select Start Selected Requests from the context menu.

  • Start all requests by clicking at the top of the branch. Then select Request>Start All from the menu or right-click and select Start All from the context menu.

 A start request command does not explicitly enable capture tables at a server if at least one table for the request is already capture-enabled on that server. A start request command enables capture on all tables of a server if and only if none of the tables is capture-enabled.

  • Stop a request:

  • As described above, you can highlight one, multiple or all requests.

  • Then select Request>Stop from the menu or right-click and select Stop from the context menu.

  • Enable capture of changes in a Replication or Synchronization request.

  • Disable capture of changes in a Replication or Synchronization request.

  • Enable capture of changes in a specific table in a Replication or Synchronization request. You have the ability to individually enable capture, that is, include certain tables for change capture.

  • Disable capture of changes in a specific table in a Replication or Synchronization request. You have the ability to individually disable capture, that is, exclude certain tables from the change capture.

  • Delete the queues of a Replication or Synchronization request (option available if you have a Replication or Synchronization request highlighted).